blob: cd7e2f16e1c07cfd7c9a381d6eaac2c45744e671 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test dump functionality of OpenBMC.
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/dump_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/boot_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/state_manager.robot
Library ../../lib/
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Setup Open Connection And Log In
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Core Dump Size
[Documentation] Verify BMC core dump size is under 200k.
[Tags] Verify_Core_Dump_Size
Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps
Trigger Core Dump
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 10 sec Get Dump Entries
${dump_entries}= Get URL List ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI}
${dump_size}= Read Attribute ${dump_entries[0]} Size
# Max size for dump is 200k = 200x1024
Should Be True 0 < ${dump_size} < 204800 msg=Size of dump is incorrect.
Verify Dump After Host Watchdog Error Injection
[Documentation] Inject host watchdog error and verify whether dump is generated.
[Tags] Verify_Dump_After_Host_Watchdog_Error_Injection
Redfish Power On
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps
# Enable auto reboot
Set Auto Reboot ${1}
Trigger Host Watchdog Error 2000 30
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300 sec 20 sec Is Host Rebooted
#Get dump details
@{dump_entry_list}= Read Properties ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI}
# Verifying that there is only one dump
${length}= Get length ${dump_entry_list}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${length} ${1}
# Get dump id
${value}= Get From List ${dump_entry_list} 0
@{split_value}= Split String ${value} /
${dump_id}= Get From List ${split_value} -1
# Max size for dump is 200k = 200x1024
${dump_size}= Read Attribute ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI}${dump_id} Size
Should Be True 0 < ${dump_size} < 204800
Verify Download BMC Dump
[Documentation] Verify that a BMC dump can be downloaded to the local machine.
[Tags] Verify_Download_BMC_Dump
${dump_id}= Create User Initiated BMC Dump Via Redfish
${dump_dict}= Get Dump Dict
${bmc_dump_name}= Fetch From Right ${dump_dict['${dump_id}']} /
${bmc_dump_checksum} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... md5sum ${dump_dict['${dump_id}']}|awk '{print$1}'
${bmc_dump_size} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... stat -c "%s" ${dump_dict['${dump_id}']}
${response}= OpenBMC Get Request ${DUMP_DOWNLOAD_URI}${dump_id}
... quiet=${1}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${response.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Create Binary File ${EXECDIR}${/}dumps ${response.content}
Run tar -xvf ${EXECDIR}${/}dumps
${download_dump_name}= Fetch From Left ${bmc_dump_name} .
${download_dump_checksum}= Run md5sum ${EXECDIR}/dumps|awk '{print$1}'
${download_dump_size}= Run stat -c "%s" ${EXECDIR}${/}dumps
OperatingSystem.Directory Should Exist ${EXECDIR}/${download_dump_name}
... msg=Created dump name and downloaded dump name don't match.
Should Be Equal As Strings ${bmc_dump_checksum} ${download_dump_checksum}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${bmc_dump_size} ${download_dump_size}
Run rm -rf ${EXECDIR}${/}${download_dump_name};rm ${EXECDIR}${/}dumps
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do initial suite setup tasks.
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${DUMP_URI}
Run Keyword If '${resp.status_code}' == '${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}'
... Run Keywords Set Suite Variable ${DUMP_URI} /xyz/openbmc_project/dump/ AND
... Set Suite Variable ${DUMP_ENTRY_URI} /xyz/openbmc_project/dump/entry/
Test Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Do the post test teardown.
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3 min 15 sec Verify No Dump In Progress
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Delete All BMC Dump
Close All Connections