blob: 686796bbc2dd93ccb7c1d7ad7f032db3580fbcf4 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2017,2019 IBM Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import argparse
import requests
import getpass
import json
import os
import urllib3
import time, datetime
import binascii
import subprocess
import platform
import zipfile
import tarfile
import tempfile
import hashlib
import re
import uuid
jsonHeader = {'Content-Type' : 'application/json'}
xAuthHeader = {}
baseTimeout = 60
def hilight(textToColor, color, bold):
Used to add highlights to various text for displaying in a terminal
@param textToColor: string, the text to be colored
@param color: string, used to color the text red or green
@param bold: boolean, used to bold the textToColor
@return: Buffered reader containing the modified string.
if(color == "red"):
os.system('color 04')
elif(color == "green"):
os.system('color 02')
os.system('color') #reset to default
return textToColor
attr = []
if(color == "red"):
elif(color == "green"):
if bold:
return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr),textToColor)
def connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, errorStr, err):
Error handler various connection errors to bmcs
@param jsonFormat: boolean, used to output in json format with an error code.
@param errorStr: string, used to color the text red or green
@param err: string, the text from the exception
if errorStr == "Timeout":
if not jsonFormat:
return("FQPSPIN0000M: Connection timed out. Ensure you have network connectivity to the bmc")
conerror = {}
conerror['CommonEventID'] = 'FQPSPIN0000M'
conerror['additionalDetails'] = "N/A"
conerror['Message']="Connection timed out. Ensure you have network connectivity to the BMC"
conerror['LengthyDescription'] = "While trying to establish a connection with the specified BMC, the BMC failed to respond in adequate time. Verify the BMC is functioning properly, and the network connectivity to the BMC is stable."
conerror['CallHomeCandidate']= "No"
conerror['Severity'] = "Critical"
conerror['EventType'] = "Communication Failure/Timeout"
conerror['VMMigrationFlag'] = "Yes"
conerror["AffectedSubsystem"] = "Interconnect (Networking)"
conerror["timestamp"] = str(int(time.time()))
conerror["UserAction"] = "Verify network connectivity between the two systems and the bmc is functional."
eventdict = {}
eventdict['event0'] = conerror
eventdict['numAlerts'] = '1'
errorMessageStr = errorMessageStr = json.dumps(eventdict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
elif errorStr == "ConnectionError":
if not jsonFormat:
return("FQPSPIN0001M: " + str(err))
conerror = {}
conerror['CommonEventID'] = 'FQPSPIN0001M'
conerror['additionalDetails'] = str(err)
conerror['Message']="Connection Error. View additional details for more information"
conerror['LengthyDescription'] = "A connection error to the specified BMC occurred and additional details are provided. Review these details to resolve the issue."
conerror['CallHomeCandidate']= "No"
conerror['Severity'] = "Critical"
conerror['EventType'] = "Communication Failure/Timeout"
conerror['VMMigrationFlag'] = "Yes"
conerror["AffectedSubsystem"] = "Interconnect (Networking)"
conerror["timestamp"] = str(int(time.time()))
conerror["UserAction"] = "Correct the issue highlighted in additional details and try again"
eventdict = {}
eventdict['event0'] = conerror
eventdict['numAlerts'] = '1'
errorMessageStr = json.dumps(eventdict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
return("Unknown Error: "+ str(err))
def setColWidth(keylist, numCols, dictForOutput, colNames):
Sets the output width of the columns to display
@param keylist: list, list of strings representing the keys for the dictForOutput
@param numcols: the total number of columns in the final output
@param dictForOutput: dictionary, contains the information to print to the screen
@param colNames: list, The strings to use for the column headings, in order of the keylist
@return: A list of the column widths for each respective column.
colWidths = []
for x in range(0, numCols):
for key in dictForOutput:
for x in range(0, numCols):
colWidths[x] = max(colWidths[x], len(str(dictForOutput[key][keylist[x]])))
for x in range(0, numCols):
colWidths[x] = max(colWidths[x], len(colNames[x])) +2
return colWidths
def loadPolicyTable(pathToPolicyTable):
loads a json based policy table into a dictionary
@param value: boolean, the value to convert
@return: A string of "Yes" or "No"
policyTable = {}
with open(pathToPolicyTable, 'r') as stream:
contents =json.load(stream)
policyTable = contents['events']
except Exception as err:
return policyTable
def boolToString(value):
converts a boolean value to a human readable string value
@param value: boolean, the value to convert
@return: A string of "Yes" or "No"
return "Yes"
return "No"
def stringToInt(text):
returns an integer if the string can be converted, otherwise returns the string
@param text: the string to try to convert to an integer
if text.isdigit():
return int(text)
return text
def naturalSort(text):
provides a way to naturally sort a list
@param text: the key to convert for sorting
@return list containing the broken up string parts by integers and strings
stringPartList = []
for c in re.split('(\d+)', text):
return stringPartList
def tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, output):
Logs into the BMC and creates a session
@param keylist: list, keys for the output dictionary, ordered by colNames
@param colNames: Names for the Table of the columns
@param output: The dictionary of data to display
@return: Session object
colWidth = setColWidth(keylist, len(colNames), output, colNames)
row = ""
outputText = ""
for i in range(len(colNames)):
if (i != 0): row = row + "| "
row = row + colNames[i].ljust(colWidth[i])
outputText += row + "\n"
output_keys = list(output.keys())
for key in output_keys:
row = ""
for i in range(len(keylist)):
if (i != 0): row = row + "| "
row = row + output[key][keylist[i]].ljust(colWidth[i])
outputText += row + "\n"
return outputText
def checkFWactivation(host, args, session):
Checks the software inventory for an image that is being activated.
