blob: 1d8db7c078384a0f247354bfc16960a653437c6c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
*** Settings ***
Documentation This module contains keywords within tests/obmc_boot_test that
... are points at which to call plug-ins.
Resource obmc_driver_vars.txt
*** Keywords ***
Call Point Setup
[Documentation] Call any plugins that have a cp_setup program
[Teardown] Log to Console **Plugin** end call point: cp_setup${\n}
Log to Console ${\n}**Plugin** start call point: cp_setup
Call Point Pre Boot
[Documentation] Call any plugins that have a cp_pre_boot program
[Teardown] Log to Console **Plugin** end call point: cp_pre_boot${\n}
Log to Console ${\n}**Plugin** start call point: cp_pre_boot
Call Point Post Boot
[Documentation] Call any plugins that have a cp_post_boot program
[Teardown] Log to Console **Plugin** end call point: cp_post_boot${\n}
Log to Console ${\n}**Plugin** start call point: cp_post_boot
Call Point FFDC
[Documentation] Call any plugins that have a cp_ffdc program
[Teardown] Log to Console **Plugin** end call point: cp_ffdc${\n}
Log to Console ${\n}**Plugin** start call point: cp_ffdc
Call Point Stop Check
[Documentation] Call any plugins that have a cp_stop_check program
[Teardown] Log to Console **Plugin** end call point: cp_stop_check${\n}
Log to Console ${\n}**Plugin** start call point: cp_stop_check