blob: 673fa42ce4bd70ed18f3ad0d59ad595c61b245bc [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Utility for error injection scenarios through HOST & BMC.
Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/common_utils.robot
Variables ../../lib/ras/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Library ../../lib/
Library OperatingSystem
*** Keywords ***
Getscom Operations On OS
[Documentation] Executes getscom command on OS with the given
... input command.
[Arguments] ${input_cmd}
# Description of arguments:
# input_cmd -l|--list-chips
# -c|--chip <chip-id> <addr>
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command getscom ${input_cmd}
RETURN ${output}
Gard Operations On OS
[Documentation] Executes opal-gard command on OS with the given
... input command.
[Arguments] ${input_cmd}
# Description of arguments:
# input_cmd list/clear all/show <gard_record_id>
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command opal-gard ${input_cmd}
RETURN ${output}
Putscom Operations On OS
[Documentation] Executes putscom command on OS with the given
... input arguments.
[Arguments] ${proc_chip_id} ${fir_address} ${value}
# Description of arguments:
# proc_chip_id Processor ID (e.g '0', '8').
# fir_address FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. 2011400).
# value (e.g 4000000000000000).
${cmd}= Catenate putscom -c 0x${proc_chip_id} 0x${fir_address} 0x${value}
Start Command ${cmd}
Get ProcChipId From OS
[Documentation] Get processor chip ID values based on the input.
[Arguments] ${chip_type} ${master_proc_chip}
# Description of arguments:
# chip_type The chip type (Processor/Centaur).
# master_proc_chip Processor chip type ('True' or 'False').
${cmd}= Catenate -l | grep -i ${chip_type} | cut -c1-8
${proc_chip_id}= Getscom Operations On OS ${cmd}
# Example output:
# getscom -l | grep processor | cut -c1-8
# 00000008 - False
# 00000000 - True
${proc_ids}= Split String ${proc_chip_id}
${proc_id}= Run Keyword If '${master_proc_chip}' == 'True'
... Get From List ${proc_ids} 1
... ELSE Get From List ${proc_ids} 0
# Example output:
# 00000008
RETURN ${proc_id}
Get Core IDs From OS
[Documentation] Get Core IDs corresponding to the input processor chip ID.
[Arguments] ${proc_chip_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# proc_chip_id Processor ID (e.g '0', '8').
${cmd}= Catenate set -o pipefail ; ${probe_cpu_file_path}
... | grep -i 'CHIP ID: ${proc_chip_id}' | cut -c21-22
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
${core_ids}= Split String ${output}
# Example output:
# ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6']
RETURN ${core_ids}
FIR Address Translation Through HOST
[Documentation] Do FIR address translation through host for given FIR,
... core value & target type.
[Arguments] ${fir_address} ${core_id} ${target_type}
# Description of argument(s):
# fir_address FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. 2011400).
# core_id Core ID (e.g. 9).
# target_type Target type (e.g. 'EQ', 'EX', 'C').
${cmd}= Catenate set -o pipefail ; ${addr_translation_file_path} ${fir_address}
... ${core_id} | grep -i ${target_type}
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
${translated_addr}= Split String ${output} :${SPACE}0x
# Example output:
# 0x10010c00
RETURN ${translated_addr[1]}
Inject Error Through HOST
[Documentation] Inject checkstop on multiple targets like
... CPU/CME/OCC/NPU/CAPP/MCA etc. through HOST.
... Test sequence:
... 1. Boot To HOST.
... 2. Clear any existing gard records.
... 3. Inject Error on processor.
