blob: b4890ab12402131e114c52fbfe589ed492d23eb7 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Utility keywords for FFDC
Library String
Library DateTime
Resource resource.txt
Resource connection_client.robot
*** Variables ***
${PRINT_LINE} ------------------------------------------------------------------------
${MSG_INTRO} This report contains the following information:
${MSG_DETAIL} ${\n}\t\t[ Detailed Logs Captured Section ]
${HEADER_MSG} ${\n}\t\t---------------------------
... ${\n}\t\t---------------------------
${FOOTER_MSG} ${\n}${PRINT_LINE} ${\n}
${FFDC_LOG_PATH} ${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}
${TEST_HISTORY} ${FFDC_LOG_PATH}${/}test_history.txt
*** Keywords ***
Get Test Dir and Name
[Documentation] SUITE_NAME and TEST_NAME are automatic variables
... and is populated dynamically by the robot framework
... during execution
${suite_name}= Get strip string ${SUITE_NAME}
${suite_name}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${FFDC_TIME}_ ${suite_name}
${test_name}= Get strip string ${TEST_NAME}
${test_name}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${FFDC_TIME}_ ${test_name}
[return] ${suite_name} ${test_name}
Create FFDC Directory
[Documentation] Creates directory and report file
Create Directory ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}
Create FFDC Report File
Create FFDC Report File
[Documentation] Create a generic file name for ffdc
Set Suite Variable
... ${FFDC_FILE_PATH} ${FFDC_DIR_PATH}${/}${FFDC_TIME}_ffdc_report.txt
Create File ${FFDC_FILE_PATH}
Write Data to File
[Documentation] Write data to the ffdc report document
[Arguments] ${data}= ${filepath}=${FFDC_FILE_PATH}
Append To File ${filepath} ${data}
Get Current Time Stamp
[Documentation] Get the current time stamp data
${cur_time}= Get Current Date result_format=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f
${cur_time}= Get strip string ${cur_time}
[return] ${cur_time}
Header Message
[Documentation] Write header message to the report document manifest.
... are auto variables and are populated dynamically by the
... robot framework during execution
... 1. Writes opening statement headers msg
... 2. Add Test setup and config information
... 3. Types of data collection
Write Data to File ${HEADER_MSG}
Write Data to File ${FOOTER_MSG}
Write Data to File Test Suite File\t\t: ${SUITE_NAME} ${\n}
Write Data to File Test Case Name\t\t: ${TEST_NAME}${\n}
Write Data to File Test Source File\t: ${SUITE_SOURCE}${\n}
Write Data to File Failure Time Stamp\t: ${FFDC_TIME}${\n}
Write Data to File Test Error Message\t: ${TEST_MESSAGE}${\n}
Write Data to File Test Documentation\t:${\n}${TEST_DOCUMENTATION}${\n}
Write Data to File ${FOOTER_MSG}
Test Setup Info
Write Data to File ${\n}${MSG_INTRO}${\n}
# --- FFDC header notes ---
@{entries}= Get ffdc cmd index
:FOR ${index} IN @{entries}
\ Write Data to File * ${index.upper()}
\ Write Data to File ${\n}
Write Data to File ${MSG_DETAIL}
Write Cmd Output to FFDC File
[Documentation] Write cmd output data to the report document
[Arguments] ${name_str} ${cmd}
Write Data to File ${FOOTER_MSG}
Write Data to File ${ENTRY_INDEX.upper()} : ${name_str}\t
Write Data to File Executed : ${cmd}
Write Data to File ${FOOTER_MSG}
Test Setup Info
[Documentation] BMC IP, Model and other information
Write Data to File ${\n}-----------------------${\n}
Write Data to File Test Setup Information:
Write Data to File ${\n}-----------------------${\n}
Write Data to File OPENBMC HOST \t: ${OPENBMC_HOST}${\n}
Write Data to File
... SYSTEM TYPE \t: ${OPENBMC_MODEL.replace('./data/','').replace('.py','')}${\n}${\n}