blob: 04f70e1da012a40c75e13b9d35954e6c2a3a731b [file] [log] [blame]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Operational checks for fans.
# Test Parameters:
# OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address.
# OPENBMC_USERNAME The userID to login to the BMC as.
# Approximate run time: 18 minutes.
Resource ../syslib/utils_os.robot
Resource ../lib/logging_utils.robot
Resource ../lib/utils.robot
Resource ../lib/fan_utils.robot
Library ../syslib/
Library OperatingSystem
Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
*** Variables ***
# Fan state values.
${fan_functional} ${1}
${fan_nonfunctional} ${0}
# Criteria for a fan to be considered to be at maximum speed.
${max_speed}= ${10400}
*** Test Cases ***
Check Number Of Fans With Power On
[Documentation] Verify system has the minimum number of fans.
[Tags] Check_Number_Of_Fans_With_Power_On
# Determine if system is water cooled.
${water_coooled}= Is Water Cooled
Verify Minimum Number Of Fans With Cooling Type ${number_of_fans}
... ${water_coooled}
Check Number Of Fan Monitors With Power On
[Documentation] Verify monitors are present when power on.
[Tags] Check_Number_Of_Fan_Monitors_With_Power_On
Verify Fan Monitors With State On
Check Fan Speed
[Documentation] Verify fans are running at or near target speed.
[Tags] Check_Fan_Speed
# Set the speed tolerance criteria.
# A tolerance value of .15 means that the fan's speed should be
# within 15% of its set target speed. Fans may be accelerating
# or decelerating to meet a new target, so allow .10 extra.
${tolerance}= Set Variable .25
Rpvars tolerance
# Compare the fan's speed with its target speed.
:FOR ${fan_name} IN @{fan_names}
\ ${target_speed} ${fan_speed}= Get Fan Target And Speed ${fan_name}
\ Rpvars fan_name target_speed fan_speed
\ # Calculate tolerance, which is a % of the target speed.
\ ${tolerance_value}= Evaluate ${tolerance}*${target_speed}
\ # Calculate upper and lower speed limits.
\ ${max_limit}= Evaluate ${target_speed}+${tolerance_value}
\ ${min_limit}= Evaluate ${target_speed}-${tolerance_value}
\ Run Keyword If
... ${fan_speed} < ${min_limit} or ${fan_speed} > ${max_limit}
... Fail msg=${fan_name} speed of ${fan_speed} is out of range.
Check Fan Manual Control
[Documentation] Check direct control of fans.
[Tags] Check_Fan_Manual_Control
# Test case overview:
# Turn off BMC's fan control daemon, then test to confirm
# that fans can be controlled manually.
# The app that takes data from sysfs and updates dbus is named hwmon.
# Verify hwmon functionality by comparing with what's on dbus
# (/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan0_0, fan0_1, etc.)
# with what's in the BMC's file system at
# /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9/fan*_input.
# The maximum target speed that can be set.
${max_fan_target_setting}= Set Variable ${10500}
# Speed criteria for passing, which is 85% of max_fan_target_setting.
${min_speed}= Set Variable ${8925}
# Time allowed for the fan daemon to take control and return
# fans to normal speed.
${minutes_to_stabilize}= Set Variable 4
# Login to BMC and disable the fan daemon. Disabling the daemon sets
# manual mode.
Open Connection And Log In
Set Fan Daemon State stop
# For each fan, set a new target speed and wait for the fan to
# accelerate. Then check that the fan is running near that
# target speed.
:FOR ${fan_name} IN @{fan_names}
\ Set Fan Target Speed ${fan_name} ${max_fan_target_setting}
\ Run Key U Sleep \ 60s
\ ${target_speed} ${cw_speed} ${ccw_speed}=
... Get Target And Blade Speeds ${fan_name}
\ Rpvars fan_name target_speed cw_speed ccw_speed
\ Run Keyword If
... ${cw_speed} < ${min_speed} or ${ccw_speed} < ${min_speed}
... Fail msg=${fan_name} failed manual speed test.
# Check the fan speeds in the BMC file system.
# Get the location of the fan hwmon.
${controller_path} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command
... grep -ir max31785a /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon* | grep name
# E.g., controller_path=/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10/name:max31785a.
${hwmon_path} ${file_name}= Split Path ${controller_path}
# E.g., /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon10 or /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon9.
Rpvars controller_path hwmon_path
# Run the BMC command which gets fan speeds from the file system.
${cmd}= Catenate cat ${hwmon_path}/fan*_input
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}=
... BMC Execute Command ${cmd}
Rpvars fan_speeds_from_BMC_file_system
# Convert output to integer values.
${speeds}= Evaluate map(int, $stdout.split(${\n}))
Rpvars speeds
# Count the number of speeds > ${min_speed}.
${count}= Set Variable ${0}
:FOR ${speed} IN @{speeds}
\ ${count}= Run Keyword If ${speed} > ${min_speed}
... Evaluate ${count}+1 ELSE Set Variable ${count}
# Because each fan has two rotating fan blades, the count should be
# equual to 2*${number_of_fans}. On water-cooled systems some
# speeds may be reported by hwmon as 0. That is expected,
# and the number_of_fans reported in the system will be less.
${fail_test}= Evaluate (2*${number_of_fans})-${count}
# Re-enable the fan daemon
Set Fan Daemon State restart
Run Keyword If ${fail_test} Fail
... msg=hwmon did not properly report fan speeds.
