blob: d6f849f04e50867eaca70caa7be295c55bdc4278 [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This suite is for testing general IPMI functions.
Resource ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot
Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource ../../lib/boot_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
Resource ../../lib/logging_utils.robot
Library ../../lib/
Variables ../../data/
Library ../../lib/
Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail
*** Variables ***
${new_mc_id}= HOST
${allowed_temp_diff}= ${1}
${allowed_power_diff}= ${10}
*** Test Cases ***
Verify IPMI SEL Version
[Documentation] Verify IPMI SEL's version info.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_SEL_Version
${version_info}= Get IPMI SEL Setting Version
${setting_status}= Fetch From Left ${version_info} (
${setting_status}= Evaluate $setting_status.replace(' ','')
Should Be True ${setting_status} >= 1.5
Should Contain ${version_info} v2 compliant case_insensitive=True
Verify Empty SEL
[Documentation] Verify empty SEL list.
[Tags] Verify_Empty_SEL
Run IPMI Standard Command sel clear
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sel list
Should Contain ${resp} SEL has no entries case_insensitive=True
Verify Supported Cipher List
[Documentation] Execute all supported cipher levels and verify.
[Tags] Verify_Supported_Cipher_List
:FOR ${cipher_level} IN @{valid_cipher_list}
\ ${status}= Execute IPMI Command With Cipher ${cipher_level}
\ Should Be Equal ${status} ${0}
Verify Unsupported Cipher List
[Documentation] Execute all unsupported cipher levels and verify error.
[Tags] Verify_Unsupported_Cipher_List
:FOR ${cipher_level} IN @{unsupported_cipher_list}
\ ${status}= Execute IPMI Command With Cipher ${cipher_level}
\ Should Be Equal ${status} ${1}
Verify Supported Cipher List Via Lan Print
[Documentation] Verify supported cipher list via IPMI lan print command.
[Tags] Verify_Supported_Cipher_List_Via_Lan_Print
${network_info_dict}= Get Lan Print Dict
# Example 'RMCP+ Cipher Suites' entry: 3,17
${cipher_list}= Evaluate
... map(int, $network_info_dict['RMCP+ Cipher Suites'].split(','))
Lists Should Be Equal ${cipher_list} ${valid_cipher_list}
Verify Supported Cipher Via Getciphers
[Documentation] Verify supported chiper list via IPMI getciphers command.
[Tags] Verify_Supported_Cipher_Via_Getciphers
${output}= Run IPMI Standard Command channel getciphers ipmi
# Example of getciphers command output:
# ID IANA Auth Alg Integrity Alg Confidentiality Alg
# 3 N/A hmac_sha1 hmac_sha1_96 aes_cbc_128
# 17 N/A hmac_sha256 sha256_128 aes_cbc_128
${report}= Outbuf To Report ${output}
# Make list from the 'id' column in the report.
${cipher_list}= Evaluate [int(x['id']) for x in $report]
Lists Should Be Equal ${cipher_list} ${valid_cipher_list}
Verify Disabling And Enabling IPMI Via Host
[Documentation] Verify disabling and enabling IPMI via host.
[Tags] Verify_Disabling_And_Enabling_IPMI_Via_Host
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail
... AND Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
# Disable IPMI and verify
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access off
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Unable to establish IPMI*
... Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
# Enable IPMI and verify
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
${lan_print_output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
${openbmc_host_name} ${openbmc_ip} ${openbmc_short_name}=
... Get Host Name IP host=${OPENBMC_HOST} short_name=1
Should Contain ${lan_print_output} ${openbmc_ip}
Verify Disabling IPMI Via OOB IPMI
[Documentation] Verify disabling IPMI via out of band IPMI.
