blob: acac692f3ca1feea5183a846ef7eed1b566e320a [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Verify Auto Restart policy for set of mission critical
... services needed for functioning on BMC.
Resource ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource ../../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Library ../../data/
Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In
Suite Teardown Close All Connections
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${LOG_SERVICE} xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.service
*** Test Cases ***
Verify OpenBMC Services Auto Restart Policy
[Documentation] Kill active services and expect auto restart.
[Tags] Verify_OpenBMC_Services_Auto_Restart_Policy
# The services listed below restart policy should be "always"
# Command output:
# systemctl -p Restart show xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.service | cat
# Restart=always
... Create List xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.service
... xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper.service
... xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.service
... xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.service
... xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.service
FOR ${SERVICE} IN @{services}
Check Service Autorestart ${SERVICE}
Kill Services And Expect Service Restart
[Documentation] Kill the service and it must restart.
[Tags] Kill_Services_And_Expect_Service_Restart
# Get the MainPID and service state.
${MainPID}= Get Service Attribute MainPID ${LOG_SERVICE}
Should Not Be Equal ${0} ${MainPID}
... msg=Logging service not restarted.
${ActiveState}= Get Service Attribute ActiveState ${LOG_SERVICE}
Should Be Equal active ${ActiveState}
... msg=Logging Service not in active state.
BMC Execute Command kill -9 ${MainPID}
Sleep 10s reason=Wait for service to restart.
${MainPID}= Get Service Attribute MainPID ${LOG_SERVICE}
Should Not Be Equal ${0} ${MainPID}
... msg=Logging service not restarted.
${ActiveState}= Get Service Attribute ActiveState ${LOG_SERVICE}
Should Be Equal active ${ActiveState}
... msg=Logging service not in active state.
Kill The List Of Services And Expect Killed Service Gets Restarted
[Documentation] Kill the given services and expect again services get restarted automatically.
[Tags] Kill_The_List_Of_Services_And_Expect_Killed_Service_Gets_Restarted
# Create a list of services in respective server model python file
# like, on openbmc-test-automation/data directory etc.
# Example of creating a list of services in their respective server model python file
# "BMC_SERVICES": ['xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.service', 'xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper.service',
# 'xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.service', 'xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.service',
# 'xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.service']
@{auto_restart_policy_always_services}= Create List
@{incorrect_auto_restart_policy_services}= Create List
@{service_not_started}= Create List
# Creating an list of services which needs to be validated.
${services}= Get Service Restart Policy Services ${OPENBMC_MODEL}
${service_list}= Get From Dictionary ${services} BMC_SERVICES
${length_services}= Get Length ${service_list}
# From service list it will check service auto-restart policy
# If incorrect those services will be appended to incorrect_auto_restart_policy_services list
# Proper restart policy services will be appended to auto_restart_policy_always_services list.
FOR ${service} IN @{service_list}
${service_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Check Service Autorestart ${service}
Run Keyword If ${service_status} == False
... Append To List ${incorrect_auto_restart_policy_services} ${service}
... ELSE
... Append To List ${auto_restart_policy_always_services} ${service}
${length_incorrect_autorestart_policy}= Get Length ${incorrect_auto_restart_policy_services}
Run Keyword If ${length_incorrect_autorestart_policy} != 0 and ${length_incorrect_autorestart_policy} == ${length_services}
... Run Keywords Log ${incorrect_auto_restart_policy_services} AND
... Fail msg=All the given services have incorrect auto-restart policy.
... ELSE IF ${length_incorrect_autorestart_policy} != 0 and ${length_incorrect_autorestart_policy} != ${length_services}
... Run Keywords Log ${incorrect_auto_restart_policy_services} AND
... Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Fail msg=Listed services are having incorrect auto-restart policy.
# This will get process id and check the service active state before killing the services.
# If service process id was 0 or service was not in active state then those services will get
# appended to service_not_started list.
# Only services with process ID and in active state get killed and checked whether
# they automatically restart and put into active state.
FOR ${service} IN @{auto_restart_policy_always_services}
${Old_MainPID}= Get Service Attribute MainPID ${service}
${ActiveState}= Get Service Attribute ActiveState ${service}
${main_pid_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Not Be Equal ${0} ${Old_MainPID}
${active_state_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Be Equal active ${ActiveState}
Run Keyword If ${main_pid_status} == False or ${active_state_status} == False
... Run Keywords Append To List ${service_not_started} ${service} AND Continue For Loop
BMC Execute Command kill -9 ${Old_MainPID}
Sleep 10s reason=Wait for service to restart.
${New_MainPID}= Get Service Attribute MainPID ${service}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Not Be Equal ${0} ${New_MainPID}
... msg=${service} service not restarted.
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Not Be Equal ${Old_MainPID} ${New_MainPID}
... msg=Old process ID is mapped to ${service} service after service restart..
${ActiveState}= Get Service Attribute ActiveState ${service}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Should Be Equal active ${ActiveState}
... msg=${service} service not in active state.
${length_service_not_started}= Get Length ${service_not_started}
${incorrect_services}= Evaluate ${length_incorrect_autorestart_policy} + ${length_service_not_started}
Run Keyword If ${incorrect_services} == ${length_services} and ${length_service_not_started} != 0
... Run Keywords Log ${service_not_started} AND Fail msg=All the services were either not started or not in active state by default.
... ELSE IF ${incorrect_services} != ${length_services} and ${length_service_not_started} != 0
... Run Keywords Log ${service_not_started} AND Fail msg=Few listed services were either not started or not in active state by default.
*** Keywords ***
Check Service Autorestart
[Documentation] Check if given policy is "always".
[Arguments] ${servicename}
# servicename Qualified service name
${restart_policy}= Get Service Attribute Restart ${servicename}
Should Be Equal always ${restart_policy}
... msg=Incorrect policy for ${servicename}