| *** Settings *** |
| |
| Documentation Module to test IPMI network functionality. |
| Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot |
| Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot |
| Resource ../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot |
| Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot |
| Library ../lib/ipmi_utils.py |
| Library ../lib/gen_robot_valid.py |
| Library ../lib/var_funcs.py |
| Library ../lib/bmc_network_utils.py |
| Variables ../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py |
| |
| Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution |
| Suite Teardown Redfish.Logout |
| Test Setup Printn |
| Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution |
| |
| Test Tags IPMI_Network_Configuration |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| |
| ${vlan_id_for_ipmi} ${10} |
| @{vlan_ids} ${20} ${30} |
| ${interface} eth0 |
| ${initial_lan_config} &{EMPTY} |
| ${vlan_resource} ${NETWORK_MANAGER}action/VLAN |
| ${subnet_mask} ${24} |
| ${gateway_ip} |
| ${vlan_id_for_rest} ${30} |
| |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| |
| Verify IPMI Inband Network Configuration |
| [Documentation] Verify BMC network configuration via inband IPMI. |
| [Tags] Verify_IPMI_Inband_Network_Configuration |
| [Teardown] Run Keywords Restore Configuration AND set_base_url https://${OPENBMC_HOST}:${HTTPS_PORT} |
| ... AND FFDC On Test Case Fail AND |
| ... Redfish.Login AND Run IPMI Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device ID']['Get'][0]} |
| |
| Redfish Power On |
| |
| Set IPMI Inband Network Configuration ${STATIC_IP} ${NETMASK} ${GATEWAY} |
| Sleep 10 |
| |
| ${lan_print_output}= Get LAN Print Dict ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipmi_cmd_type=inband |
| Valid Value lan_print_output['IP Address'] ["${STATIC_IP}"] |
| Valid Value lan_print_output['Subnet Mask'] ["${NETMASK}"] |
| Valid Value lan_print_output['Default Gateway IP'] ["${GATEWAY}"] |
| |
| # To verify changed static ip is communicable through external IPMI cmd. |
| Run External IPMI Raw Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Device ID']['Get'][0]} H=${STATIC_IP} |
| |
| set_base_url https://${STATIC_IP}:${HTTPS_PORT} |
| Redfish.Login |
| |
| |
| ${ipv4_addresses}= Redfish.Get Attribute |
| ... ${REDFISH_NW_ETH_IFACE}${interface} IPv4Addresses |
| |
| FOR ${ipv4_address} IN @{ipv4_addresses} |
| ${ip_address}= Set Variable if '${ipv4_address['Address']}' == '${STATIC_IP}' |
| ... ${ipv4_address} |
| Exit For Loop If ${ip_address} != None |
| END |
| |
| Should Be Equal ${ip_address['AddressOrigin']} Static |
| Should Be Equal ${ip_address['SubnetMask']} ${NETMASK} |
| Should Be Equal ${ip_address['Gateway']} ${GATEWAY} |
| |
| Redfish.Logout |
| |
| |
| Disable VLAN Via IPMI When Multiple VLAN Exist On BMC |
| [Documentation] Disable VLAN Via IPMI When Multiple VLAN Exist On BMC. |
| [Tags] Disable_VLAN_Via_IPMI_When_Multiple_VLAN_Exist_On_BMC |
| |
| FOR ${vlan_id} IN @{vlan_ids} |
| Create VLAN ${vlan_id} |
| END |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI off |
| |
| ${lan_config}= Get LAN Print Dict ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipmi_cmd_type=inband |
| Valid Value lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID'] ['Disabled'] |
| |
| |
| Configure IP On VLAN Via IPMI |
| [Documentation] Configure IP On VLAN Via IPMI. |
| [Tags] Configure_IP_On_VLAN_Via_IPMI |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI ${vlan_id_for_ipmi} |
| |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipaddr ${STATIC_IP} login_host=${0} |
| |
| ${lan_config}= Get LAN Print Dict ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipmi_cmd_type=inband |
| Valid Value lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID'] ['${vlan_id_for_ipmi}'] |
| Valid Value lan_config['IP Address'] ["${STATIC_IP}"] |
| |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI When LAN And VLAN Exist On BMC |
| [Documentation] Create VLAN Via IPMI When LAN And VLAN Exist On BMC. |
| [Tags] Create_VLAN_Via_IPMI_When_LAN_And_VLAN_Exist_On_BMC |
| [Setup] Create VLAN ${vlan_id_for_rest} |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI ${vlan_id_for_ipmi} |
| |
| ${lan_config}= Get LAN Print Dict ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipmi_cmd_type=inband |
| Valid Value lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID'] ['${vlan_id_for_ipmi}'] |
| |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI And Verify |
| [Documentation] Create and verify VLAN via IPMI. |
| [Tags] Create_VLAN_Via_IPMI_And_Verify |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI ${vlan_id_for_ipmi} |
| |
