blob: 38d98f7a414e25db077e579eb09dac1441efe47b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
Provide useful ipmi functions.
import re
import gen_print as gp
import gen_misc as gm
import gen_robot_keyword as grk
import gen_robot_utils as gru
import bmc_ssh_utils as bsu
import var_funcs as vf
import tempfile
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
def get_sol_info():
Get all SOL info and return it as a dictionary.
Example use:
Robot code:
${sol_info}= get_sol_info
Rpvars sol_info
sol_info[Info]: SOL parameter 'Payload Channel (7)' not supported - defaulting to 0x0e
sol_info[Character Send Threshold]: 1
sol_info[Force Authentication]: true
sol_info[Privilege Level]: USER
sol_info[Set in progress]: set-complete
sol_info[Retry Interval (ms)]: 100
sol_info[Non-Volatile Bit Rate (kbps)]: IPMI-Over-Serial-Setting
sol_info[Character Accumulate Level (ms)]: 100
sol_info[Enabled]: true
sol_info[Volatile Bit Rate (kbps)]: IPMI-Over-Serial-Setting
sol_info[Payload Channel]: 14 (0x0e)
sol_info[Payload Port]: 623
sol_info[Force Encryption]: true
sol_info[Retry Count]: 7
status, ret_values = grk.run_key_u("Run IPMI Standard Command sol info")
# Create temp file path.
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
temp_file_path =
# Write sol info to temp file path.
text_file = open(temp_file_path, "w")
# Use my_parm_file to interpret data.
sol_info = gm.my_parm_file(temp_file_path)
return sol_info
def set_sol_setting(setting_name, setting_value):
Set SOL setting with given value.
# Description of argument(s):
# setting_name SOL setting which needs to be set (e.g. "retry-count").
# setting_value Value which needs to be set (e.g. "7").
status, ret_values = grk.run_key_u("Run IPMI Standard Command sol set " +
setting_name + " " + setting_value)
return status
def get_lan_print_dict():
Get IPMI 'lan print' output and return it as a dictionary.
Here is an example of the IPMI lan print output:
Set in Progress : Set Complete
Auth Type Support : MD5
Auth Type Enable : Callback : MD5
: User : MD5
: Operator : MD5
: Admin : MD5
: OEM : MD5
IP Address Source : Static Address
IP Address : x.x.x.x
Subnet Mask : x.x.x.x
MAC Address : xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Default Gateway IP : x.x.x.x
802.1q VLAN ID : Disabled
Cipher Suite Priv Max : Not Available
Bad Password Threshold : Not Available
Given that data, this function will return the following dictionary.
[Set in Progress]: Set Complete
[Auth Type Support]: MD5
[Auth Type Enable]:
[Callback]: MD5
[User]: MD5
[Operator]: MD5
[Admin]: MD5
[OEM]: MD5
[IP Address Source]: Static Address
[IP Address]: x.x.x.x
[Subnet Mask]: x.x.x.x
[MAC Address]: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[Default Gateway IP]: x.x.x.x
[802.1q VLAN ID]: Disabled
[Cipher Suite Priv Max]: Not Available
[Bad Password Threshold]: Not Available
IPMI_INBAND_CMD = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${IPMI_INBAND_CMD}")
# Notice in the example of data above that 'Auth Type Enable' needs some
# special processing. We essentially want to isolate its data and remove
# the 'Auth Type Enable' string so that key_value_outbuf_to_dict can
# process it as a sub-dictionary.
cmd_buf = IPMI_INBAND_CMD + " lan print | grep -E '^(Auth Type Enable)" +\
"?[ ]+: ' | sed -re 's/^(Auth Type Enable)?[ ]+: //g'"
stdout1, stderr, rc = bsu.os_execute_command(cmd_buf)
# Now get the remainder of the data and exclude the lines with no field
# names (i.e. the 'Auth Type Enable' sub-fields).
cmd_buf = IPMI_INBAND_CMD + " lan print | grep -E -v '^[ ]+: '"
stdout2, stderr, rc = bsu.os_execute_command(cmd_buf)
# Make auth_type_enable_dict sub-dictionary...
auth_type_enable_dict = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(stdout1, to_lower=0,
# Create the lan_print_dict...
lan_print_dict = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(stdout2, to_lower=0,
# Re-assign 'Auth Type Enable' to contain the auth_type_enable_dict.
lan_print_dict['Auth Type Enable'] = auth_type_enable_dict
return lan_print_dict
def get_ipmi_power_reading(strip_watts=1):
Get IPMI power reading data and return it as a dictionary.
