blob: 666abfab92b37824736369597030e14afd9c444b [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Validate IPMI sensor IDs using Redfish.
Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot
Library ../lib/
Variables ../data/
Test Setup Redfish.Login
Test Teardown Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND
... Redfish.Logout
Test Tags IPMI_Sensor
*** Variables ***
${allowed_temp_diff} ${2}
${allowed_power_diff} ${10}
*** Test Cases ***
Verify IPMI Temperature Readings using Redfish
[Documentation] Verify temperatures from IPMI sensor reading command using Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_Temperature_Readings_using_Redfish
[Template] Get Temperature Reading And Verify In Redfish
# command_type sensor_id member_id
IPMI Ambient Ambient
Verify DCMI Temperature Readings using Redfish
[Documentation] Verify temperatures from DCMI sensor reading command using Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_DCMI_Temperature_Readings_using_Redfish
[Template] Get Temperature Reading And Verify In Redfish
# command_type sensor_id member_id
DCMI Ambient Ambient
Test Ambient Temperature Via IPMI
[Documentation] Test ambient temperature via IPMI and verify using Redfish.
[Tags] Test_Ambient_Temperature_Via_IPMI
# Example of IPMI dcmi get_temp_reading output:
# Entity ID Entity Instance Temp. Readings
# Inlet air temperature(40h) 1 +22 C
# Inlet air temperature(40h) 2 +23 C
# Inlet air temperature(40h) 3 +22 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 0 +0 C
# Baseboard temperature sensors(42h) 1 +26 C
# Baseboard temperature sensors(42h) 2 +27 C
${temp_reading}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi get_temp_reading -N 10
Should Contain ${temp_reading} Inlet air temperature
... msg="Unable to get inlet temperature via DCMI".
... Get Lines Containing String ${temp_reading}
... Inlet air temperature case-insensitive
${ambient_temp_line}= Split To Lines ${ambient_temp_line}
${ipmi_temp_list}= Create List
FOR ${line} IN @{ambient_temp_line}
${ambient_temp_ipmi}= Set Variable ${line.split('+')[1].strip(' C')}
Append To List ${ipmi_temp_list} ${ambient_temp_ipmi}
${list_length}= Get Length ${ipmi_temp_list}
# Getting temperature readings from Redfish.
${ambient_temp_redfish}= Get Temperature Reading From Redfish Ambient
${ambient_temp_redfish}= Get Dictionary Values ${ambient_temp_redfish} sort_keys=True
FOR ${index} IN RANGE ${list_length}
... Evaluate abs(${ambient_temp_redfish[${index}]} - ${ipmi_temp_list[${index}]})
Should Be True ${ipmi_redfish_temp_diff} <= ${allowed_temp_diff}
... msg=Ambient temperature above allowed threshold ${allowed_temp_diff}.
Test Power Reading Via IPMI With Host Off
[Documentation] Verify power reading via IPMI with host in off state
[Tags] Test_Power_Reading_Via_IPMI_With_Host_Off
Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip
${ipmi_reading}= Get IPMI Power Reading
Should Be Equal ${ipmi_reading['instantaneous_power_reading']} 0
... msg=Power reading not zero when power is off.
Test Power Reading Via IPMI With Host Booted
[Documentation] Test power reading via IPMI with host in booted state and
... verify using Redfish.
[Tags] Test_Power_Reading_Via_IPMI_With_Host_Booted
IPMI Power On stack_mode=skip
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec Verify Power Reading Using IPMI And Redfish
Test Baseboard Temperature Via IPMI
[Documentation] Test baseboard temperature via IPMI and verify using Redfish.
[Tags] Test_Baseboard_Temperature_Via_IPMI
# Example of IPMI dcmi get_temp_reading output:
# Entity ID Entity Instance Temp. Readings
# Inlet air temperature(40h) 1 +22 C
# Inlet air temperature(40h) 2 +23 C
# Inlet air temperature(40h) 3 +22 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 0 +0 C
# Baseboard temperature sensors(42h) 1 +26 C
# Baseboard temperature sensors(42h) 2 +27 C
${temp_reading}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi get_temp_reading -N 10
Should Contain ${temp_reading} Baseboard temperature sensors
... msg="Unable to get baseboard temperature via DCMI".
... Get Lines Containing String ${temp_reading}
... Baseboard temperature case-insensitive=True
${lines}= Split To Lines ${baseboard_temp_lines}
${ipmi_temp_list}= Create List
FOR ${line} IN @{lines}
${baseboard_temp_ipmi}= Set Variable ${line.split('+')[1].strip(' C')}
Append To List ${ipmi_temp_list} ${baseboard_temp_ipmi}
${list_length}= Get Length ${ipmi_temp_list}
# Getting temperature readings from Redfish.
${baseboard_temp_redfish}= Get Temperature Reading From Redfish PCIE
${baseboard_temp_redfish}= Get Dictionary Values ${baseboard_temp_redfish} sort_keys=True
FOR ${index} IN RANGE ${list_length}
${baseboard_temp_diff}= Evaluate abs(${baseboard_temp_redfish[${index}]} - ${ipmi_temp_list[${index}]})
Should Be True
... ${baseboard_temp_diff} <= ${allowed_temp_diff}
... msg=Baseboard temperature above allowed threshold ${allowed_temp_diff}.
