| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation This module is for IPMI client for copying ipmitool to |
| ... openbmc box and execute ipmitool IPMI standard |
| ... command. IPMI raw command will use dbus-send command |
| Resource ../lib/resource.robot |
| Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot |
| Resource ../lib/utils.robot |
| Resource ../lib/state_manager.robot |
| |
| Library String |
| Library var_funcs.py |
| Library ipmi_client.py |
| Library ../lib/bmc_ssh_utils.py |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${dbusHostIpmicmd1}= dbus-send --system ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}HostIpmi/1 |
| ${dbusHostIpmiCmdReceivedMsg}= ${OPENBMC_BASE_DBUS}.HostIpmi.ReceivedMessage |
| ${netfnByte}= ${EMPTY} |
| ${cmdByte}= ${EMPTY} |
| ${arrayByte}= array:byte: |
| ${HOST}= -H |
| ${RAW}= raw |
| ${IPMITOOL_PATH} /tmp/ipmitool |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| |
| Run IPMI Command |
| [Documentation] Run the raw IPMI command. |
| [Arguments] ${command} ${fail_on_err}=${1} &{options} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # command The IPMI command string to be executed |
| # (e.g. "power status"). |
| # fail_on_err Fail if the IPMI command execution fails. |
| # options Additional ipmitool command options (e.g. |
| # -C=3, -I=lanplus, etc.). Currently, only |
| # used for external IPMI commands. |
| |
| ${resp}= Run Keyword If '${IPMI_COMMAND}' == 'External' |
| ... Run External IPMI Raw Command ${command} ${fail_on_err} &{options} |
| ... ELSE IF '${IPMI_COMMAND}' == 'Inband' |
| ... Run Inband IPMI Raw Command ${command} |
| ... ELSE IF '${IPMI_COMMAND}' == 'Dbus' |
| ... Run Dbus IPMI RAW Command ${command} |
| ... ELSE Fail msg=Invalid IPMI Command type provided: ${IPMI_COMMAND} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| |
| Run IPMI Standard Command |
| [Documentation] Run the standard IPMI command. |
| [Arguments] ${command} ${fail_on_err}=${1} ${expected_rc}=${0} &{options} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # command The IPMI command string to be executed |
| # (e.g. "0x06 0x36"). |
| # fail_on_err Fail if the IPMI command execution fails. |
| # expected_rc The expected return code from the ipmi |
| # command (e.g. ${0}, ${1}, etc.). |
| # options Additional ipmitool command options (e.g. |
| # -C=3, -I=lanplus, etc.). Currently, only |
| # used for external IPMI commands. |
| |
| ${resp}= Run Keyword If '${IPMI_COMMAND}' == 'External' |
| ... Run External IPMI Standard Command ${command} ${fail_on_err} ${expected_rc} &{options} |
| ... ELSE IF '${IPMI_COMMAND}' == 'Inband' |
| ... Run Inband IPMI Standard Command ${command} ${fail_on_err} |
| ... ELSE IF '${IPMI_COMMAND}' == 'Dbus' |
| ... Run Dbus IPMI Standard Command ${command} |
| ... ELSE Fail msg=Invalid IPMI Command type provided : ${IPMI_COMMAND} |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| |
| Run Dbus IPMI RAW Command |
| [Documentation] Run the raw IPMI command through dbus. |
| [Arguments] ${command} |
| ${valueinBytes}= Byte Conversion ${command} |
| ${cmd}= Catenate ${dbushostipmicmd1} ${dbusHostIpmiCmdReceivedMsg} |
| ${cmd}= Catenate ${cmd} ${valueinBytes} |
| ${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${cmd} return_stderr=True |
| Should Be Empty ${stderr} |
| set test variable ${OUTPUT} "${output}" |
| |
| |
| Run Dbus IPMI Standard Command |
| [Documentation] Run the standard IPMI command through dbus. |
| [Arguments] ${command} |
| Copy ipmitool |
| ${stdout} ${stderr} ${output}= Execute Command |
| ... ${IPMITOOL_PATH} -I dbus ${command} return_stdout=True |
| ... return_stderr= True return_rc=True |
