blob: e51cae5228fb2323364e72a67b9a1d4a4614c7c4 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Update the PNOR image on the host for hostboot CI purposes.
Library OperatingSystem
Library ../lib/
Resource ../extended/obmc_boot_test_resource.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot
Test Teardown Run Key FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${QUIET} ${1}
# OBMC Boot Test failures are not acceptable so we set the threshold to 0.
${boot_fail_threshold} ${0}
# "skip" indicates to OBMC Boot Test that it should only process boot stack
# items that would change the machine state, i.e. only if the action is
# needed.
${stack_mode} skip
*** Test Cases ***
Host BIOS Update And Boot
[Documentation] Update PNOR image and verify.
[Tags] Host_BIOS_Update_And_Boot open-power
Validate Parameters
Prepare BMC For Update
Update PNOR Image
*** Keywords ***
Prepare BMC For Update
[Documentation] Prepare system for PNOR update.
# Call 'OBMC Boot Test' to do a 'REST Power Off', if needed.
Run Key U OBMC Boot Test \ REST Power Off
Run Key Clear BMC Record Log
Update PNOR Image
[Documentation] Copy the PNOR image to the BMC /tmp dir and flash it.
Run Key Copy PNOR to BMC
${pnor_path} ${pnor_basename}= Split Path ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH}
Run Key Flash PNOR \ /tmp/${pnor_basename}
Run Key Wait Until Keyword Succeeds \ 7 min \ 10 sec \ Is PNOR Flash Done
Validate IPL
[Documentation] Power the host on, and validate the IPL.
Initiate Power On
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
... 10 min 30 sec Is System State Host Booted
Collect SOL Log
[Documentation] Log FFDC if test suite fails and collect SOL log
... for debugging purposes.
${sol_out}= Stop SOL Console Logging
Create File ${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}SOL.log ${sol_out}
Validate Parameters
[Documentation] Validate parameter and file existence.
Should Not Be Empty
... ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH} msg=PNOR image path not set
OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH}
... msg=${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH} File not found