Test Power Reading Via IPMI Raw Command
[Documentation] Test power reading via IPMI raw command and verify
... using Redfish.
[Tags] Test_Power_Reading_Via_IPMI_Raw_Command
IPMI Power On stack_mode=skip
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec Verify Power Reading Via Raw Command
Verify CPU Present
[Documentation] Verify the IPMI sensor for CPU present using Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_CPU_Present
[Template] Set Present Bit Via IPMI and Verify Using Redfish
# component state
cpu Enabled
Verify CPU Not Present
[Documentation] Verify the IPMI sensor for CPU not present using Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_CPU_Not_Present
[Template] Set Present Bit Via IPMI and Verify Using Redfish
# component state
cpu Absent
Verify GPU Present
[Documentation] Verify the IPMI sensor for GPU present using Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_GPU_Present
[Template] Set Present Bit Via IPMI and Verify Using Redfish
# sensor_id component
0xC5 gv100card0
Verify GPU Not Present
[Documentation] Verify the IPMI sensor for GPU not present using Redfish.
[Tags] Verify_GPU_Not_Present
[Template] Set Present Bit Via IPMI and Verify Using Redfish
# sensor_id component
0xC5 gv100card0
Test Sensor Threshold Via IPMI
[Documentation] Test sensor threshold via IPMI and verify using Redfish.
[Tags] Test_Sensor_Threshold_Via_IPMI
[Template] Verify Power Supply Sensor Threshold
# threshold_id component
Upper Non-Critical UpperThresholdNonCritical
Upper Critical UpperThresholdCritical
Lower Non-Critical LowerThresholdNonCritical
Lower Critical LowerThresholdCritical
*** Keywords ***
Get Temperature Reading And Verify In Redfish
[Documentation] Get IPMI or DCMI sensor reading and verify in Redfish.
[Arguments] ${command_type} ${sensor_id} ${member_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# command_type Type of command used to get sensor data (eg. IPMI, DCMI).
# sensor_id Sensor id used to get reading in IPMI or DCMI.
# member_id Member id of sensor data in Redfish.
${ipmi_value}= Run Keyword If '${command_type}' == 'IPMI' Get IPMI Sensor Reading ${sensor_id}
... ELSE Get DCMI Sensor Reading ${sensor_id}
${redfish_value}= Get Temperature Reading From Redfish ${member_id}
${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${ipmi_value}
FOR ${index} IN @{keys}
${value_diff}= Evaluate abs(${redfish_value["${index}"]} - ${ipmi_value["${index}"]})
Should Be True ${value_diff} <= ${allowed_temp_diff}
Get IPMI Sensor Reading
[Documentation] Get IPMI sensor readings as a dictionary.
[Arguments] ${sensor_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# sensor_id Sensor id used to get reading in IPMI.
${sensor_list}= Get Available Sensors ${sensor_id}
${sensor_value_dict}= Create Dictionary
FOR ${ids} IN @{sensor_list}
${data}= Run IPMI Standard Command sensor reading ${ids}
# Example reading:
# PCIE_0_Temp | 5Ch | ok | 41.1 | 27 degrees C
${sensor_key}= Set Variable ${data.split('| ')[0].strip()}
${sensor_value}= Set Variable ${data.split('| ')[1].strip()}
Set To Dictionary ${sensor_value_dict} ${sensor_key} ${sensor_value}
RETURN ${sensor_value_dict}
Get DCMI Sensor Reading
[Documentation] Get DCMI sensor readings as a dictionary.
[Arguments] ${sensor_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# sensor_id Sensor id used to get reading in DCMI.
${data}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi sensors
${sensor_data}= Get Lines Containing String ${data} ${sensor_id} case_insensitive
${sensor_lines}= Split To Lines ${sensor_data}
# Example reading:
# Record ID 0x005c: PCIE_0_Temp | 27 degrees C | ok
${sensor_value_dict}= Create Dictionary
FOR ${line} IN @{sensor_lines}
${sensor}= Set Variable ${line.split(' | ')}
${sensor_key}= Set Variable ${sensor[0].split(':')[1].strip()}
${sensor_value}= Set Variable ${sensor[1].split()[0].strip()}
${contains}= Evaluate """disabled""" in "${sensor_value}"
Run Keyword IF "${contains}" != """True"""
... Set To Dictionary ${sensor_value_dict} ${sensor_key} ${sensor_value}
RETURN ${sensor_value_dict}
Get Temperature Reading From Redfish
[Documentation] Get temperature reading from Redfish.