| Should Be Equal ${output} ${0} msg=${stderr} |
| [Return] ${stdout} |
| |
| |
| Run Inband IPMI Raw Command |
| [Documentation] Run the raw IPMI command in-band. |
| [Arguments] ${command} ${fail_on_err}=${1} ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME} |
| ... ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # command The IPMI command string to be executed |
| # (e.g. "0x06 0x36"). |
| # os_host The host name or IP address of the OS Host. |
| # os_username The OS host user name. |
| # os_password The OS host passwrd. |
| |
| Login To OS Host ${os_host} ${os_username} ${os_password} |
| Check If IPMI Tool Exist |
| |
| ${ipmi_cmd}= Catenate ${IPMI_INBAND_CMD} ${RAW} ${command} |
| Qprint Issuing ${ipmi_cmd} |
| ${stdout} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${ipmi_cmd} return_stderr=True |
| Return From Keyword If ${fail_on_err} == ${0} ${stderr} |
| Should Be Empty ${stderr} msg=${stdout} |
| [Return] ${stdout} |
| |
| |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| [Documentation] Run the standard IPMI command in-band. |
| [Arguments] ${command} ${fail_on_err}=${1} ${os_host}=${OS_HOST} |
| ... ${os_username}=${OS_USERNAME} ${os_password}=${OS_PASSWORD} |
| ... ${login_host}=${1} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # command The IPMI command string to be executed |
| # (e.g. "power status"). |
| # os_host The host name or IP address of the OS Host. |
| # os_username The OS host user name. |
| # os_password The OS host passwrd. |
| # login_host Indicates that this keyword should login to host OS. |
| |
| Run Keyword If ${login_host} == ${1} |
| ... Login To OS Host ${os_host} ${os_username} ${os_password} |
| Check If IPMI Tool Exist |
| |
| ${ipmi_cmd}= Catenate ${IPMI_INBAND_CMD} ${command} |
| Qprint Issuing ${ipmi_cmd} |
| ${stdout} ${stderr}= Execute Command ${ipmi_cmd} return_stderr=True |
| Return From Keyword If ${fail_on_err} == ${0} ${stderr} |
| Should Be Empty ${stderr} msg=${stdout} |
| [Return] ${stdout} |
| |
| |
| Run External IPMI Standard Command |
| [Documentation] Run the external IPMI standard command. |
| [Arguments] ${command} ${fail_on_err}=${1} ${expected_rc}=${0} &{options} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # command The IPMI command string to be executed |
| # (e.g. "power status"). Note that if |
| # ${IPMI_USER_OPTIONS} has a value (e.g. |
| # "-vvv"), it will be pre-pended to this |
| # command string. |
| # fail_on_err Fail if the IPMI command execution fails. |
| # expected_rc The expected return code from the ipmi |
| # command (e.g. ${0}, ${1}, etc.). |
| # options Additional ipmitool command options (e.g. |
| # -C=3, -I=lanplus, etc.). |
| |
| ${command_string}= Process IPMI User Options ${command} |
| ${ipmi_cmd}= Create IPMI Ext Command String ${command_string} &{options} |
| Qprint Issuing ${ipmi_cmd} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return RC and Output ${ipmi_cmd} |
| Return From Keyword If ${fail_on_err} == ${0} ${output} |
| Should Be Equal ${rc} ${expected_rc} msg=${output} |
| [Return] ${output} |
| |
| |
| Run External IPMI Raw Command |
| [Documentation] Run the external IPMI raw command. |
| [Arguments] ${command} ${fail_on_err}=${1} &{options} |
| |
| # This keyword is a wrapper for 'Run External IPMI Standard Command'. See |
| # that keyword's prolog for argument details. This keyword will pre-pend |
| # the word "raw" plus a space to command prior to calling 'Run External |
| # IPMI Standard Command'. |
| |
| ${output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command |
| ... raw ${command} ${fail_on_err} &{options} |
| [Return] ${output} |
| |
| |
| Check If IPMI Tool Exist |