[Tags] Verify_Disabling_IPMI_Via_OOB_IPMI
[Teardown] Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
# Disable IPMI via OOB IPMI and verify
Run Keyword and Expect Error *IPMI response is NULL*
... Run IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access off
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Unable to establish IPMI*
... Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
# Enable IPMI via Host and verify
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
${lan_print_output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
${openbmc_host_name} ${openbmc_ip} ${openbmc_short_name}=
... Get Host Name IP host=${OPENBMC_HOST} short_name=1
Should Contain ${lan_print_output} ${openbmc_ip}
Verify IPMI Disable Persistency After BMC Reboot
[Documentation] Verify IPMI disable persistency after BMC reboot.
[Tags] Verify_IPMI_Disable_Persistency_After_BMC_Reboot
[Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail
... AND Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access on
# Disable IPMI and reboot BMC.
Run Inband IPMI Standard Command lan set 1 access off
OBMC Reboot (run)
# Verify that IPMI remains disabled after reboot.
Run Keyword and Expect Error *Unable to establish IPMI*
... Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
Set Asset Tag With Valid String Length
[Documentation] Set asset tag with valid string length and verify.
[Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length
# Allowed MAX characters length for asset tag name is 63.
${random_string}= Generate Random String 63
Run Keyword Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string}
${asset_tag}= Run Keyword Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi asset_tag
Should Contain ${asset_tag} ${random_string}
Set Asset Tag With Invalid String Length
[Documentation] Verify error while setting invalid asset tag via IPMI.
[Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Invalid_String_Length
# Any string more than 63 character is invalid for asset tag.
${random_string}= Generate Random String 64
${resp}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * Run IPMI Standard Command
... dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string}
Should Contain ${resp} Parameter out of range ignore_case=True
Set Asset Tag With Valid String Length Via REST
[Documentation] Set valid asset tag via REST and verify.
[Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length_Via_REST
${random_string}= Generate Random String 63
${args}= Create Dictionary data=${random_string}
Write Attribute /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system AssetTag
... data=${args}
${asset_tag}= Read Attribute /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system
... AssetTag
Should Be Equal As Strings ${asset_tag} ${random_string}
Verify Get And Set Management Controller ID String
[Documentation] Verify get and set management controller ID string.
[Tags] Verify_Get_And_Set_Management_Controller_ID_String
# Get the value of the managemment controller ID string.
# Example:
# Get Management Controller Identifier String: witherspoon
${cmd_output}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi get_mc_id_string
# Extract management controller ID from cmd_output.
${initial_mc_id}= Fetch From Right ${cmd_output} :${SPACE}
# Set the management controller ID string to other value.
# Example:
# Set Management Controller Identifier String Command: HOST
Set Management Controller ID String ${new_mc_id}
# Get the management controller ID and verify.
Get Management Controller ID String And Verify ${new_mc_id}
# Set the value back to the initial value and verify.
Set Management Controller ID String ${initial_mc_id}
# Get the management controller ID and verify.
Get Management Controller ID String And Verify ${initial_mc_id}
Test Management Controller ID String Status via IPMI
[Documentation] Test management controller ID string status via IPMI.
[Tags] Test_Management_Controller_ID_String_Status_via_IPMI
# Disable management controller ID string status via IPMI and verify.
Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi set_conf_param dhcp_config 0x00
Verify Management Controller ID String Status disable
# Enable management controller ID string status via IPMI and verify.
Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi set_conf_param dhcp_config 0x01
Verify Management Controller ID String Status enable
Test Management Controller ID String Status via Raw IPMI
[Documentation] Test management controller ID string status via IPMI.
[Tags] Test_Management_Controller_ID_String_Status_via_Raw_IPMI
# Disable management controller ID string status via raw IPMI and verify.
Run IPMI Standard Command raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['conf_param']['Disabled'][0]}
Verify Management Controller ID String Status disable
# Enable management controller ID string status via raw IPMI and verify.
Run IPMI Standard Command raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['conf_param']['Enabled'][0]}
Verify Management Controller ID String Status enable
Verify Chassis Identify via IPMI
[Documentation] Verify "chassis identify" using IPMI command.