[Arguments] ${fir_address} ${value} ${threshold_limit}
... ${master_proc_chip}=True
# Description of argument(s):
# fir_address FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. 2011400).
# value (e.g 2000000000000000).
# threshold_limit Threshold limit (e.g 1, 5, 32).
# master_proc_chip Processor chip type (True' or 'False').
Delete Error Logs
Login To OS Host
Set Auto Reboot 1
Gard Operations On OS clear all
# Fetch processor chip IDs.
${proc_chip_id}= Get ProcChipId From OS Processor ${master_proc_chip}
${threshold_limit}= Convert To Integer ${threshold_limit}
FOR ${count} IN RANGE ${threshold_limit}
Run Keyword Putscom Operations On OS ${proc_chip_id} ${fir_address}
... ${value}
# Adding delay after each error injection.
Sleep 10s
# Adding delay to get error log after error injection.
Sleep 120s
Code Update Unrecoverable Error Inject
[Documentation] Inject UE MCACALFIR checkstop on processor through
... host during PNOR code update.
Inject Error Through HOST 05010800 4000000000000000 1
Disable CPU States Through HOST
[Documentation] Disable CPU states through host.
# Fetch number of states present for cpu0.
${cmd}= Catenate ls /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpuidle|grep state|wc -l
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
${no_of_states}= Convert To Integer ${output}
# Disable state for all cpus.
FOR ${count} IN RANGE ${no_of_states}
${cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= for file_path in /sys/devices/system/cpu/
... cpu*/cpuidle/state${count}/disable; do echo 1 > $file_path; done
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= Run Keyword OS Execute Command ${cmd}
Is Opal-PRD Service Enabled
[Documentation] Check if Opal-PRD service is running & return either
... 'enabled' or 'disabled'.
${cmd}= Catenate systemctl list-unit-files | grep opal-prd
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command ${cmd}
${opal_prd_state}= Split String ${output}
# Example output from prior command:
# opal-prd.service enabled
RETURN ${opal_prd_state[1]}
Enable Opal-PRD Service On HOST
[Documentation] Enable Opal-PRD service on host.
OS Execute Command service opal-prd start
${opal_prd_state}= Is Opal-PRD Service Enabled
Should Contain ${opal_prd_state} enabled
Inject Error Through BMC
[Documentation] Inject checkstop on multiple targets like
... CPU/CME/OCC/NPU/CAPP/MCA etc. through BMC.
... Test sequence:
... 1. Boot To HOST.
... 2. Clear any existing gard records.
... 3. Inject Error on processor.
[Arguments] ${fir_address} ${value} ${threshold_limit}
... ${master_proc_chip}=True
# Description of argument(s):
# fir_address FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. '2011400').
# value (e.g. '2000000000000000').
# threshold_limit Recoverable error threshold limit (e.g. '1', '5', '32').
Delete Error Logs
Login To OS Host
Set Auto Reboot 1
Gard Operations On OS clear all
${threshold_limit}= Convert To Integer ${threshold_limit}
FOR ${count} IN RANGE ${threshold_limit}
Pdbg -p0 putscom 0x${fir_address} 0x${value}
# Adding delay after each error injection.
Sleep 10s
# Adding delay to get error log after error injection.
Sleep 120s
Inject Error Through BMC At HOST Boot
[Documentation] Inject error on multiple targets like
... CPU/CME/OCC/NPU/CAPP/MCA etc. through BMC at HOST Boot.
... Test sequence:
... 1. Boot To HOST.
... 2. Clear any existing gard records.
... 3. Power off HOST and Boot.
... 4. Inject Error on processor through BMC.
[Arguments] ${fir_address} ${value}
# Description of argument(s):
# fir_address FIR (Fault isolation register) value (e.g. '2011400').
# value (e.g. '2000000000000000').
Delete Error Logs
REST Power On stack_mode=skip
Gard Operations On OS clear all
REST Power Off
Set Auto Reboot 1
Initiate Host Boot wait=${0}
Start SOL Console Logging ${EXECDIR}/esol.log
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 5 sec
... Shell Cmd grep 'ISTEP *14' ${EXECDIR}/esol.log quiet=1
... print_output=0 show_err=0 ignore_err=0
Pdbg -p0 putscom 0x${fir_address} 0x${value}
# Adding delay to get error log after error injection.
Sleep 10s
Stop SOL Console Logging