| [Documentation] Check if IPMI Tool installed or not. |
| ${output}= Execute Command which ipmitool |
| Should Not Be Empty ${output} msg=ipmitool not installed. |
| |
| |
| Activate SOL Via IPMI |
| [Documentation] Start SOL using IPMI and route output to a file. |
| [Arguments] ${file_path}=${IPMI_SOL_LOG_FILE} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # file_path The file path on the local machine (vs. |
| # OBMC) to collect SOL output. By default |
| # SOL output is collected at |
| # logs/sol_<BMC_IP> else user input location. |
| |
| ${ipmi_cmd}= Create IPMI Ext Command String sol activate usesolkeepalive |
| Qprint Issuing ${ipmi_cmd} |
| Start Process ${ipmi_cmd} shell=True stdout=${file_path} |
| ... alias=sol_proc |
| |
| |
| Deactivate SOL Via IPMI |
| [Documentation] Stop SOL using IPMI and return SOL output. |
| [Arguments] ${file_path}=${IPMI_SOL_LOG_FILE} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # file_path The file path on the local machine to copy |
| # SOL output collected by above "Activate |
| # SOL Via IPMI" keyword. By default it |
| # copies log from logs/sol_<BMC_IP>. |
| |
| ${ipmi_cmd}= Create IPMI Ext Command String sol deactivate |
| Qprint Issuing ${ipmi_cmd} |
| ${rc} ${output}= Run and Return RC and Output ${ipmi_cmd} |
| Run Keyword If ${rc} > 0 Run Keywords |
| ... Run Keyword And Ignore Error Terminate Process sol_proc |
| ... AND Return From Keyword ${output} |
| |
| ${output}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${file_path} encoding_errors=ignore |
| |
| # Logging SOL output for debug purpose. |
| Log ${output} |
| |
| [Return] ${output} |
| |
| |
| Byte Conversion |
| [Documentation] Byte Conversion method receives IPMI RAW commands as |
| ... argument in string format. |
| ... Sample argument is as follows |
| ... "0x04 0x30 9 0x01 0x00 0x35 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 |
| ... 0x00" |
| ... IPMI RAW command format is as follows |
| ... <netfn Byte> <cmd Byte> <Data Bytes..> |
| ... This method converts IPMI command format into |
| ... dbus command format as follows |
| ... <byte:seq-id> <byte:netfn> <byte:lun> <byte:cmd> |
| ... <array:byte:data> |
| ... Sample dbus Host IPMI Received Message argument |
| ... byte:0x00 byte:0x04 byte:0x00 byte:0x30 |
| ... array:byte:9,0x01,0x00,0x35,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 |
| [Arguments] ${args} |
| ${argLength}= Get Length ${args} |
| Set Global Variable ${arrayByte} array:byte: |
| @{listargs}= Split String ${args} |
| ${index}= Set Variable ${0} |
| FOR ${word} IN @{listargs} |
| Run Keyword if ${index} == 0 Set NetFn Byte ${word} |
| Run Keyword if ${index} == 1 Set Cmd Byte ${word} |
| Run Keyword if ${index} > 1 Set Array Byte ${word} |
| ${index}= Set Variable ${index + 1} |
| END |
| ${length}= Get Length ${arrayByte} |
| ${length}= Evaluate ${length} - 1 |
| ${arrayByteLocal}= Get Substring ${arrayByte} 0 ${length} |
| Set Global Variable ${arrayByte} ${arrayByteLocal} |
| ${valueinBytesWithArray}= Catenate byte:0x00 ${netfnByte} byte:0x00 |
| ${valueinBytesWithArray}= Catenate ${valueinBytesWithArray} ${cmdByte} |
| ${valueinBytesWithArray}= Catenate ${valueinBytesWithArray} ${arrayByte} |
| ${valueinBytesWithoutArray}= Catenate byte:0x00 ${netfnByte} byte:0x00 |
| ${valueinBytesWithoutArray}= Catenate ${valueinBytesWithoutArray} ${cmdByte} |
| # To Check scenario for smaller IPMI raw commands with only 2 arguments |
| # instead of usual 12 arguments. |
| # Sample small IPMI raw command: Run IPMI command 0x06 0x36 |
| # If IPMI raw argument length is only 9 then return value in bytes without |
| # array population. |
| # Equivalent dbus-send argument for smaller IPMI raw command: |