[Tags] Verify_Chassis_Identify_via_IPMI
# Set to default "chassis identify" and verify that LED blinks for 15s.
Run IPMI Standard Command chassis identify
Verify Identify LED State Blink
Sleep 15s
Verify Identify LED State Off
# Set "chassis identify" to 10s and verify that the LED blinks for 10s.
Run IPMI Standard Command chassis identify 10
Verify Identify LED State Blink
Sleep 10s
Verify Identify LED State Off
Verify Chassis Identify Off And Force Identify On via IPMI
[Documentation] Verify "chassis identify" off
... and "force identify on" via IPMI.
[Tags] Verify_Chassis_Identify_Off_And_Force_Identify_On_via_IPMI
# Set the LED to "Force Identify On".
Run IPMI Standard Command chassis identify force
Verify Identify LED State Blink
# Set "chassis identify" to 0 and verify that the LED turns off.
Run IPMI Standard Command chassis identify 0
Verify Identify LED State Off
Test Watchdog Reset Via IPMI And Verify Using REST
[Documentation] Test watchdog reset via IPMI and verify using REST.
[Tags] Test_Watchdog_Reset_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_REST
Initiate Host Boot
Set Watchdog Enabled Using REST ${1}
Watchdog Object Should Exist
# Resetting the watchdog via IPMI.
Run IPMI Standard Command mc watchdog reset
# Verify the watchdog is reset using REST after an interval of 1000ms.
Sleep 1000ms
... Read Attribute ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI} TimeRemaining
Should Be True
... ${watchdog_time_left}<${1200000} and ${watchdog_time_left}>${2000}
... msg=Watchdog timer didn't reset.
Test Watchdog Off Via IPMI And Verify Using REST
[Documentation] Test watchdog off via IPMI and verify using REST.
[Tags] Test_Watchdog_Off_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_REST
Initiate Host Boot
Set Watchdog Enabled Using REST ${1}
Watchdog Object Should Exist
# Turn off the watchdog via IPMI.
Run IPMI Standard Command mc watchdog off
# Verify the watchdog is off using REST
${watchdog_state}= Read Attribute ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI} Enabled
Should Be Equal ${watchdog_state} ${0}
... msg=msg=Verification failed for watchdog off check.
Test Ambient Temperature Via IPMI
[Documentation] Test ambient temperature via IPMI and verify using REST.
[Tags] Test_Ambient_Temperature_Via_IPMI
# Entity ID Entity Instance Temp. Readings
# Inlet air temperature(40h) 1 +19 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 5 +51 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 6 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 7 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 8 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 9 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 10 +48 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 11 +49 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 12 +47 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 8 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 16 +51 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 24 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 32 +43 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 40 +43 C
# Baseboard temperature sensors(42h) 1 +35 C
${temp_reading}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi get_temp_reading -N 10
Should Contain ${temp_reading} Inlet air temperature
... msg="Unable to get inlet temperature via DCMI".
... Get Lines Containing String ${temp_reading}
... Inlet air temperature case-insensitive
${ambient_temp_ipmi}= Fetch From Right ${ambient_temp_line} +
${ambient_temp_ipmi}= Remove String ${ambient_temp_ipmi} ${SPACE}C
${ambient_temp_rest}= Read Attribute
... ${SENSORS_URI}temperature/ambient Value
# Example of ambient temperature via REST
# "CriticalAlarmHigh": 0,
# "CriticalAlarmLow": 0,
# "CriticalHigh": 35000,
# "CriticalLow": 0,
# "Scale": -3,
# "Unit": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.DegreesC",
# "Value": 21775,
# "WarningAlarmHigh": 0,
# "WarningAlarmLow": 0,
# "WarningHigh": 25000,
# "WarningLow": 0
# Get temperature value based on scale i.e. Value * (10 power Scale Value)
# e.g. from above case 21775 * (10 power -3) = 21775/1000
${ambient_temp_rest}= Evaluate ${ambient_temp_rest}/1000
... Evaluate abs(${ambient_temp_rest} - ${ambient_temp_ipmi})
Should Be True ${ipmi_rest_temp_diff} <= ${allowed_temp_diff}
... msg=Ambient temperature above allowed threshold ${allowed_temp_diff}.
