blob: 1c898d97304eddc7097a2c69fea5c1e916dce5bc [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Methods to execute commands on BMC and collect
... data to a list of FFDC files
Resource openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot
Resource rest_client.robot
Resource utils.robot
Library SSHLibrary
*** Keywords ***
# Method : Call FFDC Methods #
# Execute the user define keywords from the FFDC List #
# Unlike any other keywords this will call into the #
# list of keywords defined in the FFDC list at one go #
Call FFDC Methods
[Documentation] Calls into FFDC Keyword index list
@{entries}= Get ffdc method index
:FOR ${index} IN @{entries}
\ Method Call Keyword List ${index}
SSHLibrary.Close All Connections
Method Call Keyword List
[Documentation] Iterate the list through keyword index
[Arguments] ${index}
@{method_list}= Get ffdc method call ${index}
:FOR ${method} IN @{method_list}
\ Execute Keyword Method ${method[1]}
Execute Keyword Method
[Documentation] Calls into BMC method keywords. Don't let one
... failure skips the remaining. Get whatever data
... it could gather at worse case scenario.
[Arguments] ${keyword_name}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure ${keyword_name}
# Method : BMC FFDC Manifest #
# Execute command on BMC and write to ffdc_report.txt #
BMC FFDC Manifest
[Documentation] Get the commands index for the FFDC_BMC_CMD,
... login to BMC and execute commands.
Open Connection And Log In
@{entries}= Get ffdc cmd index
:FOR ${index} IN @{entries}
\ Iterate BMC Command List Pairs ${index}
Iterate BMC Command List Pairs
[Documentation] Feed in key pair list from dictionary to execute
[Arguments] ${key_index}
@{cmd_list}= Get ffdc bmc cmd ${key_index}
Set Suite Variable ${ENTRY_INDEX} ${key_index}
:FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list}
\ Execute Command and Write FFDC ${cmd[0]} ${cmd[1]}
Execute Command and Write FFDC
[Documentation] Execute command on BMC or OS and write to ffdc
... By default to ffdc_report.txt file else to
... specified file path.
[Arguments] ${key_index}
... ${cmd}
... ${logpath}=${FFDC_FILE_PATH}
Run Keyword If '${logpath}' == '${FFDC_FILE_PATH}'
... Write Cmd Output to FFDC File ${key_index} ${cmd}
${stdout} ${stderr}=
... Execute Command ${cmd} return_stderr=True
# Write stdout on success and stderr/stdout to the file on failure.
Run Keyword If $stderr == '${EMPTY}'
... Write Data To File ${stdout}${\n} ${logpath}
... ELSE Write Data To File
... ERROR output:${\n}${stderr}${\n}Output:${\n}${stdout}${\n}
... ${logpath}
# Method : BMC FFDC Files #
# Execute command on BMC and write to individual file #
# based on the file name pre-defined in the list #
[Documentation] Get the command list and iterate
Open Connection And Log In
@{entries}= Get ffdc file index
:FOR ${index} IN @{entries}
\ Create File and Write Data ${index}
Create File and Write Data
[Documentation] Create files to current FFDC log directory,
... executes command and write to corresponding
... file name in the current FFDC directory.
[Arguments] ${key_index}
@{cmd_list}= Get ffdc bmc file ${key_index}
:FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list}
\ ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} ${cmd[0]}.txt
\ Execute Command and Write FFDC ${cmd[0]} ${cmd[1]} ${logpath}
# Method : Log Test Case Status #
# Creates test result history footprint for reference #
Log Test Case Status
[Documentation] Test case execution result history.
... Create once and append to this file
... logs/test_history.txt
... Format Date:Test suite:Test case:Status
... 20160909214053719992:Test Warmreset:Test WarmReset via REST:FAIL
Create Directory ${FFDC_LOG_PATH}
${exist}= Run Keyword and Return Status
... OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${TEST_HISTORY}
Run Keyword If '${exist}' == '${False}'
... Create File ${TEST_HISTORY}
${cur_time}= Get Current Time Stamp
Append To File ${TEST_HISTORY}
... ${cur_time}:${SUITE_NAME}:${TEST_NAME}:${TEST_STATUS}${\n}
Log FFDC Get Requests
[Documentation] Create file in current FFDC log directory.
... Do openbmc get request and write to
... corresponding file name.
... JSON pretty print for logging to file.
