blob: 0c7f279b948951c5eaadc1658918e2bc0db75e12 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import gen_print as gp
import gen_cmd as gc
import collections
module_names = ['Selenium2Library', 'SeleniumLibrary', 'SSHLibrary', 'requests',
'XvfbRobot', 'robotremoteserver', 'redfish']
import_versions = collections.OrderedDict()
for module_name in module_names:
cmd_buf = "import " + module_name
cmd_buf = "import_versions['" + module_name + "'] = " + module_name \
+ ".__version__"
except ImportError:
import_versions[module_name] = "Not installed"
def software_versions():
Get the versions for several of the software packages used by
openbmc-test-automation and return as a dictionary.
Example call:
${software_versions}= Software Versions
Rprint Vars software_versions
Example output:
[python]: Python 2.7.12
[robot]: Robot Framework 3.1.2 (Python 3.6.8 on linux)
[firefox]: Mozilla Firefox 54.0
[google-chrome]: Not installed
[Selenium2Library]: 3.0.0
[SeleniumLibrary]: 3.3.1
[SSHLibrary]: 3.3.0
[requests]: 2.22.0
[XvfbRobot]: 1.2.2
[robotremoteserver]: 1.1
[redfish]: 2.1.1
[robotframework-angularjs]: 0.0.10
[robotframework-scplibrary]: 1.2.0
[robotframework-extendedselenium2library]: 0.9.1
[host OS]: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
quiet = 1
versions = collections.OrderedDict()
for package in ['python', 'python3', 'robot', 'firefox', 'google-chrome']:
# Note: "robot --version" returns 0x00000000000000fb.
# Note: If package does not exist, 0x7f is returned.
rc, version = gc.shell_cmd(package + " --version",
valid_rcs=[0, 0x7f, 0xfb])
versions[package] = "Not installed" if rc == 0x7f else version.rstrip('\n')
for package in ['robotframework-angularjs', 'robotframework-scplibrary',
rc, version = gc.shell_cmd("pip3 show " + package
+ " | grep Version | sed -re 's/.*: //g'")
versions[package] = "Not installed" if not version else version.rstrip('\n')
rc, version = gc.shell_cmd("lsb_release -d -s")
versions["host OS"] = "Failed" if not version else version.rstrip('\n')
return versions