Verify Get DCMI Capabilities
[Documentation] Verify get DCMI capabilities command output.
[Tags] Verify_Get_DCMI_Capabilities
${cmd_output}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi discover
@{supported_capabilities}= Create List
# Supported DCMI capabilities:
... Mandatory platform capabilties
... Optional platform capabilties
... Power management available
... Managebility access capabilties
... In-band KCS channel available
# Mandatory platform attributes:
... 200 SEL entries
... SEL automatic rollover is enabled
# Optional Platform Attributes:
... Slave address of device: 0h (8bits)(Satellite/External controller)
... Channel number is 0h (Primary BMC)
... Device revision is 0
# Manageability Access Attributes:
... Primary LAN channel number: 1 is available
... Secondary LAN channel is not available for OOB
... No serial channel is available
:FOR ${capability} IN @{supported_capabilities}
\ Should Contain ${cmd_output} ${capability} ignore_case=True
... msg=Supported DCMI capabilities not present.
Test Power Reading Via IPMI With Host Off
[Documentation] Test power reading via IPMI with host off state and
... verify using REST.
[Tags] Test_Power_Reading_Via_IPMI_With_Host_Off
REST Power Off stack_mode=skip quiet=1
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 30 sec Verify Power Reading
Test Power Reading Via IPMI With Host Booted
[Documentation] Test power reading via IPMI with host booted state and
... verify using REST.
[Tags] Test_Power_Reading_Via_IPMI_With_Host_Booted
REST Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1
# For a good power reading take a 3 samples for 15 seconds interval and
# average it out.
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec Verify Power Reading
Test Power Reading Via IPMI Raw Command
[Documentation] Test power reading via IPMI raw command and verify
... using REST.
[Tags] Test_Power_Reading_Via_IPMI_Raw_Command
# Response data structure of power reading command output via IPMI.
# 1 Completion Code. Refer to section 8, DCMI Completion Codes.
# 2 Group Extension Identification = DCh
# 3:4 Current Power in watts
REST Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 2 min 30 sec Verify Power Reading Via Raw Command
Test Baseboard Temperature Via IPMI
[Documentation] Test baseboard temperature via IPMI and verify using REST.
[Tags] Test_Baseboard_Temperature_Via_IPMI
# Example of IPMI dcmi get_temp_reading output:
# Entity ID Entity Instance Temp. Readings
# Inlet air temperature(40h) 1 +19 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 5 +51 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 6 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 7 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 8 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 9 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 10 +48 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 11 +49 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 12 +47 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 8 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 16 +51 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 24 +50 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 32 +43 C
# CPU temperature sensors(41h) 40 +43 C
# Baseboard temperature sensors(42h) 1 +35 C
${temp_reading}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi get_temp_reading -N 10
Should Contain ${temp_reading} Baseboard temperature sensors
... msg="Unable to get baseboard temperature via DCMI".
... Get Lines Containing String ${temp_reading}
... Baseboard temperature case-insensitive=True
${baseboard_temp_ipmi}= Fetch From Right ${baseboard_temp_line} +
${baseboard_temp_ipmi}= Remove String ${baseboard_temp_ipmi} ${SPACE}C
${baseboard_temp_rest}= Read Attribute
... /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/pcie Value
${baseboard_temp_rest}= Evaluate ${baseboard_temp_rest}/1000
Should Be True
... ${baseboard_temp_rest} - ${baseboard_temp_ipmi} <= ${allowed_temp_diff}
... msg=Baseboard temperature above allowed threshold ${allowed_temp_diff}.
