blob: eb74ef5b1320fd59abf93f0b06774b04fc76ab32 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
PEL functions.
import func_args as fa
import bmc_ssh_utils as bsu
import json
import pel_variables
class peltool_exception(Exception):
Base class for peltool related exceptions.
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
def peltool(option_string, parse_json=True, **bsu_options):
Run peltool on the BMC with the caller's option string and return the result.
${pel_results}= Peltool -l
Rprint Vars pel_results
[CompID]: 0x1000
[PLID]: 0x50000031
[Subsystem]: BMC Firmware
[Message]: An application had an internal failure
[SRC]: BD8D1002
[Commit Time]: 02/25/2020 04:51:31
[Sev]: Unrecoverable Error
[CreatorID]: BMC
Description of argument(s):
option_string A string of options which are to be processed by the peltool command.
parse_json Indicates that the raw JSON data should parsed into a list of
bsu_options Options to be passed directly to bmc_execute_command. See its prolog for
bsu_options = fa.args_to_objects(bsu_options)
out_buf, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command('peltool ' + option_string, **bsu_options)
if parse_json:
return json.loads(out_buf)
except ValueError:
return {}
return out_buf
def fetch_all_pel_ids_for_src(src_id, severity):
Fetch all PEL IDs for the input SRC ID based on the severity type
in the list format.
Description of arguments:
src_id SRC ID (e.g. BC20E504).
severity PEL severity (e.g. "Predictive Error"
"Recovered Error").
src_pel_ids = []
pel_data = peltool(" -l")
pel_id_list = pel_data.keys()
for pel_id in pel_id_list:
# Check if required SRC ID with severity is present
if ((pel_data[pel_id]["SRC"] == src_id) and (pel_data[pel_id]["Sev"] == severity)):
if not src_pel_ids:
raise peltool_exception(src_id + " with severity " + severity + " not present")
except Exception as e:
raise peltool_exception("Failed to fetch PEL ID for required SRC : " + str(e))
return src_pel_ids
def verify_src_signature_and_threshold(pel_id, attn_type, signature_desc, th_limit):
Verifies SRC details for the given PEL ID based on the required
attention type, signature description, threshold limits.
Description of arguments:
pel_id PEL ID for the required SRC details to verify.
attn_type Attention type (e.g. RE, CS, UNIT_CS).
signature_desc Signature description of the error inject.
th_limit Threshold limit (e.g. 1, 5, 32).
pel_cmd = " -i " + pel_id
src_data = peltool(pel_cmd)
src_dict = src_data["Primary SRC"]["SRC Details"]
usr_data = src_data["User Data 1"]
# Example for signature in recoverable error
# "SRC Details": {
# "Attention Type": "RECOVERABLE",
# "Node": 0,
# "Target Type": "TYPE_OMIC",
# "Target Instance": 0,
# "Signature": "MC_OMI_DL_FIR[1]: OMI-DL0 UE on data flit"
# }
if (attn_type == "RE"):
if (src_dict["Attention Type"] != "RECOVERABLE"):
raise peltool_exception("Required Attention type " + attn_type + " not found")
# Example for signature in system checkstop error
# "SRC Details": {
# "Primary Attention": "system checkstop",
# "Signature Description": {
# "Chip Desc": "node 0 proc 0 (P10 2.0)",
# "Signature": "EQ_L2_FIR(0)[7] L2 directory read UE",
# "Attn Type": "checkstop"
# }
elif (attn_type == "CS"):
if (src_dict["Primary Attention"] != "system checkstop"):
raise peltool_exception("Required Attention type " + attn_type + " not found")
elif (attn_type == "UNIT_CS"):
if (src_dict["Attention Type"] != "UNIT_CS"):
raise peltool_exception("Required Attention type " + attn_type + " not found")
raise peltool_exception("Required Attention type " + attn_type + " not found")
if signature_desc not in src_dict["Signature"]:
raise peltool_exception("Required Signature " + signature_desc + " not found")
if (int(th_limit) != usr_data["Error Count"]):
raise peltool_exception("Required Threshold limit " + th_limit + " not found")
except Exception as e:
raise peltool_exception("Failed to verify SRC details : " + str(e))
return True
def fetch_all_src():
Fetch all SRC IDs from peltool in the list format.
src_id = []
pel_data = peltool(" -l")
if pel_data:
pel_id_list = pel_data.keys()
for pel_id in pel_id_list:
raise peltool_exception("No PEL entry found ..")
except Exception as e:
raise peltool_exception("Failed to fetch all SRCs : " + str(e))
return src_id