| Documentation Main initialization file for the test cases contained in this |
| ... directory and setting up the test environment variables. |
| Resource lib/resource.robot |
| Suite Setup Initializing Setup |
| Suite Teardown Init Teardown Steps |
| [Documentation] Initialize test environment. |
| Launch OpenBMC GUI Browser |
| [Documentation] Display initial info about the test cases. |
| Print Timen OBMC_GUI Testing ==> [IN PROGRESS] |
| [Documentation] Display open BMC system info like system name and IP. |
| ${OPENBMC_HOST_NAME}= Get Hostname From IP Address ${OPENBMC_HOST} |
| ${build_info} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command cat /etc/os-release |
| [Documentation] End the test execution by closing browser. |
| Print Timen OBMC_GUI Testing ==> [Finished] |