@return: True if an image is being activated, false is no activations are happening
resp = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
print(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
print( connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err))
return True
fwInfo = resp.json()['data']
for key in fwInfo:
if 'Activation' in fwInfo[key]:
if 'Activating' in fwInfo[key]['Activation'] or 'Activating' in fwInfo[key]['RequestedActivation']:
return True
return False
def login(host, username, pw,jsonFormat):
Logs into the BMC and creates a session
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc to log into
@param username: The user name for the bmc to log into
@param pw: The password for the BMC to log into
@param jsonFormat: boolean, flag that will only allow relevant data from user command to be display. This function becomes silent when set to true.
@return: Session object
print("Attempting login...")
mysess = requests.session()
r ='https://'+host+'/login', headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": [username, pw]}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
cookie = r.headers['Set-Cookie']
match ='SESSION=(\w+);', cookie)
if match:
xAuthHeader['X-Auth-Token'] =
loginMessage = json.loads(r.text)
if (loginMessage['status'] != "ok"):
# if(sys.version_info < (3,0)):
# urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
# if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
# requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
return mysess
return (connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return (connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, "ConnectionError", err))
def logout(host, username, pw, session, jsonFormat):
Logs out of the bmc and terminates the session
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc to log out of
@param username: The user name for the bmc to log out of
@param pw: The password for the BMC to log out of
@param session: the active session to use
@param jsonFormat: boolean, flag that will only allow relevant data from user command to be display. This function becomes silent when set to true.
r ='https://'+host+'/logout', headers=jsonHeader,json = {"data": [username, pw]}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
print(connectionErrHandler(jsonFormat, "Timeout", None))
if r.status_code == 200:
print('User ' +username + ' has been logged out')
def fru(host, args, session):
prints out the system inventory. deprecated see fruPrint and fruList
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
#res = session.get(url, headers=httpHeader, verify=False)
#sample = res.text
#inv_list = json.loads(sample)["data"]
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
sample = res.text
# inv_list.update(json.loads(sample)["data"])
# #determine column width's
# colNames = ["FRU Name", "FRU Type", "Has Fault", "Is FRU", "Present", "Version"]
# colWidths = setColWidth(["FRU Name", "fru_type", "fault", "is_fru", "present", "version"], 6, inv_list, colNames)
# print("FRU Name".ljust(colWidths[0])+ "FRU Type".ljust(colWidths[1]) + "Has Fault".ljust(colWidths[2]) + "Is FRU".ljust(colWidths[3])+
# "Present".ljust(colWidths[4]) + "Version".ljust(colWidths[5]))
# format the output
# for key in sorted(inv_list.keys()):
# keyParts = key.split("/")
# isFRU = "True" if (inv_list[key]["is_fru"]==1) else "False"
# fruEntry = (keyParts[len(keyParts) - 1].ljust(colWidths[0]) + inv_list[key]["fru_type"].ljust(colWidths[1])+
# inv_list[key]["fault"].ljust(colWidths[2])+isFRU.ljust(colWidths[3])+
# inv_list[key]["present"].ljust(colWidths[4])+ inv_list[key]["version"].ljust(colWidths[5]))
# if(isTTY):
# if(inv_list[key]["is_fru"] == 1):
# color = "green"
# bold = True
# else:
# color='black'
# bold = False
# fruEntry = hilight(fruEntry, color, bold)
# print (fruEntry)
return sample
def fruPrint(host, args, session):
prints out all inventory
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@return returns the total fru list.
