blob: 277861ed1a2a8c46ec3d8136155f33210d4ea06c [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite tests System Vital Product Data (VPD) using vpdtool.
Library ../../lib/
Variables ../../data/
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${CMD_GET_PROPERTY_INVENTORY} busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager
*** Test Cases ***
Verify System VPD
[Documentation] Verify system VPD details via vpdtool '-i' option.
[Tags] Verify_System_VPD
${vpd_records}= Vpdtool -i
${components}= Get Dictionary Keys ${vpd_records}
FOR ${component} IN @{components}
Verify VPD Data ${vpd_records} ${component}
Verify VPD Component Read
[Documentation] Verify details of VPD component via vpdtool.
[Tags] Verify_VPD_Component_Read
${components}= Get Dictionary Keys ${VPD_DETAILS}
FOR ${component} IN @{components}
Verify VPD Component Read Operation ${component}
Verify VPD Field Read
[Documentation] Verify reading VPD field value via vpdtool.
[Tags] Verify_VPD_Field_Read
${components}= Get Dictionary Keys ${VPD_DETAILS}
FOR ${component} IN @{components}
Verify VPD Field Read Operation ${component}
Verify VPD Field Write
[Documentation] Verify writting VPD field value via vpdtool.
[Tags] Verify_VPD_Field_Write
${components}= Get Dictionary Keys ${VPD_DETAILS}
FOR ${component} IN @{components}
Verify VPD Field Write Operation ${component}
*** Keywords ***
Verify VPD Data
[Documentation] Verify VPD data of given component.
[Arguments] ${vpd_records} ${component}
# Description of arguments:
# vpd_records All VPD data Via vpdtool.
# component VPD component (e.g. /system/chassis/motherboard/vdd_vrm1).
# Verification of "CC" and "FN" will be added later.
@{vpd_fields}= Create List DR LocationCode SN PN
FOR ${field} IN @{vpd_fields}
${busctl_field}= Set Variable If
... '${field}' == 'DR' xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item PrettyName
... '${field}' == 'LocationCode' LocationCode
... '${field}' == 'PN' xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset PartNumber
... '${field}' == 'SN' xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset SerialNumber
${cmd}= Catenate ${CMD_GET_PROPERTY_INVENTORY} /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory${component}
... ${busctl_field}
${cmd_output}= BMC Execute Command ${cmd}
# Example of cmd_output:
# [0]: s "ABCD.XY1.1234567-P0"
# [1]:
# [2]: 0
Valid Value vpd_records['${component}']['${field}'] ['${cmd_output[0].split('"')[1].strip('"')}']
Valid Value vpd_records['${component}']['type'] ['${VPD_DETAILS['${component}']['type']}']
Verify VPD Component Read Operation
[Documentation] Verify reading VPD details of given compoment via vpdtool.
[Arguments] ${component}
# Description of arguments:
# component VDP component (e.g. /system/chassis/motherboard/vdd_vrm1).
${vpd_records}= Vpdtool -o -O ${component}
# Example output from 'Vpdtool -o -O /system/chassis/motherboard/vdd_vrm1':
# [/system/chassis/motherboard/vdd_vrm1]:
# [type]: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Vrm
# [CC]: E123
# [FN]: F123456
# [LocationCode]: ABCD.XY1.1234567-P0
# [SN]: YL2E32010000
# [PN]: PN12345
Verify VPD Data ${vpd_records} ${component}
Verify VPD Field Read Operation
[Documentation] Verify reading all VPD fields for given compoment via vpdtool.
[Arguments] ${component}
# Description of arguments:
# component VDP component (e.g. /system/chassis/motherboard/vdd_vrm1).
# Verification of "CC" and "FN" will be added later.
@{vpd_fields}= Create List DR SN PN
FOR ${fields} IN @{vpd_fields}
Verify VPD Field Value ${component} ${fields}
Verify VPD Field Write Operation
[Documentation] Verify writing all VPD fields for given compoment via vpdtool.
[Arguments] ${component}
# Description of arguments:
# component VDP component (e.g. /system/chassis/motherboard/vdd_vrm1).
# Verification of "CC" and "FN" will be added later.
@{vpd_fields}= Create List DR SN PN
${field}= Evaluate random.choice($vpd_fields) random
FOR ${fields} IN @{vpd_fields}
${write_value}= Set Variable If
... '${field}' == 'DR' ${DR_WRITE_VALUE}
... '${field}' == 'PN' ${PN_WRITE_VALUE}
... '${field}' == 'SN' ${SN_WRITE_VALUE}
Vpdtool -w -O ${component} -R VINI -K ${field} --value ${write_value}
Verify VPD Field Value ${component} ${fields}
Verify VPD Field Value
[Documentation] Verify VPD field value via vpdtool.
[Arguments] ${component} ${field}
# Description of arguments:
# component VDP component (e.g. /system/chassis/motherboard/vdd_vrm1).
# field VPD field (e.g. DR, SN, PN)
${vpd_records}= Vpdtool -r -O ${component} -R VINI -K ${field}
${busctl_field}= Set Variable If
... '${field}' == 'DR' xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item PrettyName
... '${field}' == 'PN' xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset PartNumber
... '${field}' == 'SN' xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset SerialNumber
${cmd}= Catenate ${CMD_GET_PROPERTY_INVENTORY} /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory${component}
... ${busctl_field}
${cmd_output}= BMC Execute Command ${cmd}
Valid Value vpd_records['${component}']['${field}'] ['${cmd_output[0].split('"')[1].strip('"')}']