Retrieve Default Gateway Via IPMI And Verify Using REST
[Documentation] Retrieve default gateway from LAN print using IPMI.
[Tags] Retrieve_Default_Gateway_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_REST
# Fetch "Default Gateway" from IPMI LAN print.
${default_gateway_ipmi}= Fetch Details From LAN Print Default Gateway IP
# Verify "Default Gateway" using REST.
Read Attribute ${NETWORK_MANAGER}/config DefaultGateway
... expected_value=${default_gateway_ipmi}
Retrieve MAC Address Via IPMI And Verify Using REST
[Documentation] Retrieve MAC Address from LAN print using IPMI.
[Tags] Retrieve_MAC_Address_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_REST
# Fetch "MAC Address" from IPMI LAN print.
${mac_address_ipmi}= Fetch Details From LAN Print MAC Address
# Verify "MAC Address" using REST.
${mac_address_rest}= Get BMC MAC Address
Should Be Equal ${mac_address_ipmi} ${mac_address_rest}
... msg=Verification of MAC address from lan print using IPMI failed.
Retrieve Network Mode Via IPMI And Verify Using REST
[Documentation] Retrieve network mode from LAN print using IPMI.
[Tags] Retrieve_Network_Mode_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_REST
# Fetch "Mode" from IPMI LAN print.
${network_mode_ipmi}= Fetch Details From LAN Print Source
# Verify "Mode" using REST.
${network_mode_rest}= Read Attribute
... ${NETWORK_MANAGER}/eth0 DHCPEnabled
Run Keyword If '${network_mode_ipmi}' == 'Static Address'
... Should Be Equal ${network_mode_rest} ${0}
... msg=Verification of network setting failed.
... ELSE IF '${network_mode_ipmi}' == 'DHCP'
... Should Be Equal ${network_mode_rest} ${1}
... msg=Verification of network setting failed.
Retrieve IP Address Via IPMI And Verify With BMC Details
[Documentation] Retrieve IP address from LAN print using IPMI.
[Tags] Retrieve_IP_Address_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_With_BMC_Details
# Fetch "IP Address" from IPMI LAN print.
${ip_addr_ipmi}= Fetch Details From LAN Print IP Address
# Verify the IP address retrieved via IPMI with BMC IPs.
${ip_address_rest}= Get BMC IP Info
Validate IP On BMC ${ip_addr_ipmi} ${ip_address_rest}
Verify Get Device ID
[Documentation] Verify get device ID command output.
[Tags] Verify_Get_Device_ID
# Example of get device ID command output:
# Device ID : 0
# Device Revision : 0
# Firmware Revision : 2.01
# IPMI Version : 2.0
# Manufacturer ID : 42817
# Manufacturer Name : Unknown (0xA741)
# Product ID : 16975 (0x424f)
# Product Name : Unknown (0x424F)
# Device Available : yes
# Provides Device SDRs : yes
# Additional Device Support :
# Sensor Device
# SEL Device
# FRU Inventory Device
# Chassis Device
# Aux Firmware Rev Info :
# 0x04
# 0x38
# 0x00
# 0x03
${mc_info}= Get MC Info
Should Be Equal ${mc_info['device_id']} 0
Should Be Equal ${mc_info['device_revision']} 0
# Get firmware revision from mc info command output i.e. 2.01
${ipmi_fw_major_version} ${ipmi_fw_minor_version}=
... Split String ${mc_info['firmware_revision']} .
# Convert minor firmware version from BCD format to integer. i.e. 01 to 1
${ipmi_fw_minor_version}= Convert To Integer ${ipmi_fw_minor_version}
# Get BMC version from BMC CLI i.e. 2.2 from "v2.2-253-g00050f1"
${bmc_version_full}= Get BMC Version
... Remove String Using Regexp ${bmc_version_full} ^[^0-9]+ [^0-9\.].*
# Get major and minor version from BMC version i.e. 2 and 1 from 2.1
${bmc_major_version} ${bmc_minor_version}=
... Split String ${bmc_version} .
