| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation OpenBMC user management test. |
| |
| Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot |
| Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot |
| Resource ../lib/utils.robot |
| Library SSHLibrary |
| |
| Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution |
| |
| *** Variables **** |
| |
| ${test_password} 0penBmc123 |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| |
| |
| Verify At Least One User In List |
| [Documentation] Verify user list API list minimum one user. |
| [Tags] Verify_At_Least_One_User_In_List |
| [Teardown] FFDC On Test Case Fail |
| |
| ${bmc_user_uris}= Read Properties ${BMC_USER_URI}list |
| Should Not Be Empty ${bmc_user_uris} |
| |
| |
| Verify Root Password Update |
| [Documentation] Update system "root" user password and verify. |
| [Tags] Verify_Root_Password_Update |
| |
| Delete All Sessions |
| |
| Initialize OpenBMC |
| Update Root Password ${test_password} |
| |
| # Time for user manager to sync. |
| Sleep 5 s |
| |
| Delete All Sessions |
| |
| # SSH Login to BMC with new "root" password. |
| SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${OPENBMC_HOST} |
| Login ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${test_password} |
| |
| # REST Login to BMC with new "root" password. |
| Initialize OpenBMC REST_PASSWORD=${test_password} |
| |
| ${resp}= Get Request openbmc ${BMC_USER_URI}enumerate |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} |
| ... msg=Verify of new root password failed, RC=${resp.status_code}. |
| |
| # IPMI query using new "root" password. |
| ${ipmi_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ipmitool -I lanplus -C ${IPMI_CIPHER_LEVEL} |
| ... ${SPACE}-P ${test_password} -H ${OPENBMC_HOST} mc info |
| |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return RC and Output ${ipmi_cmd} |
| Should Be Equal ${status} ${0} |
| |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Test Teardown Execution |
| [Documentation] Do test teardown task. |
| |
| # REST Login to BMC with new "root" password. |
| Initialize OpenBMC REST_PASSWORD=${test_password} |
| Update Root Password |
| Sleep 5 s |
| Delete All Sessions |
| |
| # SSH Login to BMC with user default "root" password. |
| SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${OPENBMC_HOST} |
| |
| # REST Login to BMC with user default "root" password. |
| Initialize OpenBMC |
| |
| FFDC On Test Case Fail |
| Close All Connections |