blob: 670df0180f92959b4520595271117275a40eab46 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
*** Settings ***
Documentation Redfish request library which provide keywords for creating session,
... sending POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, GET etc. request using
... library file. It also contain other keywords which uses
... library infrastructure.
Resource openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Resource rest_response_code.robot
*** Keywords ***
Redfish Generic Login Request
[Documentation] Do Redfish login request.
[Arguments] ${user_name} ${password}
# Description of argument(s):
# user_name User name of BMC.
# password Password of BMC.
${client_id}= Create Dictionary ClientID=None
${oem_data}= Create Dictionary OpenBMC=${client_id}
${data}= Create Dictionary UserName=${user_name} Password=${password} Oem=${oem_data}
Set Test Variable ${uri} /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions
${resp}= Request_Login headers=None url=${uri} credential=${data}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_CREATED}
[Return] ${resp}
Redfish Generic Session Request
[Documentation] Do Redfish login request and store the session details.
[Arguments] ${user_name} ${password}
# Description of argument(s):
# user_name User name of BMC.
# password Password of BMC.
${session_dict}= Create Dictionary
${session_resp}= Redfish Generic Login Request ${user_name} ${password}
${auth_token}= Create Dictionary X-Auth-Token ${session_resp.headers['X-Auth-Token']}
Set To Dictionary ${session_dict} headers ${auth_token}
Set To Dictionary ${session_dict} Location ${session_resp.headers['Location']}
Set To Dictionary ${session_dict} Content ${session_resp.content}
Set Global Variable ${active_session_info} ${session_dict}
Append To List ${session_dict_list} ${session_dict}
[Return] ${session_dict}