[Arguments] ${member_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# member_id Member id of temperature.
@{thermal_uri}= redfish_utils.Get Member List /redfish/v1/Chassis/
@{redfish_readings}= redfish_utils.Get Attribute
... ${thermal_uri[0]}/${THERMAL_METRICS} TemperatureReadingsCelsius
# Example of Baseboard temperature via Redfish
# "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/ThermalSubsystem/ThermalMetrics",
# "@odata.type": "#ThermalMetrics.v1_0_0.ThermalMetrics",
# "Id": "ThermalMetrics",
# "Name": "Chassis Thermal Metrics",
# "TemperatureReadingsCelsius": [
# {
# "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/PCIE_0_Temp",
# "DataSourceUri": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Sensors/PCIE_0_Temp",
# "DeviceName": "PCIE_0_Temp",
# "Reading": 23.75
# },
${redfish_value_dict}= Create Dictionary
FOR ${data} IN @{redfish_readings}
${contains}= Evaluate "${member_id}" in """${data}[DeviceName]"""
${reading}= Set Variable ${data}[Reading]
Run Keyword IF "${contains}" == "True"
... Set To Dictionary ${redfish_value_dict} ${data}[DeviceName] ${reading}
RETURN ${redfish_value_dict}
Verify Power Reading Using IPMI And Redfish
[Documentation] Verify power reading using IPMI and Redfish.
# Example of power reading command output via IPMI.
# Instantaneous power reading: 235 Watts
# Minimum during sampling period: 235 Watts
# Maximum during sampling period: 235 Watts
# Average power reading over sample period: 235 Watts
# IPMI timestamp: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
# Sampling period: 00000000 Seconds.
# Power reading state is: deactivated
${ipmi_reading}= Get IPMI Power Reading
${redfish_power_reading}= redfish_utils.Get Attribute
... /redfish/v1/Chassis/${CHASSIS_ID}/Sensors/power_total_power Reading
... Evaluate abs(${redfish_power_reading} - ${ipmi_reading['instantaneous_power_reading']})
Should Be True ${ipmi_redfish_power_diff} <= ${allowed_power_diff}
... msg=Power reading above allowed threshold ${allowed_power_diff}.
Verify Power Reading Via Raw Command
[Documentation] Get dcmi power reading via IPMI raw command.
${ipmi_raw_output}= Run IPMI Standard Command
... raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['power_reading']['Get'][0]}
${power_reading_ipmi}= Set Variable ${ipmi_raw_output.split()[1]}
... Convert To Integer 0x${power_reading_ipmi}
# Example of power reading via Redfish
# "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Power#/PowerControl/0",
# "@odata.type": "#Power.v1_0_0.PowerControl",
# "MemberId": "0",
# "Name": "Chassis Power Control",
# "PowerConsumedWatts": 145.0,
${power}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/Chassis/${CHASSIS_ID}/Power
${redfish_reading}= Set Variable ${power['PowerControl'][0]['PowerConsumedWatts']}
... Evaluate abs(${redfish_reading} - ${power_reading_ipmi})
Should Be True ${ipmi_redfish_power_diff} <= ${allowed_power_diff}
... msg=Power reading above allowed threshold ${allowed_power_diff}.
Set Present Bit Via IPMI and Verify Using Redfish
[Documentation] Set present bit of sensor via IPMI and verify using Redfish.
[Arguments] ${component} ${status}
# Description of argument(s):
# component The Redfish component of IPMI sensor.
# status Status of the bit to be set(e.g. Absent, Present).
${sensor_list}= Get Available Sensors ${component}
${sensor_name}= Set Variable ${sensor_list[0]}
${sensor_id}= Get Sensor Id For Sensor ${sensor_name}
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'Absent'
... Run IPMI Command
... 0x04 0x30 ${sensor_id} 0xa9 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x20 0x00
... ELSE IF '${status}' == 'Enabled'
... Run IPMI Command
... 0x04 0x30 ${sensor_id} 0xa9 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x20 0x00
# Redfish cpu components have "-" instead of "_" (e.g.: dcm0-cpu0).
${cpu_name}= Replace String ${sensor_name} _ -
${sensor_properties}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/Systems/${SYSTEM_ID}/Processors/${cpu_name}
# Example of CPU state via Redfish
# "ProcessorType": "CPU",
# "SerialNumber": "YA1936422499",
# "Socket": "",
# "SparePartNumber": "F210110",
# "Status": {
# "Health": "OK",
# "State": "Absent"
# }
Should Be True '${sensor_properties['Status']['State']}' == '${status}'
Verify Power Supply Sensor Threshold
[Documentation] Get power supply sensor threshold value via IPMI and verify using Redfish.