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
# print(res.text)
if res.status_code==200:
frulist['Hardware'] = res.json()['data']
if not args.json:
return "Error retrieving the system inventory. BMC message: {msg}".format(msg=res.json()['message'])
return res.json()
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
# print(res.text)
if res.status_code==200:
frulist['Software'] = res.json()['data']
if not args.json():
return "Error retrieving the system inventory. BMC message: {msg}".format(msg=res.json()['message'])
return res.json()
return frulist
def fruList(host, args, session):
prints out all inventory or only a specific specified item
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
return fruPrint(host, args, session)
return fruPrint(host, args, session)
def fruStatus(host, args, session):
prints out the status of all FRUs
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
# print(res.text)
frulist = res.json()['data']
frus = {}
for key in frulist:
component = frulist[key]
isFru = False
present = False
func = False
hasSels = False
keyPieces = key.split('/')
fruName = keyPieces[-1]
if 'core' in fruName: #associate cores to cpus
fruName = keyPieces[-2] + '-' + keyPieces[-1]
if 'Functional' in component:
if('Present' in component):
if 'FieldReplaceable' in component:
if component['FieldReplaceable'] == 1:
isFru = True
if "fan" in fruName:
isFru = True;
if component['Present'] == 1:
present = True
if component['Functional'] == 1:
func = True
if ((key + "/fault") in frulist):
hasSels = True;
if args.verbose:
if hasSels:
loglist = []
faults = frulist[key+"/fault"]['endpoints']
for item in faults:
frus[fruName] = {"compName": fruName, "Functional": boolToString(func), "Present":boolToString(present), "IsFru": boolToString(isFru), "selList": ', '.join(loglist).strip() }
frus[fruName] = {"compName": fruName, "Functional": boolToString(func), "Present":boolToString(present), "IsFru": boolToString(isFru), "selList": "None" }
frus[fruName] = {"compName": fruName, "Functional": boolToString(func), "Present":boolToString(present), "IsFru": boolToString(isFru), "hasSEL": boolToString(hasSels) }
elif "power_supply" in fruName or "powersupply" in fruName:
if component['Present'] ==1:
present = True
isFru = True
if ((key + "/fault") in frulist):
hasSels = True;
if args.verbose:
if hasSels:
loglist = []
faults = frulist[key+"/fault"]['endpoints']
for item in faults:
frus[fruName] = {"compName": fruName, "Functional": "No", "Present":boolToString(present), "IsFru": boolToString(isFru), "selList": ', '.join(loglist).strip() }
frus[fruName] = {"compName": fruName, "Functional": "Yes", "Present":boolToString(present), "IsFru": boolToString(isFru), "selList": "None" }
frus[fruName] = {"compName": fruName, "Functional": boolToString(not hasSels), "Present":boolToString(present), "IsFru": boolToString(isFru), "hasSEL": boolToString(hasSels) }
if not args.json:
if not args.verbose:
colNames = ["Component", "Is a FRU", "Present", "Functional", "Has Logs"]
keylist = ["compName", "IsFru", "Present", "Functional", "hasSEL"]
colNames = ["Component", "Is a FRU", "Present", "Functional", "Assoc. Log Number(s)"]
keylist = ["compName", "IsFru", "Present", "Functional", "selList"]
return tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, frus)
return str(json.dumps(frus, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False))
def sensor(host, args, session):
prints out all sensors
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the sensor sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
#Get OCC status
occres = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
if not args.json:
colNames = ['sensor', 'type', 'units', 'value', 'target']
sensors = res.json()["data"]
output = {}
for key in sensors:
senDict = {}
keyparts = key.split("/")
senDict['sensorName'] = keyparts[-1]
senDict['type'] = keyparts[-2]
senDict['units'] = sensors[key]['Unit'].split('.')[-1]
except KeyError:
senDict['units'] = "N/A"
if('Scale' in sensors[key]):
scale = 10 ** sensors[key]['Scale']
scale = 1
senDict['value'] = str(sensors[key]['Value'] * scale)
except KeyError:
if 'value' in sensors[key]:
senDict['value'] = sensors[key]['value']
senDict['value'] = "N/A"
if 'Target' in sensors[key]:
senDict['target'] = str(sensors[key]['Target'])
senDict['target'] = 'N/A'
output[senDict['sensorName']] = senDict
occstatus = occres.json()["data"]
if '/org/open_power/control/occ0' in occstatus:
occ0 = occstatus["/org/open_power/control/occ0"]['OccActive']
if occ0 == 1:
occ0 = 'Active'
occ0 = 'Inactive'
output['OCC0'] = {'sensorName':'OCC0', 'type': 'Discrete', 'units': 'N/A', 'value': occ0, 'target': 'Active'}
occ1 = occstatus["/org/open_power/control/occ1"]['OccActive']