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ipmi_fw_major_version} ${bmc_major_version}
... msg=Major version mis-match.
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ipmi_fw_minor_version} ${bmc_minor_version}
... msg=Minor version mis-match.
Should Be Equal ${mc_info['ipmi_version']} 2.0
# TODO: Verify Manufacturer and Product IDs directly from json file.
# Reference : openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1244
Should Be Equal ${mc_info['manufacturer_id']} 42817
Should Be Equal ${mc_info['product_id']} 16975 (0x424f)
Should Be Equal ${mc_info['device_available']} yes
Should Be Equal ${mc_info['provides_device_sdrs']} yes
Should Contain ${mc_info['additional_device_support']} Sensor Device
Should Contain ${mc_info['additional_device_support']} SEL Device
Should Contain
... ${mc_info['additional_device_support']} FRU Inventory Device
Should Contain ${mc_info['additional_device_support']} Chassis Device
# Auxiliary revision data verification.
${aux_version}= Get Aux Version ${bmc_version_full}
# From aux_firmware_rev_info field ['0x04', '0x38', '0x00', '0x03']
${bmc_aux_version}= Catenate
... ${mc_info['aux_firmware_rev_info'][0][2:]}
... ${mc_info['aux_firmware_rev_info'][1][2:]}
... ${mc_info['aux_firmware_rev_info'][2][2:]}
... ${mc_info['aux_firmware_rev_info'][3][2:]}
Should Be Equal As Integers
... ${bmc_aux_version} ${aux_version}
... msg=BMC aux version ${bmc_aux_version} does not match expected value of ${aux_version}.
Verify SDR Info
[Documentation] Verify sdr info command output.
[Tags] Verify_SDR_Info
# Example of SDR info command output:
# SDR Version : 0x51
# Record Count : 216
# Free Space : unspecified
# Most recent Addition :
# Most recent Erase :
# SDR overflow : no
# SDR Repository Update Support : unspecified
# Delete SDR supported : no
# Partial Add SDR supported : no
# Reserve SDR repository supported : no
# SDR Repository Alloc info supported : no
${sdr_info}= Get SDR Info
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['sdr_version']} 0x51
# Get sensor count from "sdr elist all" command output.
${sensor_count}= Get Sensor Count
Should Be Equal As Strings
... ${sdr_info['record_count']} ${sensor_count}
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['free_space']} unspecified
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['most_recent_addition']} ${EMPTY}
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['most_recent_erase']} ${EMPTY}
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['sdr_overflow']} no
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['sdr_repository_update_support']} unspecified
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['delete_sdr_supported']} no
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['partial_add_sdr_supported']} no
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['reserve_sdr_repository_supported']} no
Should Be Equal ${sdr_info['sdr_repository_alloc_info_supported']} no
Test Valid IPMI Channels Supported
[Documentation] Verify IPMI channels supported on a given system.
[Tags] Test_Valid_IPMI_Channels_Supported
${channel_count}= Get Physical Network Interface Count
# Note: IPMI network channel logically starts from 1.
:FOR ${channel_number} IN RANGE 1 ${channel_count}
\ Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print ${channel_number}
Test Invalid IPMI Channel Response
[Documentation] Verify invalid IPMI channels supported response.
[Tags] Test_Invalid_IPMI_Channel_Response
${channel_count}= Get Physical Network Interface Count
# To target invalid channel, increment count.
${channel_number}= Evaluate ${channel_count} + 1
# Example of invalid channel:
# $ ipmitool -I lanplus -H xx.xx.xx.xx -P password lan print 3
# Get Channel Info command failed: Parameter out of range
# Invalid channel: 3
${stdout}= Run External IPMI Standard Command
... lan print ${channel_number} fail_on_err=${0}
Should Contain ${stdout} Invalid channel
... msg=IPMI channel ${channel_number} is invalid but seen working.
