blob: 532c29f0d72f52fd90e545db5755286c67be3ac4 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Module to test OS reboot functionality.
Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
# User defined boot test iteration.
*** Test Cases ***
Host Reboot Loop
[Documentation] Boot OS and trigger reboot and expect
... OS to boot back.
# 1. Boot OS
# 2. Verify OS is booted
# 3. Issue "reboot" from OS
# 4. Verify if OS is booted back
# By default run test for 50 loops, else user input iteration.
# Fails immediately if any of the execution rounds fail.
# Note: Host Reboot is implemented by the OBMC Boot Test tool.
# OBMC Boot Test will take the necessary steps to get the OBMC
# to a host powered on state before attempting the Host Reboot.
Repeat Keyword ${BOOT_LOOP_COUNT} times Host Reboot
*** Keywords ***