blob: c6031a0ba671394b7a4b8127f5de487be4cf98d9 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Do random repeated boots based on the state of the BMC machine.
Resource obmc_boot_test_resource.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
General Boot Testing
[Documentation] Performs repeated boot tests.
[Tags] General_boot_testing
[Teardown] Test Teardown
# Call the Main keyword to prevent any dots from appearing in the console
# due to top level keywords.
*** Keywords ***
[Teardown] Main Keyword Teardown
# This is the "Main" keyword. The advantages of having this keyword vs
# just putting the code in the *** Test Cases *** table are:
# 1) You won't get a green dot in the output every time you run a keyword.
OBMC Boot Test