if occ1 == 1:
occ1 = 'Active'
occ1 = 'Inactive'
output['OCC1'] = {'sensorName':'OCC1', 'type': 'Discrete', 'units': 'N/A', 'value': occ0, 'target': 'Active'}
output['OCC0'] = {'sensorName':'OCC0', 'type': 'Discrete', 'units': 'N/A', 'value': 'Inactive', 'target': 'Inactive'}
output['OCC1'] = {'sensorName':'OCC1', 'type': 'Discrete', 'units': 'N/A', 'value': 'Inactive', 'target': 'Inactive'}
keylist = ['sensorName', 'type', 'units', 'value', 'target']
return tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, output)
return res.text + occres.text
def sel(host, args, session):
prints out the bmc alerts
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the sel sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
return res.text
def parseESEL(args, eselRAW):
parses the esel data and gets predetermined search terms
@param eselRAW: string, the raw esel string from the bmc
@return: A dictionary containing the quick snapshot data unless args.fullEsel is listed then a full PEL log is returned
eselParts = {}
esel_bin = binascii.unhexlify(''.join(eselRAW.split()[16:]))
#search terms contains the search term as the key and the return dictionary key as it's value
searchTerms = { 'Signature Description':'signatureDescription', 'devdesc':'devdesc',
'Callout type': 'calloutType', 'Procedure':'procedure', 'Sensor Type': 'sensorType'}
uniqueID = str(uuid.uuid4())
eselBinPath = tempfile.gettempdir() + os.sep + uniqueID + 'esel.bin'
with open(eselBinPath, 'wb') as f:
errlPath = ""
#use the right errl file for the machine architecture
arch = platform.machine()
if(arch =='x86_64' or arch =='AMD64'):
if os.path.exists('/opt/ibm/ras/bin/x86_64/errl'):
errlPath = '/opt/ibm/ras/bin/x86_64/errl'
elif os.path.exists('errl/x86_64/errl'):
errlPath = 'errl/x86_64/errl'
errlPath = 'x86_64/errl'
elif (platform.machine()=='ppc64le'):
if os.path.exists('/opt/ibm/ras/bin/ppc64le/errl'):
errlPath = '/opt/ibm/ras/bin/ppc64le/errl'
elif os.path.exists('errl/ppc64le/errl'):
errlPath = 'errl/ppc64le/errl'
errlPath = 'ppc64le/errl'
print("machine architecture not supported for parsing eSELs")
return eselParts
output= subprocess.check_output([errlPath, '-d', '--file='+eselBinPath]).decode('utf-8')
# output = proc.communicate()[0]
lines = output.split('\n')
if(hasattr(args, 'fullEsel')):
return output
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
lineParts = lines[i].split(':')
if(len(lineParts)>1): #ignore multi lines, output formatting lines, and other information
for term in searchTerms:
if(term in lineParts[0]):
temp = lines[i][lines[i].find(':')+1:].strip()[:-1].strip()
if lines[i+1].find(':') != -1:
if (len(lines[i+1].split(':')[0][1:].strip())==0):
#has multiple lines, process and update line counter
if((i+1) <= len(lines)):
#Append the content from the next line removing the pretty display characters
#Finds the first colon then starts 2 characters after, then removes all whitespace
temp = temp + lines[i][lines[i].find(':')+2:].strip()[:-1].strip()[:-1].strip()
if(searchTerms[term] in eselParts):
eselParts[searchTerms[term]] = eselParts[searchTerms[term]] + ", " + temp
eselParts[searchTerms[term]] = temp
print("errl file cannot be found")
return eselParts
def getESELSeverity(esel):
Finds the severity type in an eSEL from the User Header section.
@param esel - the eSEL data
@return severity - e.g. 'Critical'
# everything but 1 and 2 are Critical
# '1': 'recovered',
# '2': 'predictive',
# '4': 'unrecoverable',
# '5': 'critical',
# '6': 'diagnostic',
# '7': 'symptom'
severities = {
'1': 'Informational',
'2': 'Warning'
headerPosition = esel.index('55 48') # 'UH'
# The severity is the last byte in the 8 byte section (a byte is ' bb')
severity = esel[headerPosition:headerPosition+32].split(' ')[-1]
type = severity[0]
except ValueError:
print("Could not find severity value in UH section in eSEL")
type = 'x';
return severities.get(type, 'Critical')
def sortSELs(events):
sorts the sels by timestamp, then log entry number
@param events: Dictionary containing events
@return: list containing a list of the ordered log entries, and dictionary of keys
logNumList = []
timestampList = []
eventKeyDict = {}
eventsWithTimestamp = {}
logNum2events = {}
for key in events:
if key == 'numAlerts': continue
if 'callout' in key: continue
timestamp = (events[key]['timestamp'])
if timestamp not in timestampList:
eventsWithTimestamp[timestamp] = [events[key]['logNum']]
#map logNumbers to the event dictionary keys
eventKeyDict[str(events[key]['logNum'])] = key
timestampList = list(eventsWithTimestamp.keys())
for ts in timestampList:
if len(eventsWithTimestamp[ts]) > 1:
tmplist = eventsWithTimestamp[ts]
logNumList = logNumList + tmplist
logNumList = logNumList + eventsWithTimestamp[ts]
