blob: 9bde67b02bfc2ff36a089dd40d1572ad3a099662 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Utilities for fan tests.
Library ../lib/
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot
Variables ../data/
*** Keywords ***
Is Water Cooled
[Documentation] Return 1 if system is water cooled, 0 othersise.
${water_cooled}= Read Attribute
... ${HOST_INVENTORY_URI}/system/chassis WaterCooled
[Return] ${water_cooled}
Get Fan Names
[Documentation] Get the names of fans marked present in inventory.
[Arguments] ${fan_names}
# This keyword populates the fan_names list with the names of
# fans present in inventory e.g. fan0, fan2, fan3.
# Description of Argument(s):
# fan_names The list of fan names to which new fan names are to be
# added to. This list is returned to the caller.
${fan_uris}= Get Endpoint Paths ${HOST_INVENTORY_URI}/system fan
: FOR ${fan_uri} IN @{fan_uris}
\ ${fan_properties}= Read Properties ${fan_uri}
\ Continue For Loop If ${fan_properties['Present']} != 1
\ ${remaining_uri} ${fan_name}= Split Path ${fan_uri}
\ Append To List ${fan_names} ${fan_name}
[Return] ${fan_names}
Verify System Error Indication Due To Fans
[Documentation] Verify enclosure LEDs are on and there's an error log.
# Both enclosure LEDs should now be On.
Verify Front And Rear LED State On
# An error log should now exist.
Error Logs Should Exist
Verify Front And Rear LED State
[Documentation] Check state of the front and rear enclsure fault LEDs.
[Arguments] ${state}
# Both LEDs should be in the specified state. If not fail the test case.
# Description of Argument(s):
# state The state to check for, either 'Off' or 'On'.
${front_fault}= Get System LED State front_fault
${rear_fault}= Get System LED State rear_fault
Run Keyword If
... '${front_fault}' != '${state}' or '${rear_fault}' != '${state}'
... Fail msg=Expecting both enclosure LEDs to be ${state}.
Set Fan State
[Documentation] Set the fan state, either functional or non-functional.
[Arguments] ${fan_name} ${fan_state}
# Description of Argument(s):
# fan_name The name of the fan, e.g. "fan2".
# fan_state The state to set, 1 for functional, 2 for non-functional.
${valueDict}= Create Dictionary data=${fan_state}
Write Attribute
... ${HOST_INVENTORY_URI}system/chassis/motherboard/${fan_name}
... Functional data=${valueDict}
Get Target Speed Of Fans
[Documentation] Return the maximum target RPM speed of the system fans.
${max_target}= Set Variable 0
${paths}= Get Endpoint Paths ${SENSORS_URI}fan_tach/ 0
:FOR ${path} IN @{paths}
\ ${response}= OpenBMC Get Request ${path}
\ ${json}= To JSON ${response.content}
\ ${target_speed}= Set Variable ${json["data"]["Target"]}
\ ${max_target}= Run Keyword If ${target_speed} > ${max_target}
... Set Variable ${target_speed} ELSE Set Variable ${max_target}
[Return] ${max_target}
Verify Minimum Number Of Fans With Cooling Type
[Documentation] Verify minimum number of fans.
[Arguments] ${num_fans} ${water_cooled}
# Description of argument(s):
# num_fans The number of fans present in the system.
# water_cooled The value 1 if the system is water cooled,
# 0 if air cooled.
# For a water cooled system.
${min_fans_water}= Set Variable 2
# For an air cooled system.
${min_fans_air}= Set Variable 3
Rpvars num_fans water_cooled
# If water cooled must have at least min_fans_water fans, otherwise
# issue Fatal Error and terminate testing.
Run Keyword If ${water_cooled} == 1 and ${num_fans} < ${min_fans_water}
... Fatal Error
... msg=Water cooled but less than ${min_fans_water} fans present.
# If air cooled must have at least min_fans_air fans.
Run Keyword If ${water_cooled} == 0 and ${num_fans} < ${min_fans_air}
... Fatal Error
... msg=Air cooled but less than ${min_fans_air} fans present.
Verify Fan Monitors With State
[Documentation] Verify fan monitor daemons in the system state.
[Arguments] ${power_state}
# The number of monitoring daemons is dependent upon the system
# power state. If power is off there should be 0, if power
# is on there should be several.
# Description of argument(s):
# power_state Power staet of the system, either "On" or "Off"
${cmd}= Catenate systemctl list-units | grep phosphor-fan | wc -l
${num_fan_daemons} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command ${cmd}
Rpvars power_state num_fan_daemons
# Fail if system is On and there are no fan monitors.
Run Keyword If '${power_state}' == 'On' and ${num_fan_daemons} == 0
... Fail msg=No phosphor-fan monitors found at power on.
# Fail if system is Off and the fan monitors are present.
Run Keyword If '${power_state}' == 'Off' and ${num_fan_daemons} != 0
... Fail msg=Phosphor-fan monitors found at power off.