| # byte:0x00 byte:0x06 byte:0x00 byte:0x36 |
| Run Keyword if ${argLength} == 9 Return from Keyword ${valueinBytesWithoutArray} |
| [Return] ${valueinBytesWithArray} |
| |
| |
| Set NetFn Byte |
| [Documentation] Set the network function byte. |
| [Arguments] ${word} |
| ${netfnByteLocal}= Catenate byte:${word} |
| Set Global Variable ${netfnByte} ${netfnByteLocal} |
| |
| |
| Set Cmd Byte |
| [Documentation] Set the command byte. |
| [Arguments] ${word} |
| ${cmdByteLocal}= Catenate byte:${word} |
| Set Global Variable ${cmdByte} ${cmdByteLocal} |
| |
| |
| Set Array Byte |
| [Documentation] Set the array byte. |
| [Arguments] ${word} |
| ${arrayByteLocal}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${arrayByte} ${word} |
| ${arrayByteLocal}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${arrayByteLocal} , |
| Set Global Variable ${arrayByte} ${arrayByteLocal} |
| |
| |
| Copy ipmitool |
| [Documentation] Copy the ipmitool to the BMC. |
| ${ipmitool_error}= Catenate The ipmitool program could not be found in the tools directory. |
| ... It is not part of the automation code by default. You must manually copy or link the correct openbmc |
| ... version of the tool in to the tools directory in order to run this test suite. |
| |
| ${response} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command |
| ... which ipmitool ignore_err=${1} |
| ${installed}= Get Regexp Matches ${response} ipmitool |
| Run Keyword If ${installed} == ['ipmitool'] |
| ... Run Keywords Set Suite Variable ${IPMITOOL_PATH} ${response} |
| ... AND SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${OPENBMC_HOST} |
| ... AND Return From Keyword |
| |
| OperatingSystem.File Should Exist tools/ipmitool msg=${ipmitool_error} |
| Import Library SCPLibrary WITH NAME scp |
| scp.Open connection ${OPENBMC_HOST} username=${OPENBMC_USERNAME} password=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} |
| scp.Put File tools/ipmitool /tmp |
| SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${OPENBMC_HOST} |
| Execute Command chmod +x ${IPMITOOL_PATH} |
| |
| |
| Initiate Host Boot Via External IPMI |
| [Documentation] Initiate host power on using external IPMI. |
| [Arguments] ${wait}=${1} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # wait Indicates that this keyword should wait |
| # for host running state. |
| |
| ${output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command chassis power on |
| Should Not Contain ${output} Error |
| |
| Run Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' Return From Keyword |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 min 10 sec Is Host Running |
| |
| |
| Initiate Host PowerOff Via External IPMI |
| [Documentation] Initiate host power off using external IPMI. |
| [Arguments] ${wait}=${1} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # wait Indicates that this keyword should wait |
| # for host off state. |
| |
| ${output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command chassis power off |
| Should Not Contain ${output} Error |
| |
| Run Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' Return From Keyword |
| Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3 min 10 sec Is Host Off |
| |
| |
| Is Host Off Via IPMI |
| [Documentation] Verify if the Host is off using IPMI command. |
| |
| ${status}= Run External IPMI Standard Command chassis power status |
| Should Contain ${status} off |
| |
| |
| Get Host State Via External IPMI |
| [Documentation] Returns host state using external IPMI. |
| |
| ${output}= Run External IPMI Standard Command chassis power status |
| Should Not Contain ${output} Error |
| ${output}= Fetch From Right ${output} ${SPACE} |
