blob: 86581f4ebfce77be4e8e2a020ac923c5d806dbba [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Verify that connected USB device can be detected by the
... OS and exercised in HTX or written to.
# OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address.
# OS_HOST The OS host name or IP address.
# OS_USERNAME The OS user name.
# OS_PASSWORD The OS Host password.
# USB_DEVICE_NAME The USB device to be used in test.
# TIMEOUT Amount of time to wait for the device
# being exercised to reach 1 cycle.
Resource ../syslib/utils_os.robot
Test Setup Test Setup Execution
Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Write To USB Device
[Documentation] Verify that the given device can be written to.
[Tags] Verify_Write_To_USB_Device
OS Execute Command mkdir -p /mount-dev/
OS Execute Command mount -rw /dev/${USB_DEVICE_NAME} /mount-dev/
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... echo "Write to file" /mount-dev/file.txt ignore_err=1
Should Be Empty ${stderr} msg=Could not write to USB device.
Exercise USB Device
[Documentation] Verify that the given device can be exercised with
... HTX.
[Tags] Exercise_USB_Device
Run MDT Profile
# If the htxcmdline -status does not include this device then it is
# not a device that can be exercised with HTX, fail.
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc} OS Execute Command
... htxcmdline -status | grep ${USB_DEVICE_NAME}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds
... ${TIMEOUT} 10s Verify Device Cycle Completion
*** Keywords ***
Verify Device Cycle Completion
[Documentation] Verify that the USB device has completed at least
... one HTX cycle.
# Grep htxcmdline -status to get the device's cycle count.
${stdout} ${stderr} ${rc}= OS Execute Command
... htxcmdline -status | grep ${USB_DEVICE_NAME} | awk '{print $5}'
Should Not Be Empty ${stdout} msg=Device is not running HTX
Run Keyword If ${stdout} < 1
... FAIL msg=Device has not completed at least one cycle.
Test Setup Execution
[Documentation] Do initial test setup task(s).
OS Execute Command ls /dev/${USB_DEVICE_NAME}
Test Teardown Execution
[Documentation] Perform post test case tasks.
# Even if the tests fails, device should be unmounted and HTX idle.
Run Keyword If '${TEST_NAME}' == 'Verify Write To USB Device'
... OS Execute Command umount /mount-dev/
... ELSE
... Shutdown HTX Exerciser
FFDC On Test Case Fail