# Wait for the daemon to take control and gracefully set fan speeds
# back to normal.
${msg}= Catenate Waiting ${minutes_to_stabilize} minutes
... for fan daemon to stabilize fans.
Rprint Timen ${msg}
Run Key U Sleep \ ${minutes_to_stabilize}m
Verify Fan Speed Increase
[Documentation] Verify that the speed of working fans increase when
... one fan is disabled.
[Tags] Verify_Fan_Speed_Increase
# A non-functional fan should cause an error log and
# an enclosure LED will light. The other fans should speed up.
# Allow system_response_time before checking if there was a
# response by the system to an applied fault.
${system_response_time}= Set Variable 60s
# Choose a fan to test with, e.g., fan0.
${test_fan_name}= Get From List ${fan_names} 0
${initial_speed}= Get Target Speed Of Fans
Rpvars test_fan_name initial_speed
# If initial speed is not already at maximum, set expect_increase.
# This flag is used later to determine if speed checking is
# to be done or not.
${expect_increase}= Run Keyword If
... ${initial_speed} < ${max_speed}
... Set Variable 1 ELSE Set Variable 0
Set Fan State ${test_fan_name} ${fan_nonfunctional}
# Wait for error to be asserted.
:FOR ${n} IN RANGE 30
\ ${front_fault}= Get System LED State front_fault
\ ${rear_fault}= Get System LED State rear_fault
\ Run Key U Sleep \ 1s
\ Exit For Loop If '${front_fault}' == 'On' and '${rear_fault}' == 'On'
Verify System Error Indication Due To Fans
# Verify the error log is for test_fan_name.
${elog_entries}= Get Logging Entry List
:FOR ${elog_entry} IN @{elog_entries}
\ ${elog_entry_callout}= Set Variable ${elog_entry}/callout
\ ${endpoint}= Read Attribute ${elog_entry_callout} endpoints
\ ${endpoint_name}= Get From List ${endpoint} 0
\ Should Contain ${endpoint_name} ${test_fan_name}
... msg=Error log present but not for ${test_fan_name}.
Run Key U Sleep \ ${system_response_time}
# A heavily loaded system may have powered-off.
${host_state}= Get Host State
Rpvars host_state
Run Keyword If 'Running' != '${host_state}' Pass Execution
... msg=System shutdown so skipping remainder of test.
${new_fan_speed}= Get Target Speed Of Fans
Rpvars expect_increase initial_speed new_fan_speed
# Fail if current fan speed did not increase past the initial
# speed, but do this check only if not at maximum speed to begin with.
Run Keyword If
... ${expect_increase} == 1 and ${new_fan_speed} < ${initial_speed}
... Fail msg=Remaining fans did not increase speed with loss of one fan.
Verify System Shutdown Due To Fans
[Documentation] Shut down when not enough fans.
[Tags] Verify_System_Shutdown_Due_To_Fans
${wait_after_poweroff}= Set Variable 15s
# The previous test may have shutdown the system.
REST Power On stack_mode=skip
# Set fans to be non-functional.
:FOR ${fan_name} IN @{fan_names}
\ Set Fan State ${fan_name} ${fan_nonfunctional}
# System should notice the non-functional fans and power-off the
# system. The Wait For PowerOff keyword will time-out and report
# an error if power off does not happen within a reasonable time.
Wait For PowerOff
Run Key U Sleep \ ${wait_after_poweroff}
Verify System Error Indication Due To Fans
# Verify there is an error log because of the shutdown.
${expect}= Catenate
... xyz.openbmc_project.State.Shutdown.Inventory.Error.Fan
${elog_entries}= Get Logging Entry List
:FOR ${elog_entry} IN @{elog_entries}
\ ${elog_message}= Read Attribute ${elog_entry} Message
\ ${found}= Set Variable 1
\ Run Keyword If '${elog_message}' == '${expect}' Exit For Loop
\ ${found}= Set Variable 0
Run Keyword If not ${found} Fail
... msg=No error log for event Shutdown.Inventory.Error.Fan.
*** Keywords ***
Reset Fans
[Documentation] Set the fans to functional state.
# Set state of fans to functional by writing 1 to the Functional
# attribute of each fan in the @{fan_names} list. If @{fan_names}
# is empty nothing is done.
# Description of Argument(s):
# fans Suite Variable which is a list containing the
# names of the fans (e.g., fan0 fan2 fan3).
:FOR ${fan_name} IN @{fan_names}
\ Set Fan State ${fan_name} ${fan_functional}
Suite Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do the pre-test setup.
REST Power On stack_mode=skip
# The @{fan_names} list holds the names of the fans in the system.
@{fan_names} Create List
${fan_names}= Get Fan Names ${fan_names}
Set Suite Variable ${fan_names} children=true
${number_of_fans}= Get Length ${fan_names}
Set Suite Variable ${number_of_fans} children=true
Reset Fans
Run Key U Sleep \ 15s
Delete All Error Logs
Set System LED State front_fault Off
Set System LED State rear_fault Off
Test Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Do the post-test teardown.
FFDC On Test Case Fail
Reset Fans
Run Key U Sleep \ 15s
Delete All Error Logs
Set System LED State front_fault Off
Set System LED State rear_fault Off