| |
| [Return] ${output} |
| |
| |
| Set BMC Network From Host |
| [Documentation] Set BMC network from host. |
| [Arguments] ${nw_info} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # nw_info A dictionary containing the network |
| # information to apply. |
| |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set 1 ipaddr ${nw_info['IP Address']} |
| |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set 1 netmask ${nw_info['Subnet Mask']} |
| |
| Run Inband IPMI Standard Command |
| ... lan set 1 defgw ipaddr ${nw_info['Default Gateway IP']} |
| |
| |
| Verify IPMI Username And Password |
| [Documentation] Verify that user is able to run IPMI command |
| ... with given username and password. |
| [Arguments] ${username} ${password} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # username The user name (e.g. "root", "robert", etc.). |
| # password The user password. |
| |
| ${output}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 sec 5 sec Run External IPMI Standard Command |
| ... sel info U=${username} P=${password} |
| Should Contain ${output} SEL Information msg=SEL information not present |
| |
| |
| IPMI Create User |
| [Documentation] Create IPMI user with given userid and username. |
| [Arguments] ${userid} ${username} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # userid The user ID (e.g. "1", "2", etc.). |
| # username The user name (e.g. "root", "robert", etc.). |
| |
| ${ipmi_cmd}= Catenate user set name ${userid} ${username} |
| ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command ${ipmi_cmd} |
| ${user_info}= Get User Info ${userid} ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} |
| Should Be Equal ${user_info['user_name']} ${username} |
| |
| |
| Enable IPMI User And Verify |
| [Documentation] Enable the userid and verify that it has been enabled. |
| [Arguments] ${userid} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # userid A numeric userid (e.g. "4"). |
| |
| Run IPMI Standard Command user enable ${userid} |
| ${user_info}= Get User Info ${userid} ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} |
| Valid Value user_info['enable_status'] ['enabled'] |
| |
| |
| Create Random IPMI User |
| [Documentation] Create IPMI user with random username and userid and return those fields. |
| |
| ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] |
| ${random_userid}= Evaluate random.randint(2, 15) modules=random |
| IPMI Create User ${random_userid} ${random_username} |
| [Return] ${random_userid} ${random_username} |
| |
| |
| Delete Created User |
| [Documentation] Delete created IPMI user. |
| [Arguments] ${userid} |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # userid The user ID (e.g. "1", "2", etc.). |
| |
| Run IPMI Standard Command user set name ${userid} "" |
| Sleep 5s |
| |
| |
| Set Channel Access |
| [Documentation] Verify that user is able to run IPMI command |
| ... with given username and password. |
| [Arguments] ${userid} ${options} ${channel_number}=${CHANNEL_NUMBER} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # userid The user ID (e.g. "1", "2", etc.). |
| # options Set channel command options (e.g. |
| # "link=on", "ipmi=on", etc.). |
| # channel_number The user's channel number (e.g. "1"). |
| |
| ${ipmi_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= |
| ... channel setaccess${SPACE}${channel_number}${SPACE}${userid} |
| ... ${SPACE}${options} |
| Run IPMI Standard Command ${ipmi_cmd} |
| |
| |
| Delete All Non Root IPMI User |
| [Documentation] Delete all non-root IPMI user. |
| |
| # Get complete list of user info records. |
| ${user_info}= Get User Info ${EMPTY} ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} |