| ${lan_config}= Get LAN Print Dict ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipmi_cmd_type=inband |
| Valid Value lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID'] ['${vlan_id_for_ipmi}'] |
| Valid Value lan_config['IP Address'] ['${ip_address}'] |
| Valid Value lan_config['Subnet Mask'] ['${subnet_mask}'] |
| |
| Test Disabling Of VLAN Via IPMI |
| [Documentation] Disable VLAN and verify via IPMI. |
| [Tags] Test_Disabling_Of_VLAN_Via_IPMI |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI ${vlan_id_for_ipmi} |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI off |
| |
| ${lan_config}= Get LAN Print Dict ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipmi_cmd_type=inband |
| Valid Value lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID'] ['Disabled'] |
| |
| |
| Create VLAN When LAN And VLAN Exist With IP Address Configured |
| [Documentation] Create VLAN when LAN and VLAN exist with IP address configured. |
| [Tags] Create_VLAN_When_LAN_And_VLAN_Exist_With_IP_Address_Configured |
| [Setup] Run Keywords Create VLAN ${vlan_id_for_rest} interface=${interface} |
| ... AND Configure Network Settings On VLAN ${vlan_id_for_rest} ${STATIC_IP} |
| ... ${netmask} ${gateway} interface=${interface} |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI ${vlan_id_for_ipmi} |
| |
| ${lan_config}= Get LAN Print Dict ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipmi_cmd_type=inband |
| Valid Value lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID'] ['${vlan_id_for_ipmi}'] |
| Valid Value lan_config['IP Address'] ['${STATIC_IP}'] |
| |
| |
| Create Multiple VLANs Via IPMI And Verify |
| [Documentation] Create multiple VLANs through IPMI. |
| [Tags] Create_Multiple_VLANs_Via_IPMI_And_Verify |
| |
| FOR ${vlan_id} IN @{vlan_ids} |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI ${vlan_id} |
| |
| ${lan_config}= Get LAN Print Dict ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipmi_cmd_type=inband |
| |
| # Validate VLAN creation. |
| Valid Value lan_config['802.1q VLAN ID'] ['${vlan_id}'] |
| |
| # Validate existing IP address. |
| Valid Value lan_config['IP Address'] ['${ip_address}'] |
| |
| # Validate existing subnet mask. |
| Valid Value lan_config['Subnet Mask'] ['${subnet_mask}'] |
| END |
| |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI |
| [Documentation] Create VLAN via inband IPMI command. |
| [Arguments] ${vlan_id} ${channel_number}=${CHANNEL_NUMBER} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # vlan_id The VLAN ID (e.g. '10'). |
| |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set ${channel_number} vlan id ${vlan_id} login_host=${0} |
| |
| |
| Set IPMI Inband Network Configuration |
| [Documentation] Run sequence of standard IPMI command in-band and set |
| ... the IP configuration. |
| [Arguments] ${ip} ${netmask} ${gateway} ${login}=${1} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # ip The IP address to be set using ipmitool-inband. |
| # netmask The Netmask to be set using ipmitool-inband. |
| # gateway The Gateway address to be set using ipmitool-inband. |
| |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipsrc static login_host=${login} |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipaddr ${ip} login_host=${0} |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} netmask ${netmask} login_host=${0} |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} defgw ipaddr ${gateway} login_host=${0} |
| |
| |
| Restore Configuration |
| [Documentation] Restore the configuration to its pre-test state. |
| |
| ${length}= Get Length ${initial_lan_config} |
| Return From Keyword If ${length} == ${0} |
| |
| Set IPMI Inband Network Configuration ${ip_address} ${subnet_mask} |
| ... ${initial_lan_config['Default Gateway IP']} login=${0} |
| |
| |
| Suite Setup Execution |
| [Documentation] Suite Setup Execution. |
| |
| Redfish.Login |
| |
| ${initial_lan_config}= Get LAN Print Dict ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipmi_cmd_type=inband |
| Set Suite Variable ${initial_lan_config} |
| |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ipsrc static login_host=${1} |
| |
| ${host_name} ${ip_address}= Get Host Name IP host=${OPENBMC_HOST} |
| Set Suite Variable ${ip_address} |
| |
| @{network_configurations}= Get Network Configuration |
| FOR ${network_configuration} IN @{network_configurations} |
| Run Keyword If '${network_configuration['Address']}' == '${ip_address}' |
| ... Run Keywords Set Suite Variable ${subnet_mask} ${network_configuration['SubnetMask']} AND |
| ... Exit For Loop |
| END |
| |
| Test Teardown Execution |
| [Documentation] Test Teardown Execution. |
| |
| FFDC On Test Case Fail |
| Create VLAN Via IPMI off |
| Restore Configuration |