blob: 190e4fc33b632f3abaaad7618dbdf0c6e1044f7d [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Resource ../lib/resource.txt
Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot
Library OperatingSystem
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Wait For Host To Ping
[Arguments] ${host} ${timeout}=${OPENBMC_REBOOT_TIMEOUT}min
... ${interval}=5 sec
# host The DNS name or IP of the host to ping.
# timeout The amount of time after which attempts to ping cease.
# interval The amount of time in between attempts to ping.
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} ${interval} Ping Host ${host}
Ping Host
[Arguments] ${host}
Should Not Be Empty ${host} msg=No host provided
${RC} ${output} = Run and return RC and Output ping -c 4 ${host}
Log RC: ${RC}\nOutput:\n${output}
Should be equal ${RC} ${0}
Get Boot Progress
${state} = Read Attribute /org/openbmc/sensors/host/BootProgress value
[return] ${state}
Is Power On
${state}= Get Power State
Should be equal ${state} ${1}
Is Power Off
${state}= Get Power State
Should be equal ${state} ${0}
Initiate Power On
[Documentation] Initiates the power on and waits until the Is Power On
... keyword returns that the power state has switched to on.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method /org/openbmc/control/chassis0/ powerOn data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3 min 10 sec Is Power On
Initiate Power Off
[Documentation] Initiates the power off and waits until the Is Power Off
... keyword returns that the power state has switched to off.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method /org/openbmc/control/chassis0/ powerOff data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec Is Power Off
Trigger Warm Reset
log to console "Triggering warm reset"
${data} = create dictionary data=@{EMPTY}
${resp} = openbmc post request /org/openbmc/control/bmc0/action/warmReset data=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Wait For Host To Ping ${OPENBMC_HOST}
Check OS
[Documentation] Attempts to ping the host OS and then checks that the host
... OS is up by running an SSH command.
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD}
[Teardown] Close Connection
# os_host The DNS name/IP of the OS host associated with our BMC.
# os_username The username to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# os_password The password to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# Attempt to ping the OS. Store the return code to check later.
${ping_rc}= Run Keyword and Return Status Ping Host ${os_host}
Open connection ${os_host}
Login ${os_username} ${os_password}
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Command uptime return_stderr=True
... return_rc=True
# If the return code returned by "Execute Command" is non-zero, this keyword
# will fail.
Should Be Equal ${rc} ${0}
# We will likewise fail if there is any stderr data.
Should Be Empty ${stderr}
# We will likewise fail if the OS did not ping, as we could SSH but not ping
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ping_rc} ${TRUE}
Wait for OS
[Documentation] Waits for the host OS to come up via calls to "Check OS".
[Arguments] ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME}
... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD} ${timeout}=${OS_WAIT_TIMEOUT}
# os_host The DNS name or IP of the OS host associated with our
# BMC.
# os_username The username to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# os_password The password to be used to sign on to the OS host.
# timeout The timeout in seconds indicating how long you're
# willing to wait for the OS to respond.
# The interval to be used between calls to "Check OS".
${interval}= Set Variable 5
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} sec ${interval} Check OS
... ${os_host} ${os_username} ${os_password}
Get BMC State
[Documentation] Returns the state of the BMC as a string. (i.e: BMC_READY)
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method /org/openbmc/managers/System/ getSystemState
... data=${args}
Should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${content}= to json ${resp.content}
[return] ${content["data"]}
Get Power State
[Documentation] Returns the power state as an integer. Either 0 or 1.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method /org/openbmc/control/chassis0/ getPowerState
... data=${args}
Should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
${content}= to json ${resp.content}
[return] ${content["data"]}
Clear BMC Record Log
[Documentation] Clears all the event logs on the BMC. This would be
... equivalent to ipmitool sel clear.
@{arglist}= Create List
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method /org/openbmc/records/events/ clear data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Copy PNOR to BMC
Import Library SCPLibrary WITH NAME scp
Open Connection for SCP
Log Copying ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH} to /tmp
scp.Put File ${PNOR_IMAGE_PATH} /tmp
Flash PNOR
[Documentation] Calls flash bios update method to flash PNOR image
[arguments] ${pnor_image}
@{arglist}= Create List ${pnor_image}
${args}= Create Dictionary data=@{arglist}
${resp}= Call Method /org/openbmc/control/flash/bios/ update data=${args}
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 10 sec Is PNOR Flashing
Get Flash BIOS Status
[Documentation] Returns the status of the flash BIOS API as a string. For
... example 'Flashing', 'Flash Done', etc
${data}= Read Properties /org/openbmc/control/flash/bios
[return] ${data['status']}
Is PNOR Flashing
[Documentation] Get BIOS 'Flashing' status. This indicates that PNOR
... flashing has started.
${status}= Get Flash BIOS Status
should be equal as strings ${status} Flashing
Is PNOR Flash Done
[Documentation] Get BIOS 'Flash Done' status. This indicates that the
... PNOR flashing has completed.
${status}= Get Flash BIOS Status
should be equal as strings ${status} Flash Done
Is System State Host Booted
[Documentation] Checks whether system state is HOST_BOOTED.
${state}= Get BMC State
should be equal as strings ${state} HOST_BOOTED