blob: d59dfd7745b229fe977d7018f80d80c07f3b8c94 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This test suite will validate the "OpenBMC" GUI ->
... "Server control" main menu -> "Server power
... operations" submenu module.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Test Setup Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerOff_state}
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
*** Variables ***
${xpath_select_server_control} //*[contains(@class,"btn-control")]
${xpath_select_server_power_operations} //a[@href='#/server-control/power-operations']
${string_server_power_operations} Server power operations
${string_current_status} Current status
${string_select_power_operation} Select a power operation
${string_warm_reboot} Attempts to perform an orderly shutdown before restarting the server
${string_cold_reboot} Shuts down the server immediately, then restarts it
${string_orderly_shutdown} Attempts to stop all software on the server before removing power
${string_immediate_shutdown} Removes power from the server without waiting for software to stop
${string_power_on} Attempts to power on the server
*** Test Case ***
# OpenBMC @ Power Off state test cases.
Verify Orderly Shutdown Button At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify orderly shutdown button is not present at power Off.
[Tags] Verify_Orderly_Shutdown_Button_At_Power_Off
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Element Should Not Be Visible ${xpath_select_button_orderly_shutdown}
Verify Immediate Shutdown Button At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify immediate shutdown button not present at power Off.
[Tags] Verify_Immediate_Shutdown_Button_At_Power_Off
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Element Should Not Be Visible ${xpath_select_button_immediate_shutdown}
Verify Warm Reboot Button At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify warm reboot button is not present at power Off.
[Tags] Verify_Warm_Reboot_Button_At_Power_Off
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Element Should Not Be Visible ${xpath_select_button_warm_reboot}
Verify Cold Reboot Button At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify cold reboot button is not present at power Off.
[Tags] Verify_Cold_Reboot_Button_At_Power_Off
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Element Should Not Be Visible ${xpath_select_button_cold_reboot}
Verify Title Text Should Be Server Power Operations At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify display of title text "Server Power Operations".
[Tags] Verify_Title_Text_Should_Be_Server_Power_Operations_At_Power_Off
... OBMC_PowerOff_state
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Verify Display Content ${string_server_power_operations}
Verify Sub Title Text Should Be Current Status At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify display of title text "Current Status".
[Tags] Verify_Sub_Title_Text_Should_Be_Current_Status_At_Power_Off
... OBMC_PowerOff_state
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Verify Display Content ${string_current_status}
Verify Sub Title Text Should Be Select Power Operation At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify display of title text "Select a power operation".
[Tags] Verify_Sub_Title_Text_Should_Be_Select_Power_Operation_At_Power_Off
... OBMC_PowerOff_state
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Verify Display Content ${string_Select_power_operation}
Verify Power On Button Should Present At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify presence of "Warm reboot" button.
[Tags] Verify_Power_On_Button_Should_Present_At_Power_Off
... OBMC_PowerOff_State
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Verify Presence of Power Button And Text Info
... ${xpath_select_button_power_on} ${string_power_on}
Verify Power On At Power Off
[Documentation] Verify presence of "Warm reboot" button.
[Tags] Verify_Power_On_At_Power_Off
... OBMC_PowerOff_State
Power On OpenBMC
# OpenBMC @ Power Running state test cases.
Verify Warm Reboot Button Should Present At Power Running
[Documentation] Verify presence of "Warm reboot" button.
[Tags] Verify_Warm_Reboot_Button_Should_Present_At_Power_Running
... OBMC_PowerRunning_State
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Verify Presence of Power Button And Text Info
... ${xpath_select_button_warm_reboot} ${string_warm_reboot}
Verify Cold Reboot Button Should Present At Power Running
[Documentation] Verify presence of "cold reboot" button.
[Tags] Verify_Cold_Reboot_Button_Should_Present_At_Power_Running
... OBMC_PowerRunning_State
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Verify Presence of Power Button And Text Info
... ${xpath_select_button_cold_reboot} ${string_cold_reboot}
Verify Orderly Shutdown Button Should Present At Power Running
[Documentation] Verify presence of "Orderly shutdow " button.
[Tags] Verify_Orderly_Shutdown_Button_Should_Present_At_Power_Running
... OBMC_PowerRunning_State
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Verify Presence of Power Button And Text Info
... ${xpath_select_button_orderly_shutdown} ${string_orderly_shutdown}
Verify Immediate Shutdown Button Should Present At Power Running
[Documentation] Verify presence of "Immediate shutdown" button.