[Arguments] ${ipmi_threshold_id} ${redfish_threshold_id}
# Description of argument(s):
# ipmi_threshold_id The sensor threshold component of IPMI sensor.
# redfish_threshold_id The sensor threshold component of Redfish sensor.
# Example of ipmi sensor output
# Locating sensor record...
# Sensor ID : ps0_input_voltag (0xf7)
# Entity ID : 10.19
# Sensor Type (Threshold) : Voltage
# Sensor Reading : 208 (+/- 0) Volts
# Status : ok
# Lower Non-Recoverable : na
# Lower Critical : 180.000
# Lower Non-Critical : 200.000
# Upper Non-Critical : 290.000
# Upper Critical : 300.000
# Upper Non-Recoverable : na
# Positive Hysteresis : Unspecified
# Negative Hysteresis : Unspecified
${ipmi_sensor_output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command sensor get ps0_input_voltag
${ipmi_threshold_output}= Get Lines Containing String ${ipmi_sensor_output} ${ipmi_threshold_id}
${ipmi_threshold_reading}= Fetch From Right ${ipmi_threshold_output} :${SPACE}
${ipmi_threshold_reading}= Set Variable If '${ipmi_threshold_reading}' == 'na'
... ${0} ${ipmi_threshold_reading}
# Example of redfish sensor output
# "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis/Power#/Voltages/0",
# "@odata.type": "#Power.v1_0_0.Voltage",
# "LowerThresholdCritical": 180.0,
# "LowerThresholdNonCritical": 200.0,
# "MaxReadingRange": 0.0,
# "MemberId": "ps0_input_voltage",
# "MinReadingRange": 0.0,
# "Name": "ps0 input voltage",
# "ReadingVolts": 209.5,
# "Status": {
# "Health": "OK",
# "State": "Enabled"
# },
# "UpperThresholdCritical": 300.0,
# "UpperThresholdNonCritical": 290.0
@{redfish_readings}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Chassis/${CHASSIS_ID}/Power Voltages
FOR ${data} IN @{redfish_readings}
Run keyword if '${data}[MemberId]' == 'ps0_input_voltage'
... Should Be Equal As Numbers ${data['${redfish_threshold_id}']} ${ipmi_threshold_reading}
Get Available Sensors
[Documentation] Get all the available sensors for the required component.
... Returns a list of available sensors.
[Arguments] ${sensor_component}
# Description of argument(s):
# sensor_component sensor component name.(e.g.:cpu)
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sdr elist
${sensor_list}= Create List
${sensors}= Get Lines Containing String ${resp} ${sensor_component} case-insensitive
${sensors}= Split To Lines ${sensors}
# Example of IPMI sdr elist command.
# dcm0_cpu0 | 41h | ok | 3.1 | Presence detected
# dcm0_cpu1 | 42h | ok | 3.2 | Presence detected, Disabled
# dcm1_cpu0 | 43h | ok | 3.3 | Presence detected
# dcm1_cpu1 | 44h | ok | 3.4 | Presence detected, Disabled
# dcm2_cpu0 | 45h | ns | 3.5 | Disabled
# dcm2_cpu1 | 46h | ns | 3.6 | Disabled
# dcm3_cpu0 | 47h | ns | 3.7 | Disabled
# dcm3_cpu1 | 48h | ns | 3.8 | Disabled
FOR ${line} IN @{sensors}
${sensor_name}= Set Variable ${line.split('|')[0].strip()}
# Adding sensors to the list whose presence is detected.
${contains}= Evaluate "Presence detected" in "${line}" or "ok" in "${line}"
Run Keyword IF "${contains}" == "True"
... Append To List ${sensor_list} ${sensor_name}
# Example of output for ${sensor_list}
# ['dcm0_cpu0', 'dcm0_cpu1', 'dcm1_cpu0', 'dcm1_cpu1']
RETURN ${sensor_list}
Get Sensor Id For Sensor
[Documentation] Returns the sensor ID value for the given sensor.
[Arguments] ${sensor_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# sensor_name Name of sensor whose ID is required(e.g.: dcm0_cpu0, dcm0_cpu1 etc).
${get_resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sensor get ${sensor_name}
# Example of sensor get command.
# Locating sensor record...
# Sensor ID : dcm0_cpu0 (0x41)
# Entity ID : 3.1
# Sensor Type (Discrete): Processor
# States Asserted : Processor
# [Presence detected]
${line}= Get Lines Containing String ${get_resp} Sensor ID
${sensor_id}= Set Variable ${line[-5:-1]}
# Example of output for ${sensor_id} is 0x41.
RETURN ${sensor_id}