| # Remove header record. |
| ${user_info}= Filter Struct ${user_info} [('user_name', None)] invert=1 |
| ${non_empty_user_info}= Filter Struct ${user_info} [('user_name', '')] invert=1 |
| ${non_root_user_info}= Filter Struct ${non_empty_user_info} [('user_name', 'root')] invert=1 |
| |
| FOR ${user_record} IN @{non_root_user_info} |
| Run IPMI Standard Command user set name ${user_record['user_id']} "" |
| Sleep 5s |
| END |
| |
| |
| Create SEL |
| [Documentation] Create a SEL. |
| [Arguments] ${sensor_type} ${sensor_number} |
| |
| # Create a SEL. |
| # Example: |
| # a | 02/14/2020 | 01:16:58 | Sensor_type #0x17 | | Asserted |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # ${sensor_type} Type of the sensor used in hexadecimal (can be fan, temp etc.,), |
| # obtained from Sensor Type field in - ipmitool sdr get "sensor_name". |
| # Example: Sensor Type (Threshold) : Fan (0x04), here 0xHH is sensor type. |
| |
| # ${sensor_number} Sensor number of the sensor in hexadecimal. |
| # obtained from Sensor ID field in - ipmitool sdr get "sensor_name". |
| # Example: Sensor ID : SENSOR_1 (0xHH), here 0xHH is sensor number. |
| |
| ${cmd}= Catenate ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Create_SEL'][0]} 0x${GEN_ID_BYTE_1} 0x${GEN_ID_BYTE_2} |
| ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Create_SEL'][1]} 0x${sensor_type} 0x${sensor_number} |
| ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['Create_SEL'][2]} |
| |
| ${resp}= Run IPMI Command ${cmd} |
| |
| Should Not Contain ${resp} 00 00 msg=SEL not created. |
| |
| Sleep 5s |
| |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| |
| Fetch One Threshold Sensor From Sensor List |
| [Documentation] Fetch one threshold sensor randomly from Sensor list. |
| |
| @{sensor_name_list}= Create List |
| |
| ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sensor |
| @{sensor_list}= Split To Lines ${resp} |
| |
| # Omit the discrete sensor and create an threshold sensor name list |
| FOR ${sensor} IN @{sensor_list} |
| ${discrete_sensor_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${sensor} discrete |
| Continue For Loop If '${discrete_sensor_status}' == 'True' |
| ${sensor_details}= Split String ${sensor} | |
| ${get_sensor_name}= Get From List ${sensor_details} 0 |
| ${sensor_name}= Set Variable ${get_sensor_name.strip()} |
| Append To List ${sensor_name_list} ${sensor_name} |
| END |
| |
| ${random_sensor_name}= Evaluate random.choice(${sensor_name_list}) random |
| |
| [Return] ${random_sensor_name} |
| |
| Fetch Sensor Details From SDR |
| [Documentation] Identify the sensors from sdr get and fetch sensor details required. |
| [Arguments] ${sensor_name} ${setting} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # ${sensor_number} Sensor number of the sensor in hexadecimal. |
| # obtained sensor name from - 'ipmitool sensor' command. |
| # Example: a | 02/14/2020 | 01:16:58 | Sensor_type #0x17 | | Asserted |
| # here, a is the sensor name. |
| |
| # ${setting} Field to fetch data. Example : Sensor ID, Sensor Type (Threshold), etc,. |
| |
| ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command sdr get "${sensor_name}" |
| |
| ${setting_line}= Get Lines Containing String ${resp} ${setting} |
| ... case-insensitive |
| ${setting_status}= Fetch From Right ${setting_line} :${SPACE} |
| |
| [Return] ${setting_status} |
| |
| |
| Get Bytes From SDR Sensor |
| [Documentation] Fetch the Field Data and hexadecimal values from given details. |
| [Arguments] ${sensor_detail} |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # ${sensor_detail} Requested field and the value from the sdr get ipmi command. |
