blob: b485da465e6416ef3cb9dd7ced9e47374149eb96 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Utilities for redfish BIOS attribute operations.
Resource resource.robot
Resource bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Resource common_utils.robot
Resource utils.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Set BIOS Attribute Value And Verify
[Documentation] Set BIOS attribute handle with attribute value and verify.
[Arguments] ${attr_handle} ${attr_val} ${verify}=${True}
# Description of argument(s):
# ${attr_handle} BIOS Attribute handle (e.g. 'vmi_if0_ipv4_method').
# @{attr_val} Attribute value for the given attribute handle.
# ${verify} Verify the new value.
# Check if the BIOS attribute value type is string.
${type_str}= Evaluate isinstance($attr_val, str)
IF ${type_str}
# Handling the case when the BIOS attribute value is an empty string.
${attr_value_length}= Evaluate len($attr_val.replace('"', ''))
IF ${attr_value_length}
${value}= Set Variable "${attr_val}"
${value}= Set Variable ${attr_val}
${value}= Set Variable ${attr_val}
# BIOS attribute with _current are ReadOnly can not be updated.
IF 'current' in '${attr_handle}'
Log To Console BIOS attribute with _current are ReadOnly can not be updated !!
Redfish.Patch ${BIOS_ATTR_SETTINGS_URI} body={"Attributes":{"${attr_handle}": ${value}}}
... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}]
Run Keyword If '${verify}' == '${True}' Verify BIOS Attribute ${attr_handle} ${attr_val}
Set Optional BIOS Attribute Values And Verify
[Documentation] For the given BIOS attribute handle update with optional
... attribute values and verify.
[Arguments] ${attr_handle} @{attr_val_list}
# Description of argument(s):
# ${attr_handle} BIOS Attribute handle (e.g. 'vmi_if0_ipv4_method').
# @{attr_val_list} List of the attribute values for the given attribute handle.
# (e.g. ['IPv4Static', 'IPv4DHCP']).
FOR ${attr} IN @{attr_val_list}
${new_attr}= Evaluate $attr.replace('"', '')
Set BIOS Attribute Value And Verify ${attr_handle} ${new_attr}
Verify BIOS Attribute
[Documentation] Verify BIOS attribute value.
[Arguments] ${attr_handle} ${attr_val}
# Description of argument(s):
# ${attr_handle} BIOS Attribute handle (e.g. 'vmi_if0_ipv4_method').
# ${attr_val} The expected value for the given attribute handle.
${output}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${BIOS_ATTR_URI} Attributes
${cmd_rsp_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Not Be Empty ${output['${attr_handle}']}
IF ${cmd_rsp_status}
Should Be Equal ${output['${attr_handle}']} ${attr_val}
Switch And Verify BIOS Attribute Firmware Boot Side
[Documentation] Switch BIOS attribute firmware boot side value to Perm/Temp
... at host power off state and verify firmware boot side
... value after BMC reboot.
[Arguments] ${set_fw_boot_side}
# Description of argument(s):
# set_fw_boot_side Firmware boot side optional value Perm/Temp.
# Do host power off.
Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip quiet=1
# Get pre reboot state.
${pre_reboot_state}= Get Pre Reboot State
# Get fw_boot_side value.
# fw_boot_side values are not same.
${cur_boot_side}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${BIOS_ATTR_URI} Attributes
Log To Console Current firmware boot side :: ${cur_boot_side["fw_boot_side"]}
Log To Console Given firmware boot side :: ${set_fw_boot_side}
Return From Keyword If "${cur_boot_side["fw_boot_side_current"]}" == "${set_fw_boot_side}"
... ${True}
# Set the given firmware boot side value.
Set BIOS Attribute Value And Verify fw_boot_side ${set_fw_boot_side} False
# Power on BMC and wait for BMC to take reboot.
Log To Console Perform power on operation & expect BMC to take reboot...
Redfish Power Operation On
Log To Console Wait for the BMC to take reboot and come back online...
Wait For Reboot start_boot_seconds=${pre_reboot_state['epoch_seconds']}
... wait_state_check=0
# Post BMC reboot, host should auto power on back to runtime.
Log To Console BMC rebooted, wait for host to boot...
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${OS_RUNNING_TIMEOUT} min 20 sec
... Is Boot Progress At Any State
# Verify firmware boot side values after BMC reboot.
Verify BIOS Attribute fw_boot_side ${set_fw_boot_side}
Verify BIOS Attribute fw_boot_side_current ${set_fw_boot_side}