return [logNumList, eventKeyDict]
def parseAlerts(policyTable, selEntries, args):
parses alerts in the IBM CER format, using an IBM policy Table
@param policyTable: dictionary, the policy table entries
@param selEntries: dictionary, the alerts retrieved from the bmc
@return: A dictionary of the parsed entries, in chronological order
eventDict = {}
eventNum =""
count = 0
esel = ""
eselParts = {}
i2cdevice= ""
eselSeverity = None
'prepare and sort the event entries'
for key in selEntries:
if 'callout' not in key:
selEntries[key]['logNum'] = key.split('/')[-1]
selEntries[key]['timestamp'] = selEntries[key]['Timestamp']
sortedEntries = sortSELs(selEntries)
logNumList = sortedEntries[0]
eventKeyDict = sortedEntries[1]
for logNum in logNumList:
key = eventKeyDict[logNum]
i2creadFail = False
if 'callout' in key:
messageID = str(selEntries[key]['Message'])
addDataPiece = selEntries[key]['AdditionalData']
calloutIndex = 0
calloutFound = False
for i in range(len(addDataPiece)):
if("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH" in addDataPiece[i]):
calloutIndex = i
calloutFound = True
fruCallout = str(addDataPiece[calloutIndex]).split('=')[1]
if("CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH" in addDataPiece[i]):
i2creadFail = True
fruCallout = str(addDataPiece[calloutIndex]).split('=')[1]
# Fall back to "I2C"/"FSI" if dev path isn't in policy table
if (messageID + '||' + fruCallout) not in policyTable:
i2cdevice = str(addDataPiece[i]).strip().split('=')[1]
i2cdevice = '/'.join(i2cdevice.split('/')[-4:])
if 'fsi' in str(addDataPiece[calloutIndex]).split('=')[1]:
fruCallout = 'FSI'
fruCallout = 'I2C'
calloutFound = True
if("CALLOUT_GPIO_NUM" in addDataPiece[i]):
if not calloutFound:
fruCallout = 'GPIO'
calloutFound = True
if("CALLOUT_IIC_BUS" in addDataPiece[i]):
if not calloutFound:
fruCallout = "I2C"
calloutFound = True
if("CALLOUT_IPMI_SENSOR_NUM" in addDataPiece[i]):
if not calloutFound:
fruCallout = "IPMI"
calloutFound = True
if("ESEL" in addDataPiece[i]):
esel = str(addDataPiece[i]).strip().split('=')[1]
eselSeverity = getESELSeverity(esel)
if args.devdebug:
eselParts = parseESEL(args, esel)
if("GPU" in addDataPiece[i]):
fruCallout = '/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/gpu' + str(addDataPiece[i]).strip()[-1]
calloutFound = True
if("PROCEDURE" in addDataPiece[i]):
fruCallout = str(hex(int(str(addDataPiece[i]).split('=')[1])))[2:]
calloutFound = True
if("RAIL_NAME" in addDataPiece[i]):
fruCallout = str(addDataPiece[i]).split('=')[1].strip()
if("INPUT_NAME" in addDataPiece[i]):
fruCallout = str(addDataPiece[i]).split('=')[1].strip()
if("SENSOR_TYPE" in addDataPiece[i]):
fruCallout = str(addDataPiece[i]).split('=')[1].strip()
if fruCallout != "":
policyKey = messageID +"||" + fruCallout
# Also use the severity for hostboot errors
if eselSeverity and messageID == 'org.open_power.Host.Error.Event':
policyKey += '||' + eselSeverity
# if not in the table, fall back to the original key
if policyKey not in policyTable:
policyKey = policyKey.replace('||'+eselSeverity, '')
if policyKey not in policyTable:
policyKey = messageID
policyKey = messageID
policyKey = messageID
event = {}
eventNum = str(count)
if policyKey in policyTable:
for pkey in policyTable[policyKey]:
if(type(policyTable[policyKey][pkey])== bool):
event[pkey] = boolToString(policyTable[policyKey][pkey])
if (i2creadFail and pkey == 'Message'):
event[pkey] = policyTable[policyKey][pkey] + ' ' +i2cdevice
event[pkey] = policyTable[policyKey][pkey]
event['timestamp'] = selEntries[key]['Timestamp']
event['resolved'] = bool(selEntries[key]['Resolved'])
if args.devdebug:
event['eselParts'] = eselParts
event['raweSEL'] = esel
event['logNum'] = key.split('/')[-1]
eventDict['event' + eventNum] = event
severity = str(selEntries[key]['Severity']).split('.')[-1]
if severity == 'Error':
severity = 'Critical'
eventDict['event'+eventNum] = {}
eventDict['event' + eventNum]['error'] = "error: Not found in policy table: " + policyKey
eventDict['event' + eventNum]['timestamp'] = selEntries[key]['Timestamp']
eventDict['event' + eventNum]['Severity'] = severity
if args.devdebug:
eventDict['event' +eventNum]['eselParts'] = eselParts
eventDict['event' +eventNum]['raweSEL'] = esel
eventDict['event' +eventNum]['logNum'] = key.split('/')[-1]
eventDict['event' +eventNum]['resolved'] = bool(selEntries[key]['Resolved'])
count += 1
return eventDict
def selDisplay(events, args):
displays alerts in human readable format
@param events: Dictionary containing events
activeAlerts = []
historyAlerts = []
sortedEntries = sortSELs(events)
logNumList = sortedEntries[0]
eventKeyDict = sortedEntries[1]
keylist = ['Entry', 'ID', 'Timestamp', 'Serviceable', 'Severity','Message']
