blob: c69b8a41c30150d35675112c7b35713cf8f6d2a2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python
This file contains functions useful for validating variables in robot.
import gen_robot_print as grp
import gen_valid as gv
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
from robot.api import logger
def rvalid_value(var_name,
Validate a robot value.
This function is the robot wrapper for gen_robot_print.svalid_value.
Description of arguments:
var_name The name of the variable whose value is to
be validated.
invalid_values A list of invalid values. If var_value is
equal to any of these, it is invalid.
Note that if you specify anything for
invalid_values (below), the valid_values
list is not even processed.
valid_values A list of invalid values. var_value must
be equal to one of these values to be
considered valid.
If either the invalid_values or the valid_values parms are not of type
"list", they will be processed as python code in order to generate a list.
This allows the robot programmer to essentially specify a list literal.
For example, the robot code could contain the following:
Rvalid Value var1 valid_values=['one', 'two']
Examples of robot calls and corresponding output:
Robot code...
rvalid_value MY_PARM
#(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:04:20 - **ERROR** Variable "MY_PARM" not found (i.e.
#it's undefined).
or if it is defined but blank:
#(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:14:24 - **ERROR** The following variable has an
#invalid value:
It must NOT be one of the following values:
invalid_values[0]: <blank>
Robot code...
${invalid_values}= Create List one two three
${MY_PARM}= Set Variable one
rvalid_value MY_PARM invalid_values=${invalid_values}
#(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:20:05 - **ERROR** The following variable has an
#invalid value:
MY_PARM: one
It must NOT be one of the following values:
invalid_values[0]: one
invalid_values[1]: two
invalid_values[2]: three
# Note: get_variable_value() seems to have no trouble with local variables.
var_value = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${" + var_name + "}")
if type(valid_values) is not list:
# Evaluate python syntax to convert to a list.
exec("valid_values = " + valid_values)
if type(invalid_values) is not list:
# Evaluate python syntax to convert to a list.
exec("invalid_values = " + invalid_values)
if var_value is None:
var_value = ""
error_message = "Variable \"" + var_name +\
"\" not found (i.e. it's undefined).\n"
error_message = gv.svalid_value(var_value, invalid_values,
valid_values, var_name)
if not error_message == "":
error_message = grp.sprint_error_report(error_message)
def rvalid_integer(var_name):
Validate a robot integer.
This function is the robot wrapper for gen_robot_print.svalid_integer.
Description of arguments:
var_name The name of the variable whose value is to
be validated.
Examples of robot calls and corresponding output:
Robot code...
Rvalid Integer MY_PARM
#(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:44:43 - **ERROR** Variable "MY_PARM" not found (i.e.
#it's undefined).
or if it is defined but blank:
#(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:45:37 - **ERROR** Invalid integer value:
MY_PARM: <blank>
Robot code...
${MY_PARM}= Set Variable HELLO
Rvalid Integer MY_PARM
#(CDT) 2016/11/02 10:46:18 - **ERROR** Invalid integer value:
# Note: get_variable_value() seems to have no trouble with local variables.
var_value = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${" + var_name + "}")
if var_value is None:
var_value = ""
error_message = "Variable \"" + var_name +\
"\" not found (i.e. it's undefined).\n"
error_message = gv.svalid_integer(var_value, var_name)
if not error_message == "":
error_message = grp.sprint_error_report(error_message)
def rvalid_range(var_name,
Validate that a robot integer is within the given range.
This function is the robot wrapper for gen_robot_print.svalid_range.
Description of arguments:
var_name The name of the variable whose value is to
be validated.
range A list comprised of one or two elements
which are the lower and upper ends of a
range. These values must be integers
except where noted. Valid specifications
may be of the following forms: [lower,
upper], [lower] or [None, upper]. The
caller may also specify this value as a
string which will then be converted to a
list in the aforementioned format:
lower..upper, lower.. or ..upper.
Examples of robot calls and corresponding output:
Robot code...
Rvalid Range MY_PARM 5..9
#(CDT) 2018/05/09 11:45:00.166344 - 0.004252 - **ERROR** The following
# variable is not within the expected range:
valid_range: 5..9
var_value = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${" + var_name + "}")
if var_value is None:
var_value = ""
error_message = "Variable \"" + var_name +\
"\" not found (i.e. it's undefined).\n"
range = range.split("..")
except AttributeError:
if range[0] == "":
range[0] = None
range = [x for x in range if x]
error_message = gv.svalid_range(var_value, range, var_name)
if not error_message == "":
error_message = grp.sprint_error_report(error_message)