*** Keywords ***
Get Sensor Count
[Documentation] Get sensors count using "sdr elist all" command.
# Example of "sdr elist all" command output:
# BootProgress | 03h | ok | 34.2 |
# OperatingSystemS | 05h | ok | 35.1 |
# AttemptsLeft | 07h | ok | 34.1 |
# occ0 | 08h | ok | 210.1 | Device Disabled
# occ1 | 09h | ok | 210.2 | Device Disabled
# p0_core0_temp | 11h | ns | 3.1 | Disabled
# cpu0_core0 | 12h | ok | 208.1 | Presence detected
# p0_core1_temp | 14h | ns | 3.2 | Disabled
# cpu0_core1 | 15h | ok | 208.2 | Presence detected
# p0_core2_temp | 17h | ns | 3.3 | Disabled
# ..
# ..
# ..
# ..
# ..
# ..
# fan3 | 00h | ns | 29.4 | Logical FRU @35h
# bmc | 00h | ns | 6.1 | Logical FRU @3Ch
# ethernet | 00h | ns | 1.1 | Logical FRU @46h
${output}= Run IPMI Standard Command sdr elist all
${sensor_list}= Split String ${output} \n
${sensor_count}= Get Length ${sensor_list}
[Return] ${sensor_count}
Set Management Controller ID String
[Documentation] Set the management controller ID string.
[Arguments] ${string}
# Description of argument(s):
# string Management Controller ID String to be set
${set_mc_id_string}= Run IPMI Standard Command
... dcmi set_mc_id_string ${string}
Get Management Controller ID String And Verify
[Documentation] Get the management controller ID string.
[Arguments] ${string}
# Description of argument(s):
# string Management Controller ID string
${get_mc_id}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi get_mc_id_string
Should Contain ${get_mc_id} ${string}
... msg=Command failed: get_mc_id.
Set Watchdog Enabled Using REST
[Documentation] Set watchdog Enabled field using REST.
[Arguments] ${value}
# Description of argument(s):
# value Integer value (eg. "0-Disabled", "1-Enabled").
${value_dict}= Create Dictionary data=${value}
${resp}= OpenBMC Put Request ${HOST_WATCHDOG_URI}/attr/Enabled
... data=${value_dict}
Fetch Details From LAN Print
[Documentation] Fetch details from LAN print.
[Arguments] ${field_name}
# Description of argument(s):
# ${field_name} Field name to be fetched from LAN print
# (e.g. "MAC Address", "Source").
${stdout}= Run External IPMI Standard Command lan print
${fetch_value}= Get Lines Containing String ${stdout} ${field_name}
${value_fetch}= Fetch From Right ${fetch_value} :${SPACE}
[Return] ${value_fetch}
Verify Power Reading
[Documentation] Get dcmi power reading via IPMI.
# Example of power reading command output via IPMI.
# Instantaneous power reading: 235 Watts
# Minimum during sampling period: 235 Watts
# Maximum during sampling period: 235 Watts
# Average power reading over sample period: 235 Watts
# IPMI timestamp: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
# Sampling period: 00000000 Seconds.
# Power reading state is: deactivated
${power_reading}= Get IPMI Power Reading
${host_state}= Get Host State
Run Keyword If '${host_state}' == 'Off'
... Should Be Equal ${power_reading['instantaneous_power_reading']} 0
... msg=Power reading not zero when power is off.
Run Keyword If '${power_reading['instantaneous_power_reading']}' != '0'
... Verify Power Reading Using REST ${power_reading['instantaneous_power_reading']}
Verify Power Reading Via Raw Command
[Documentation] Get dcmi power reading via IPMI raw command.