colNames = ['Entry', 'ID', 'Timestamp', 'Serviceable', 'Severity','Message', 'eSEL contents']
colNames = ['Entry', 'ID', 'Timestamp', 'Serviceable', 'Severity', 'Message']
for log in logNumList:
selDict = {}
alert = events[eventKeyDict[str(log)]]
if('error' in alert):
selDict['Entry'] = alert['logNum']
selDict['ID'] = 'Unknown'
selDict['Timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(alert['timestamp']/1000)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
msg = alert['error']
polMsg = msg.split("policy table:")[0]
msg = msg.split("policy table:")[1]
msgPieces = msg.split("||")
err = msgPieces[0]
err = err.split("org.open_power.")[1]
err = err.split("xyz.openbmc_project.")[1]
err = msgPieces[0]
callout = ""
if len(msgPieces) >1:
callout = msgPieces[1]
callout = callout.split("/org/open_power/")[1]
callout = callout.split("/xyz/openbmc_project/")[1]
callout = msgPieces[1]
selDict['Message'] = polMsg +"policy table: "+ err + "||" + callout
selDict['Serviceable'] = 'Unknown'
selDict['Severity'] = alert['Severity']
selDict['Entry'] = alert['logNum']
selDict['ID'] = alert['CommonEventID']
selDict['Timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(alert['timestamp']/1000)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
selDict['Message'] = alert['Message']
selDict['Serviceable'] = alert['Serviceable']
selDict['Severity'] = alert['Severity']
eselOrder = ['refCode','signatureDescription', 'eselType', 'devdesc', 'calloutType', 'procedure']
if ('eselParts' in alert and args.devdebug):
eselOutput = ""
for item in eselOrder:
if item in alert['eselParts']:
eselOutput = eselOutput + item + ": " + alert['eselParts'][item] + " | "
selDict['eSEL'] = eselOutput
if args.devdebug:
selDict['eSEL'] = "None"
if not alert['resolved']:
mergedOutput = activeAlerts + historyAlerts
colWidth = setColWidth(keylist, len(colNames), dict(enumerate(mergedOutput)), colNames)
output = ""
row = ""
output +="----Active Alerts----\n"
for i in range(0, len(colNames)):
if i!=0: row =row + "| "
row = row + colNames[i].ljust(colWidth[i])
output += row + "\n"
for i in range(0,len(activeAlerts)):
row = ""
for j in range(len(activeAlerts[i])):
if (j != 0): row = row + "| "
row = row + activeAlerts[i][keylist[j]].ljust(colWidth[j])
output += row + "\n"
row = ""
output+= "----Historical Alerts----\n"
for i in range(len(colNames)):
if i!=0: row =row + "| "
row = row + colNames[i].ljust(colWidth[i])
output += row + "\n"
for i in range(0, len(historyAlerts)):
row = ""
for j in range(len(historyAlerts[i])):
if (j != 0): row = row + "| "
row = row + historyAlerts[i][keylist[j]].ljust(colWidth[j])
output += row + "\n"
# print(events[eventKeyDict[str(log)]])
return output
def selPrint(host, args, session):
prints out all bmc alerts
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
if(args.policyTableLoc is None):
if os.path.exists('policyTable.json'):
ptableLoc = "policyTable.json"
elif os.path.exists('/opt/ibm/ras/lib/policyTable.json'):
ptableLoc = '/opt/ibm/ras/lib/policyTable.json'
ptableLoc = 'lib/policyTable.json'
ptableLoc = args.policyTableLoc
policyTable = loadPolicyTable(ptableLoc)
rawselEntries = ""
if(hasattr(args, 'fileloc') and args.fileloc is not None):
if os.path.exists(args.fileloc):
with open(args.fileloc, 'r') as selFile:
selLines = selFile.readlines()
rawselEntries = ''.join(selLines)
print("Error: File not found")
rawselEntries = sel(host, args, session)
loadFailed = False
selEntries = json.loads(rawselEntries)
except ValueError:
loadFailed = True
if loadFailed:
cleanSels = json.dumps(rawselEntries).replace('\\n', '')
#need to load json twice as original content was string escaped a second time
selEntries = json.loads(json.loads(cleanSels))
selEntries = selEntries['data']
if 'description' in selEntries:
return("{\n\t\"numAlerts\": 0\n}")
return("No log entries found")
events = parseAlerts(policyTable, selEntries, args)
events["numAlerts"] = len(events)
retValue = str(json.dumps(events, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False))
return retValue
elif(hasattr(args, 'fullSel')):
return events
#get log numbers to order event entries sequentially
return selDisplay(events, args)
return selEntries
print("error: Policy Table not found.")
return selEntries
def selList(host, args, session):
prints out all all bmc alerts, or only prints out the specified alerts
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
return(sel(host, args, session))
def selClear(host, args, session):
clears all alerts
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
data = "{\"data\": [] }"
res =, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
if res.status_code == 200:
return "The Alert Log has been cleared. Please allow a few minutes for the action to complete."
