blob: 080e61a76824b07539f068e2e6c3757f14dfc4ff [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# This file contains list-manipulation functions.
# A list is defined here as a string of items separated by some delimiter. The PATH variable is one such
# example.
if ! test "${default_delim+defined}" ; then
readonly default_delim=" "
# Performance note: It is important for these functions to run quickly. One way to increase their speed is
# to avoid copying function arguments to local variables and to instead use numbered arguments (e.g. ${1},
# {2}, etc.) to access the arguments from inside the functions. In some trials, this doubled the speed of
# the functions. The cost of this is that it makes the functions slightly more difficult to read.
function add_list_element {
# local list_element="${1}"
# local list_name="${2}"
# local delim="${3:-${default_delim}}"
# local position="${4:-back}"
# Add the list_element to the list named in list_name.
# Description of argument(s):
# list_element The list element to be added.
# list_name The name of the list to be modified.
# delim The delimiter used to separate list elements.
# position Indicates the position in the list where the new element should be added
# ("front"/"back").
if [ -z "${!2}" ] ; then
# The list is blank. Simply assign it the list_element value and return.
eval "${2}=\"${1}\""
if [ "${4:-back}" == "back" ] ; then
# Append the list_element to the back of the list and return.
eval "${2}=\"\${${2}}\${3-${default_delim}}\${1}\""
# Append the list_element to the front of the list and return.
eval "${2}=\"\${1}\${3-${default_delim}}\${${2}}\""
function remove_list_element {
# local list_element="${1}"
# local list_name="${2}"
local delim="${3:-${default_delim}}"
# Remove all occurrences of list_element from the list named in list_name.
# Description of argument(s):
# list_element The list element to be removed.
# list_name The name of the list to be modified.
# delim The delimiter used to separate list elements.
local __rle_new_list__="${!2}"
# Special case: The list contains one element which matches the specified list element:
if [ "${1}" == "${__rle_new_list__}" ] ; then
eval ${2}=\"\"
# Replace all occurrences of list_element that are bounded by the delimiter on both sides.
# Replace list_item if it occurs at the beginning of the string and is bounded on the right by the
# delimiter.
# Replace list_item if it occurs at the end of the string and is bounded on the left by the delimiter.
# Set caller's variable to new value.
eval ${2}=\"\${__rle_new_list__}\"
function cleanup_path_slashes {
local var_name="${1}" ; shift
# For the variable named in var_name, replace all multiple-slashes with single slashes and strip any
# trailing slash.
# Description of argument(s):
# var_name The name of the variable whose contents are to be changed.
local cmd_buf
cmd_buf="${var_name}=\$(echo \"\${${var_name}}\" | sed -re 's#[/]+#/#g' -e 's#/\$##g')"
eval "${cmd_buf}"
function remove_path {
local dir_path="${1}" ; shift
local path_var="${1:-PATH}" ; shift
# Remove all occurrences of dir_path from the path variable named in path_var.
# Note that this function will remove extraneous slashes from the elements of path_var.
# Description of argument(s):
# dir_path The directory to be removed from the path variable.
# path_var The name of a variable containing directory paths separated by colons.
cleanup_path_slashes dir_path || return 1
cleanup_path_slashes ${path_var} || return 1
remove_list_element "${dir_path}" "${path_var}" : || return 1