The data is obtained by issuing the IPMI "power reading" command. An
example is shown below:
Instantaneous power reading: 234 Watts
Minimum during sampling period: 234 Watts
Maximum during sampling period: 234 Watts
Average power reading over sample period: 234 Watts
IPMI timestamp: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
Sampling period: 00000000 Seconds.
Power reading state is: deactivated
For the data shown above, the following dictionary will be returned.
[instantaneous_power_reading]: 238 Watts
[minimum_during_sampling_period]: 238 Watts
[maximum_during_sampling_period]: 238 Watts
[average_power_reading_over_sample_period]: 238 Watts
[ipmi_timestamp]: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
[sampling_period]: 00000000 Seconds.
[power_reading_state_is]: deactivated
Description of argument(s):
strip_watts Strip all dictionary values of the trailing " Watts"
status, ret_values = \
grk.run_key_u("Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi power reading")
result = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(ret_values)
if strip_watts:
result.update((k, re.sub(' Watts$', '', v)) for k, v in result.items())
return result
def get_mc_info():
Get IPMI mc info data and return it as a dictionary.
The data is obtained by issuing the IPMI "mc info" command. An
example is shown below:
Device ID : 0
Device Revision : 0
Firmware Revision : 2.01
IPMI Version : 2.0
Manufacturer ID : 42817
Manufacturer Name : Unknown (0xA741)
Product ID : 16975 (0x424f)
Product Name : Unknown (0x424F)
Device Available : yes
Provides Device SDRs : yes
Additional Device Support :
Sensor Device
SEL Device
FRU Inventory Device
Chassis Device
Aux Firmware Rev Info :
For the data shown above, the following dictionary will be returned.
[device_id]: 0
[device_revision]: 0
[firmware_revision]: 2.01
[ipmi_version]: 2.0
[manufacturer_id]: 42817
[manufacturer_name]: Unknown (0xA741)
[product_id]: 16975 (0x424f)
[product_name]: Unknown (0x424F)
[device_available]: yes
[provides_device_sdrs]: yes
[additional_device_support][0]: Sensor Device
[additional_device_support][1]: SEL Device
[additional_device_support][2]: FRU Inventory Device
[additional_device_support][3]: Chassis Device
[aux_firmware_rev_info][0]: 0x00
[aux_firmware_rev_info][1]: 0x00
[aux_firmware_rev_info][2]: 0x00
[aux_firmware_rev_info][3]: 0x00
status, ret_values = \
grk.run_key_u("Run IPMI Standard Command mc info")
result = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(ret_values, process_indent=1)
return result
def get_sdr_info():
Get IPMI sdr info data and return it as a dictionary.
The data is obtained by issuing the IPMI "sdr info" command. An
example is shown below:
SDR Version : 0x51
Record Count : 216
Free Space : unspecified
Most recent Addition :
Most recent Erase :
SDR overflow : no
SDR Repository Update Support : unspecified
Delete SDR supported : no
Partial Add SDR supported : no
Reserve SDR repository supported : no
SDR Repository Alloc info supported : no
For the data shown above, the following dictionary will be returned.
[sdr_version]: 0x51
[record_Count]: 216
[free_space]: unspecified
[sdr_overflow]: no
[sdr_repository_update_support]: unspecified
[delete_sdr_supported]: no
[partial_add_sdr_supported]: no
[reserve_sdr_repository_supported]: no
[sdr_repository_alloc_info_supported]: no
status, ret_values = \
grk.run_key_u("Run IPMI Standard Command sdr info")
result = vf.key_value_outbuf_to_dict(ret_values, process_indent=1)
return result