print("Unable to clear the logs, trying to clear 1 at a time")
sels = json.loads(sel(host, args, session))['data']
for key in sels:
if 'callout' not in key:
logNum = key.split('/')[-1]
url = "https://"+ host+ "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/"+logNum+"/action/Delete"
try:, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return ('Sel clearing complete')
def selSetResolved(host, args, session):
sets a sel entry to resolved
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/" + str(args.selNum) + "/attr/Resolved"
data = "{\"data\": 1 }"
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
if res.status_code == 200:
return "Sel entry "+ str(args.selNum) +" is now set to resolved"
return "Unable to set the alert to resolved"
def selResolveAll(host, args, session):
sets a sel entry to resolved
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
rawselEntries = sel(host, args, session)
loadFailed = False
selEntries = json.loads(rawselEntries)
except ValueError:
loadFailed = True
if loadFailed:
cleanSels = json.dumps(rawselEntries).replace('\\n', '')
#need to load json twice as original content was string escaped a second time
selEntries = json.loads(json.loads(cleanSels))
selEntries = selEntries['data']
if 'description' in selEntries:
return("{\n\t\"selsResolved\": 0\n}")
return("No log entries found")
d = vars(args)
successlist = []
failedlist = []
for key in selEntries:
if 'callout' not in key:
d['selNum'] = key.split('/')[-1]
resolved = selSetResolved(host,args,session)
if 'Sel entry' in resolved:
output = ""
if len(successlist)>0:
output = "Successfully resolved: " +', '.join(successlist) +"\n"
if len(failedlist)>0:
output += "Failed to resolve: " + ', '.join(failedlist) + "\n"
return output
def chassisPower(host, args, session):
called by the chassis function. Controls the power state of the chassis, or gets the status
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
if(args.powcmd == 'on'):
if checkFWactivation(host, args, session):
return ("Chassis Power control disabled during firmware activation")
print("Attempting to Power on...:")
data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.On"}'
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
return res.text
elif(args.powcmd == 'softoff'):
if checkFWactivation(host, args, session):
return ("Chassis Power control disabled during firmware activation")
print("Attempting to Power off gracefully...:")
data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.Off"}'
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
return res.text
elif(args.powcmd == 'hardoff'):
if checkFWactivation(host, args, session):
return ("Chassis Power control disabled during firmware activation")
print("Attempting to Power off immediately...:")
data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.Transition.Off"}'
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
return res.text
elif(args.powcmd == 'status'):
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
chassisState = json.loads(res.text)['data'].split('.')[-1]
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
hostState = json.loads(res.text)['data'].split('.')[-1]
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
bmcState = json.loads(res.text)['data'].split('.')[-1]
outDict = {"Chassis Power State" : chassisState, "Host Power State" : hostState, "BMC Power State":bmcState}
return json.dumps(outDict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
return "Chassis Power State: " +chassisState + "\nHost Power State: " + hostState + "\nBMC Power State: " + bmcState
return "Invalid chassis power command"
def chassisIdent(host, args, session):
called by the chassis function. Controls the identify led of the chassis. Sets or gets the state
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
if(args.identcmd == 'on'):
print("Attempting to turn identify light on...:")
data = '{"data":true}'
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
return res.text
elif(args.identcmd == 'off'):
print("Attempting to turn identify light off...:")
data = '{"data":false}'
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
return res.text
elif(args.identcmd == 'status'):
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
status = json.loads(res.text)['data']
return status
if status['Asserted'] == 0:
return "Identify light is off"
return "Identify light is blinking"
return "Invalid chassis identify command"
def chassis(host, args, session):
controls the different chassis commands
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fru sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
if(hasattr(args, 'powcmd')):
result = chassisPower(host,args,session)
elif(hasattr(args, 'identcmd')):
result = chassisIdent(host, args, session)
return "This feature is not yet implemented"
return result
def bmcDumpRetrieve(host, args, session):
Downloads a dump file from the bmc
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
dumpNum = args.dumpNum
if (args.dumpSaveLoc is not None):
saveLoc = args.dumpSaveLoc
saveLoc = tempfile.gettempdir()
url ='https://'+host+'/download/dump/' + str(dumpNum)
r = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, stream=True, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
if (args.dumpSaveLoc is not None):
if os.path.exists(saveLoc):
if saveLoc[-1] != os.path.sep:
saveLoc = saveLoc + os.path.sep
filename = saveLoc + host+'-dump' + str(dumpNum) + '.tar.xz'
return 'Invalid save location specified'
filename = tempfile.gettempdir()+os.sep + host+'-dump' + str(dumpNum) + '.tar.xz'
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size =1024):
if chunk:
return 'Saved as ' + filename
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
def bmcDumpList(host, args, session):
Lists the number of dump files on the bmc
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
url ='https://'+host+'/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/list'
r = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
dumpList = r.json()
return dumpList
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
def bmcDumpDelete(host, args, session):
Deletes BMC dump files from the bmc
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
dumpList = []
successList = []
failedList = []
if args.dumpNum is not None:
if isinstance(args.dumpNum, list):
dumpList = args.dumpNum
for dumpNum in dumpList:
url ='https://'+host+'/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/entry/'+str(dumpNum)+'/action/Delete'
r =, headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": []}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
if r.status_code == 200:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
output = "Successfully deleted dumps: " + ', '.join(successList)
output+= '\nFailed to delete dumps: ' + ', '.join(failedList)
return output
return 'You must specify an entry number to delete'
def bmcDumpDeleteAll(host, args, session):
Deletes All BMC dump files from the bmc
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
dumpResp = bmcDumpList(host, args, session)
if 'FQPSPIN0000M' in dumpResp or 'FQPSPIN0001M'in dumpResp:
return dumpResp
dumpList = dumpResp['data']
d = vars(args)
dumpNums = []
for dump in dumpList:
if '/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/internal/manager' not in dump:
d['dumpNum'] = dumpNums
return bmcDumpDelete(host, args, session)
def bmcDumpCreate(host, args, session):
Creates a bmc dump file
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
url = 'https://'+host+'/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/action/CreateDump'
