blob: 83928f21fe3c4269102056465fff038019b7e51f [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This module is for data collection on test case failure
... for openbmc systems. Collects data with default name
... ffdc_report.txt under directory logs/testSuite/testName/
... on failure.
... FFDC logging sample layout:
... logs
... ├── 20160909102538035251_TestWarmreset
... │   └── 20160909102538035251_TestWarmResetviaREST
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_BMC_journalctl.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_BMC_proc_list.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_BMC_dmesg.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_BMC_inventory.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_BMC_led.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_BMC_record_log.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_BMC_sensor_list.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_BMC_general.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_dmesg.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_msglog.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_cpufrequency.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_boot.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_isusb.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_kern.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_authlog.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_syslog.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_info.txt
... │   ├── 20160909102538035251_OS_rsct.txt
... │   └── 20160909102538035251_OS_secure.txt
... └── test_history.txt
Resource openbmc_ffdc_methods.robot
Resource openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot
Resource state_manager.robot
*** Keywords ***
FFDC On Test Case Fail
[Documentation] Generic FFDC entry point. Place holder to hook in
... other data collection methods
... 1. Collect Logs if test fails or host reaches quiesced
... state.
... 2. Recover host from quiesced state
... 3. Added Test execution history logging
... By default this will log Test status PASS/FAIL format
... EX: 20160822041250932049:Test:Test case 1:PASS
... 20160822041250969913:Test:Test case 2:FAIL
${status}= Is Host Quiesced
Run Keyword If '${TEST_STATUS}' == 'FAIL' or '${status}'=='True' FFDC
Run Keyword If '${status}'=='True' Recover Quiesced Host
Log Test Case Status