blob: ec9c81a778dbc17876f09e4dfd1824613468cc12 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Trigger code update to a target BMC.
... Execution Method :
... python -m robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:<hostname>
... -v FILE_PATH:<path/*all.tar> update_bmc.robot
... Code update method BMC using REST
... Update work flow sequence:
... - User input BMC File existence check
... - Ping Test and REST authentication
... - Set Host Power host setting Policy to ALWAYS_POWER_OFF
... On reboot this policy would ensure the BMC comes
... online and stays at HOST_POWERED_OFF state.
... - Issue poweroff
... - Prune archived journal logs
... - Prepare for Update
... - Wait for BMC to come online clean
... - Wait for BMC_READY state
... - Apply preserve BMC Network setting
... - SCP image to BMC
... - Activate the flash image
... - Warm Reset BMC to activate code
... - Wait for BMC to come online time out 30 minutes
... - Version check post update
... - Identify REST url post update
Library ../../lib/
Library String
Resource code_update_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/state_manager.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/list_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../extended/obmc_boot_test_resource.robot
Test Teardown Run Key FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${QUIET} ${1}
# Boot failures are not acceptable so we set the threshold to 0.
${boot_fail_threshold} ${0}
# There are two reboots issued by code update.
*** Test Cases ***
Initiate Code Update BMC
[Documentation] Initiate a code update on the BMC.
[Tags] Initiate_Code_Update_BMC
${status}= Run Keyword If '${LAST_KNOWN_GOOD_VERSION}' != '${EMPTY}'
... Run Keyword And Return Status
... Validate BMC Version ${LAST_KNOWN_GOOD_VERSION}
Run Keyword if '${status}' == '${True}'
... Pass Execution The BMC already has the requested build loaded so no further action will be taken.
# Enable user to bypass prerequisite operations.
# Use cases for if BMC is not in working state.
Run Keyword If ${FORCE_UPDATE} == ${0}
... Prepare BMC For Update
Run Key U Preserve BMC Network Setting
Run Key SCP Tar Image File To BMC \ ${FILE_PATH}
Run Key Activate BMC Flash Image
Run Key U OBMC Boot Test \ OBMC Reboot (off)
Run Key U Check Boot Count And Time
Run Keyword If ${BOOT_COUNT} == ${1}
... Log Boot time not updated by kernel. level=WARN
*** Keywords ***
Prepare BMC For Update
[Documentation] Prerequisite operation before code update.
Check Boot Count And Time
Prune Journal Log
Power Off Request
Prepare For Update
Check If BMC is Up 20 min 10 sec
Check Boot Count And Time
Wait For BMC Ready
Check Boot Count And Time
[Documentation] Check for unexpected reboots.
Set BMC Reset Reference Time
Log To Console \n Boot Count: ${BOOT_COUNT}
Log To Console \n Boot Time: ${BOOT_TIME}
Run Keyword If ${BOOT_COUNT} > ${MAX_BOOT_COUNT}
... Log Phantom Reboot!!! Unexpected reboot detected level=WARN