[Tags] Verify_Immediate_Shutdown_Button_Should_Present_At_Power_Running
... OBMC_PowerRunning_State
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Verify Presence of Power Button And Text Info
... ${xpath_select_button_immediate_shutdown} ${string_immediate_shutdown}
Verify Warm Reboot Should Not Happen By Clicking No Button
[Documentation] Verify functionality of warm reboot "No" button clicking.
[Tags] Verify_Warm_Reboot_Should_Not_Happen_By_Clicking_No_Button
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Click Element ${xpath_select_button_warm_reboot}
Verify Warning Message Display Text ${xpath_operation_warning_message}
... ${text_warm_reboot_warning_message}
Verify No Button Functionality
... ${xpath_select_button_warm_reboot_no}
Verify Cold Reboot Should Not Happen By Clicking No Button
[Documentation] Verify functionality of cold reboot "No" button clicking.
[Tags] Verify_Cold_Reboot_Should_Not_Happen_By_Clicking_No_Button
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Click Element ${xpath_select_button_cold_reboot}
Verify Warning Message Display Text ${xpath_operation_warning_message}
... ${text_cold_reboot_warning_message}
Verify No Button Functionality
... ${xpath_select_button_cold_reboot_no}
Verify Orderly Shutdown Should Not Happen By Clicking No Button
[Documentation] Verify functionality of orderly shutdown "No" button clicking.
[Tags] Verify_Orderly_Shutdown_Should_Not_Happen_By_Clicking_No_Button
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Click Element ${xpath_select_button_orderly_shutdown}
Verify Warning Message Display Text ${xpath_operation_warning_message}
... ${text_orderly_shutdown_warning_message}
Verify No Button Functionality
... ${xpath_select_button_orderly_shutdown_button_no}
Verify Immediate Shutdown Should Not Happen By Clicking No Button
[Documentation] Verify functionality of immediate shutdown "No" button clicking.
[Tags] Verify_Immediate_Shutdown_Should_Not_Happen_By_Clicking_No_Button
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Click Element ${xpath_select_button_immediate_shutdown}
Verify Warning Message Display Text ${xpath_operation_warning_message}
... ${text_immediate_shutdown_warning_message}
Verify No Button Functionality
... ${xpath_select_button_immediate_shutdown_no}
Verify Warm Reboot Should Happen By Clicking Yes Button
[Documentation] Verify functionality of warm reboot "Yes" button clicking.
[Tags] Verify_Warm_Reboot_Should_Happen_By_Clicking_Yes_Button
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Warm Reboot openBMC
Verify Cold Reboot Should Happen By Clicking Yes Button
[Documentation] Verify functionality of cold reboot "Yes" button clicking.
[Tags] Verify_Cold_Reboot_Should_Happen_By_Clicking_Yes_Button
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Cold Reboot openBMC
Verify Orderly Shutdown Should Happen By Clicking Yes Button
[Documentation] Verify functionality of orderly shutdown "Yes" button clicking.
[Tags] Verify_Orderly_Shutdown_Should_Happen_By_Clicking_Yes_Button
... OBMC_PowerRunning_State
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Orderly Shutdown OpenBMC
Verify Immediate Shutdown Should Happen By Clicking Yes Button
[Documentation] Verify functionality of immediate shutdown "Yes" button clicking.
[Tags] Verify_Immediate_Shutdown_Should_Happen_By_Clicking_Yes_Button
... OBMC_PowerRunning_State
[Setup] Test Setup Execution ${OBMC_PowerRunning_state}
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
Immediate Shutdown openBMC
*** Keywords ***
Select Server Power Operations Sub Menu
[Documentation] Selecting of OpenBMC "Server Power Operations" Submenu.
Click Button ${xpath_select_server_control}
Click Element ${xpath_select_server_power_operations}
Verify Presence of Power Button And Text Info
[Documentation] Verify the presens fo power button and text message info.
[Arguments] ${power_button} ${power_button_text}
# power_button Xpath of power button.
# power_button_text Text message info.
Page Should Contain Button ${power_button}
Verify Display Content ${power_button_text}
Verify No Button Functionality
[Documentation] Verify the functionality of "No" button click.
[Arguments] ${xpath_no_button}
# xpath_no_button Xpath of "No" button.
Click No Button ${xpath_no_button}
${obmc_current_state}= Get Text ${xpath_power_indicator}
Should Contain ${obmc_current_state} ${obmc_running_state}