| # Example : if Sensor ID is the requesting setting, then, |
| # ${sensor_detail} will be "Sensor ID : SENSOR_1 (0xHH)" |
| |
| ${sensor_detail}= Split String ${sensor_detail} (0x |
| ${sensor_hex}= Replace String ${sensor_detail[1]} ) ${EMPTY} |
| ${sensor_hex}= Zfill Data ${sensor_hex} 2 |
| |
| [Return] ${sensor_hex} |
| |
| |
| Get Current Date from BMC |
| [Documentation] Runs the date command from BMC and returns current date and time |
| [Arguments] ${date_format}=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S |
| |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # date_format Date format of the result. E.g. %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S etc. |
| |
| # Get Current Date from BMC |
| ${date} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command date |
| |
| # Split the string and remove first and 2nd last value from the list and join to form %d %b %H:%M:%S %Y date format |
| ${date}= Split String ${date} |
| Remove From List ${date} 0 |
| Remove From List ${date} -2 |
| ${date}= Evaluate " ".join(${date}) |
| |
| # Convert the date to specified format, default:%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S |
| ${date}= Convert Date ${date} date_format=%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y result_format=${date_format} exclude_millis=True |
| |
| [Return] ${date} |
| |
| |
| Get SEL Info Via IPMI |
| [Documentation] Get the SEL Info via IPMI raw command |
| |
| # Get SEL Info response consist of 14 bytes of hexadecimal data. |
| |
| # Byte 1 - SEL Version, |
| # Byte 2 & 3 - Entry bytes - LSB MSB, |
| # Byte 4 & 5 - Free Space in bytes, LS Byte first. |
| # Byte 6 - 9 - Most recent addition timestamp, |
| # Byte 10-13 - Most recent erase timestamp, |
| # Byte 14 - Operation Support |
| |
| # Example: ${resp} will be "51 XX XX XX XX ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff XX" |
| |
| ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command |
| ... raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['SEL_entry']['SEL_info'][0]} |
| ${resp}= Split String ${resp} |
| |
| [Return] ${resp} |
| |
| |
| Verify Invalid IPMI Command |
| [Documentation] Execute invalid IPMI command and verify with given response code. |
| [Arguments] ${ipmi_cmd} ${error_code}=0xc9 |
| |
| # Description Of Arguments. |
| # ${ipmi_cmd} - IPMI raw cmd with invalid data length. |
| # ${error_code} - Expected error code e.g 0xc7, 0xcc. |
| |
| ${resp}= Run External IPMI Raw Command ${ipmi_cmd} fail_on_err=0 |
| |
| Should Contain ${resp} rsp=${error_code} |
| |
| |
| Identify Request Data |
| [Documentation] Convert text from variable declared to request data. |
| [Arguments] ${string} |
| |
| # Convert string to hexadecimal data for each character. |
| # Return the hex data with prefix of 0x as string and list of hex data. |
| # Description of argument(s): |
| # string Any string to be converted to hex. |
| |
| # Given a string, convert to hexadecimal and prefix with 0x |
| ${hex1}= Create List |
| ${hex2}= Create List |
| ${resp_data}= Split String With Index ${string} 1 |
| FOR ${data} IN @{resp_data} |
| # prefixes 0x by default |
| ${hex_value}= Evaluate hex(ord("${data}")) |
| # prefixes string with bytes prefixed 0x by default |
| Append To List ${hex1} ${hex_value} |
| # provides only hexadecimal bytes |
| ${hex}= Evaluate hex(ord("${data}"))[2:] |
| # provides string with only hexadecimal bytes |
| Append To List ${hex2} ${hex} |
| END |
| ${hex1}= Evaluate " ".join(${hex1}) |
| |
| # ${hex1} will contains the data to write for fru in list. |
| # ${hex2} will contains the data to verify fru after write operation completed. |
| |
| [Return] ${hex1} ${hex2} |