${ipmi_raw_output}= Run IPMI Standard Command
... raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['power_reading']['Get'][0]}
@{raw_output_list}= Split String ${ipmi_raw_output} ${SPACE}
# On successful execution of raw IPMI power reading command, completion
# code does not come in output. So current power value will start from 2
# byte instead of 3.
${power_reading_ipmi_raw_3_item}= Get From List ${raw_output_list} 2
... Convert To Integer 0x${power_reading_ipmi_raw_3_item}
${power_reading_rest}= Read Attribute
... ${SENSORS_URI}power/total_power Value
# Example of power reading via REST
# "CriticalAlarmHigh": 0,
# "CriticalAlarmLow": 0,
# "CriticalHigh": 3100000000,
# "CriticalLow": 0,
# "Scale": -6,
# "Unit": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Watts",
# "Value": 228000000,
# "WarningAlarmHigh": 0,
# "WarningAlarmLow": 0,
# "WarningHigh": 3050000000,
# "WarningLow": 0
# Get power value based on scale i.e. Value * (10 power Scale Value)
# e.g. from above case 228000000 * (10 power -6) = 228000000/1000000
${power_reading_rest}= Evaluate ${power_reading_rest}/1000000
... Evaluate abs(${power_reading_rest} - ${power_reading_ipmi_raw_3_item})
Should Be True ${ipmi_rest_power_diff} <= ${allowed_power_diff}
... msg=Power Reading above allowed threshold ${allowed_power_diff}.
Verify Management Controller ID String Status
[Documentation] Verify management controller ID string status via IPMI.
[Arguments] ${status}
# Example of dcmi get_conf_param command output:
# DHCP Discovery method :
# Management Controller ID String is disabled
# Vendor class identifier DCMI IANA and Vendor class-specific Informationa are disabled
# Initial timeout interval : 4 seconds
# Server contact timeout interval : 120 seconds
# Server contact retry interval : 64 seconds
${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi get_conf_param
${resp}= Get Lines Containing String ${resp}
... Management Controller ID String case_insensitive=True
Should Contain ${resp} ${status}
... msg=Management controller ID string is not ${status}
Verify Power Reading Using REST
[Documentation] Verify power reading using REST.
[Arguments] ${power_reading}
# Description of argument(s):
# power_reading IPMI Power reading
${power_reading_rest}= Read Attribute
... ${SENSORS_URI}power/total_power Value
# Example of power reading via REST
# "CriticalAlarmHigh": 0,
# "CriticalAlarmLow": 0,
# "CriticalHigh": 3100000000,
# "CriticalLow": 0,
# "Scale": -6,
# "Unit": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.Watts",
# "Value": 228000000,
# "WarningAlarmHigh": 0,
# "WarningAlarmLow": 0,
# "WarningHigh": 3050000000,
# "WarningLow": 0
# Get power value based on scale i.e. Value * (10 power Scale Value)
# e.g. from above case 228000000 * (10 power -6) = 228000000/1000000
${power_reading_rest}= Evaluate ${power_reading_rest}/1000000
... Evaluate abs(${power_reading_rest} - ${power_reading})
Should Be True ${ipmi_rest_power_diff} <= ${allowed_power_diff}
... msg=Power reading above allowed threshold ${allowed_power_diff}.
Get Physical Network Interface Count
[Documentation] Return valid physical network interfaces count.
# Example:
# link/ether 22:3a:7f:70:92:cb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
# link/ether 0e:8e:0d:6b:e9:e4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
${mac_entry_list}= Get BMC MAC Address List
${mac_unique_list}= Remove Duplicates ${mac_entry_list}
${physical_interface_count}= Get Length ${mac_unique_list}
[Return] ${physical_interface_count}
Execute IPMI Command With Cipher
[Documentation] Execute IPMI command with a given cipher level value.
[Arguments] ${cipher_level}
# Description of argument(s):
# cipher_level IPMI chipher level value
# (e.g. "1", "2", "3", "15", "16", "17").
${ipmi_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR=
... ipmitool -I lanplus -C ${cipher_level} -P${SPACE}${IPMI_PASSWORD}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return RC and Output ${ipmi_cmd}
[Return] ${rc}