[Arguments] ${key_index}
@{cmd_list}= Get ffdc get request ${key_index}
:FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list}
\ ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} ${cmd[0]}.txt
\ ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${cmd[1]} quiet=${1}
\ ${status}= Run Keyword and Return Status
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == '${False}' Continue For Loop
\ ${jsondata}= to json ${resp.content} pretty_print=True
\ Write Data To File ${\n}${jsondata}${\n} ${logpath}
BMC FFDC Get Requests
[Documentation] Get the command list and iterate
Open Connection And Log In
@{entries}= Get ffdc get request index
:FOR ${index} IN @{entries}
\ Log FFDC Get Requests ${index}
[Documentation] Create file in current FFDC log directory.
... Executes OS command and write to
... corresponding file name.
[Arguments] ${key_index}
@{cmd_list}= get ffdc os all distros call ${key_index}
:FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list}
\ ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} ${cmd[0]}.txt
\ Execute Command and Write FFDC ${cmd[0]} ${cmd[1]} ${logpath}
[Documentation] Create file in current FFDC log directory.
... Executes OS command and write to
... corresponding file name.
[Arguments] ${key_index} ${linux_distro}
@{cmd_list}= get ffdc os distro call ${key_index} ${linux_distro}
:FOR ${cmd} IN @{cmd_list}
\ ${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} ${cmd[0]}.txt
\ Execute Command and Write FFDC ${cmd[0]} ${cmd[1]} ${logpath}
[Documentation] Get the command list and iterate
Return From Keyword If '${OS_HOST}' == '${EMPTY}'
... No OS Host Provided
# If can't ping, return
${rc}= Run Keyword and Return Status Ping Host ${OS_HOST}
Return From Keyword If '${rc}' == '${False}'
... Could not ping OS
Open Connection And Log In host=${OS_HOST} username=${OS_USERNAME}
... password=${OS_PASSWORD}
${output} ${stderr} ${rc}= Execute Command uptime return_stderr=True
... return_rc=True
# If the return code returned by "Execute Command" is non-zero, return
Return From Keyword If '${rc}' != '${0}'
... Could not connect to OS
@{entries}= Get ffdc os all distros index
:FOR ${index} IN @{entries}
\ Log OS ALL DISTROS FFDC ${index}
${linux_distro}= Execute Command
... . /etc/os-release; echo $ID
... return_stdout=True return_stderr=False return_rc=False
Return From Keyword If
... '${linux_distro}' == '${EMPTY}' or '${linux_distro}' == 'None'
... Could not determine Linux Distribution
@{entries}= Get ffdc os distro index ${linux_distro}
:FOR ${index} IN @{entries}
\ Log OS SPECIFIC DISTRO FFDC ${index} ${linux_distro}
SCP Coredump Files
[Documentation] Copy core dump file from BMC to local system.
# Check if core dump exist in the /tmp
Open Connection And Log In
${core_files}= Execute Command ls /tmp/core_*
@{core_list} = Split String ${core_files}
# Copy the core files
Open Connection for SCP
:FOR ${index} IN @{core_list}
\ scp.Get File ${index} ${LOG_PREFIX}${index.lstrip("/tmp/")}
# Remove the file from remote to avoid re-copying on next FFDC call
\ Execute Command On BMC rm ${index}
Collect eSEL Log
[Documentation] Collect eSEL log from logging entry.
${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY}/enumerate quiet=${1}
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status
... Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK}
Return From Keyword If '${status}' == '${False}'
${content}= To Json ${resp.content}
# Grab the list of entries from logging/entry/
# The data shown below is the result of the "Get Dictionary Keys".
# Example:
# /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1
# /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/2
${esel_list}= Get Dictionary Keys ${content['data']}
${logpath}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${LOG_PREFIX} esel
Create File ${logpath}
# Fetch data from /xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1/attr/AdditionalData
# "ESEL=00 00 df 00 00 00 00 20 00 04 12 35 6f aa 00 00 "
# Sample eSEL entry:
# "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1": {
# "Timestamp": 1487744317025,
# "AdditionalData": [
# "ESEL=00 00 df 00 00 00 00 20 00 04 12 35 6f aa 00 00 "
# ],
# "Message": "org.open_power.Error.Host.Event.Event",
# "Id": 1,
# "Severity": "xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Emergency"
# }
:FOR ${entry_path} IN @{esel_list}
\ ${esel_data}= Read Attribute ${entry_path} AdditionalData quiet=${1}
\ Write Data To File "${esel_data[0]}" ${logpath}
\ Write Data To File ${\n} ${logpath}