blob: ced7b75f48a46d7289965892295fe966418ae32e [file] [log] [blame]
Alanny Lopez1c8e5742017-05-16 08:20:33 -05001***Settings***
2Documentation This module is for generating an inventory file using lshw
3... commands. It will create a JSON file and a YAML file. it
4... will get the processor, memory and specified I/O devices.
5... Requires access to lshw, and json2yaml OS commands. This
6... robot file should be run as root or sudo for lshw.
8Library String
9Library Collections
10Library OperatingSystem
13# List of I/O Devices to Collect
14@{I/O} communication disk display generic input multimedia
15... network printer tape
17# Paths of the JSON and YAML files
18${json_file_path} inventory.json
19${yaml_file_path} inventory.yaml
21***Test Case***
23Create YAML Inventory File
24 [Documentation] Create a JSON inventory file, and make a YAML copy.
25 [Tags] Create_YAML_Inventory_File
26 Compile Inventory JSON
27 RUN json2yaml ${json_file_path} ${yaml_file_path}
31Compile Inventory JSON
32 [Documentation] Compile the Inventory into a JSON file.
33 Create File ${json_file_path}
34 Write New JSON List ${json_file_path} Inventory
35 Retrieve HW Info And Write processor ${json_file_path}
36 Retrieve HW Info And Write memory ${json_file_path}
37 Retrieve HW Info And Write List ${I/O} ${json_file_path} I/O last
38 Close New JSON List ${json_file_path}
40Write New JSON List
41 [Documentation] Start a new JSON list element in file.
42 [Arguments] ${json_file_path} ${json_field_name}
43 # Description of argument(s):
44 # json_file_path Name of file to write to.
45 # json_field_name Name to give json list element.
46 Append to File ${json_file_path} { "${json_field_name}" : [
48Close New JSON List
49 [Documentation] Close JSON list element in file.
50 [Arguments] ${json_file_path}
51 # Description of argument(s):
52 # json_file_path Path of file to write to.
53 Append to File ${json_file_path} ]}
55Retrieve HW Info And Write
56 [Documentation] Retrieve and write info, add a comma if not last item.
57 [Arguments] ${class} ${json_file_path} ${last}=false
58 # Description of argument(s):
59 # class Device class to retrieve with lshw.
60 # json_file_path Path of file to write to.
61 # last Is this the last element in the parent JSON?
62 Write New JSON List ${json_file_path} ${class}
63 ${output} = Retrieve Hardware Info ${class}
64 ${output} = Clean Up String ${output}
65 Run Keyword if ${output.__class__ is not type(None)}
66 ... Append To File ${json_file_path} ${output}
67 Close New JSON List ${json_file_path}
68 Run Keyword if '${last}' == 'false'
69 ... Append to File ${json_file_path} ,
71Retrieve HW Info And Write List
72 [Documentation] Does a Retrieve/Write with a list of classes and
73 ... encapsulates them into one large JSON element.
74 [Arguments] ${list} ${json_file_path} ${json_field_name} ${last}=false
75 # Description of argument(s):
76 # list The list of devices classes to retrieve with lshw.
77 # json_file_path Path of file to write to.
78 # json_field_name Name of the JSON element to encapsulate this list.
79 # last Is this the last element in the parent JSON?
80 Write New JSON List ${json_file_path} ${json_field_name}
81 : FOR ${class} IN @{list}
82 \ ${tail} Get From List ${list} -1
83 \ Run Keyword if '${tail}' == '${class}'
84 \ ... Retrieve HW Info And Write ${class} ${json_file_path} true
85 \ ... ELSE Retrieve HW Info And Write ${class} ${json_file_path}
86 Close New JSON List ${json_file_path}
87 Run Keyword if '${last}' == 'false'
88 ... Append to File ${json_file_path} ,
90Retrieve Hardware Info
91 [Documentation] Retrieves the lshw output of the device class as JSON.
92 [Arguments] ${class}
93 # Description of argument(s):
94 # class Device class to retrieve with lshw.
95 ${output} = Run lshw -c ${class} -json
96 ${output} = Verify JSON string ${output}
97 [Return] ${output}
99Verify JSON String
100 [Documentation] Ensure the JSON string content is seperated by commas.
101 [Arguments] ${unver_string}
102 # Description of argument(s):
103 # unver_string JSON String we will be checking for lshw comma errors.
104 ${unver_string} = Convert to String ${unver_string}
105 ${ver_string} = Replace String Using Regexp ${unver_string} }\\s*{ },{
106 [Return] ${ver_string}
108Clean Up String
109 [Documentation] Remove extra whitespace and trailing commas.
110 [Arguments] ${dirty_string}
111 # Description of argument(s):
112 # dirty_string String that will be space stripped and have comma removed.
113 ${clean_string} = Strip String ${dirty_string}
114 ${last_char} = Get Substring ${clean_string} -1
115 ${trimmed_string} = Get Substring ${clean_string} 0 -1
116 ${clean_string} = Set Variable If '${last_char}' == ','
117 ... ${trimmed_string} ${clean_string}
118 [Return] ${clean_string}