r =, headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": []}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
if(r.status_code == 200 and not args.json):
return ('Dump successfully created')
return r.json()
return ('Failed to create dump')
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
def csdDumpInitiate(host, args, session):
Starts the process of getting the current list of dumps then initiates the creation of one.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
errorInfo = ""
dumpcount = 0
d = vars(args)
d['json'] = True
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Failed to set the json flag to True \n Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
for i in range(3):
dumpInfo = bmcDumpList(host, args, session)
if 'data' in dumpInfo:
dumpcount = len(dumpInfo['data'])
errorInfo+= "Dump List Message returned: " + json.dumps(dumpInfo,indent=0, separators=(',', ':')).replace('\n','') +"\n"
except Exception as e:
errorInfo+= "Failed to collect the list of dumps.\nException: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
#Create a user initiated dump
for i in range(3):
dumpcreated = bmcDumpCreate(host, args, session)
if 'message' in dumpcreated:
if 'ok' in dumpcreated['message'].lower():
errorInfo+= "Dump create message returned: " + json.dumps(dumpInfo,indent=0, separators=(',', ':')).replace('\n','') +"\n"
errorInfo+= "Dump create message returned: " + json.dumps(dumpInfo,indent=0, separators=(',', ':')).replace('\n','') +"\n"
except Exception as e:
errorInfo+= "Dump create exception encountered: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
output = {}
output['errors'] = errorInfo
output['dumpcount'] = dumpcount
return output
def csdInventory(host, args,session, fileDir):
Collects the BMC inventory, retrying if necessary
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param fileDir: string representation of the path to use for putting files created
errorInfo = "===========Inventory =============\n"
inventoryCollected = False
for i in range(3):
frulist = fruPrint(host, args, session)
if 'Hardware' in frulist:
inventoryCollected = True
errorInfo += json.dumps(frulist, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False) + '\n'
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Inventory collection exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
if inventoryCollected:
with open(fileDir +os.sep+'inventory.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(frulist, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False) + '\n')
print("Inventory collected and stored in " + fileDir + os.sep + "inventory.txt")
output['fileLoc'] = fileDir+os.sep+'inventory.txt'
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to write inventory to file.")
errorInfo += "Error writing inventory to the file. Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
output['errors'] = errorInfo
return output
def csdSensors(host, args,session, fileDir):
Collects the BMC sensor readings, retrying if necessary
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param fileDir: string representation of the path to use for putting files created
errorInfo = "===========Sensors =============\n"
sensorsCollected = False
d = vars(args)
d['json'] = False
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Failed to set the json flag to False \n Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
for i in range(3):
sensorReadings = sensor(host, args, session)
if 'OCC0' in sensorReadings:
sensorsCollected = True
errorInfo += sensorReadings
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Sensor reading collection exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
if sensorsCollected:
with open(fileDir +os.sep+'sensorReadings.txt', 'w') as f:
print("Sensor readings collected and stored in " + fileDir + os.sep+ "sensorReadings.txt")
output['fileLoc'] = fileDir+os.sep+'sensorReadings.txt'
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to write sensor readings to file system.")
errorInfo += "Error writing sensor readings to the file. Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
output['errors'] = errorInfo
return output
def csdLEDs(host,args, session, fileDir):
Collects the BMC LED status, retrying if necessary
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param fileDir: string representation of the path to use for putting files created
errorInfo = "===========LEDs =============\n"
ledsCollected = False
d = vars(args)
d['json'] = True
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Failed to set the json flag to False \n Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
for i in range(3):
ledRes = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
if ledRes.status_code == 200:
ledsCollected = True
leds = ledRes.json()['data']
errorInfo += ledRes.text
errorInfo+=json.dumps( connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False) + '\n'
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
errorInfo += json.dumps(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False) + '\n'
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "LED status collection exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
if ledsCollected:
with open(fileDir +os.sep+'ledStatus.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(leds, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False) + '\n')
print("LED status collected and stored in " + fileDir + os.sep+ "ledStatus.txt")
output['fileLoc'] = fileDir+os.sep+'ledStatus.txt'
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to write LED status to file system.")
errorInfo += "Error writing LED status to the file. Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
output['errors'] = errorInfo
return output
def csdSelShortList(host, args, session, fileDir):
Collects the BMC log entries, retrying if necessary
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param fileDir: string representation of the path to use for putting files created
errorInfo = "===========SEL Short List =============\n"
selsCollected = False
d = vars(args)
d['json'] = False
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Failed to set the json flag to False \n Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
for i in range(3):
sels = selPrint(host,args,session)
if '----Active Alerts----' in sels or 'No log entries found' in sels or '----Historical Alerts----' in sels:
selsCollected = True
errorInfo += sels + '\n'
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "SEL short list collection exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
if selsCollected:
with open(fileDir +os.sep+'SELshortlist.txt', 'w') as f:
print("SEL short list collected and stored in " + fileDir + os.sep+ "SELshortlist.txt")
output['fileLoc'] = fileDir+os.sep+'SELshortlist.txt'
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to write SEL short list to file system.")
errorInfo += "Error writing SEL short list to the file. Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
output['errors'] = errorInfo
return output
def csdParsedSels(host, args, session, fileDir):
Collects the BMC log entries, retrying if necessary
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param fileDir: string representation of the path to use for putting files created
errorInfo = "===========SEL Parsed List =============\n"
selsCollected = False
d = vars(args)
d['json'] = True
d['fullEsel'] = True
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Failed to set the json flag to True \n Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
for i in range(3):
parsedfullsels = json.loads(selPrint(host,args,session))
if 'numAlerts' in parsedfullsels:
selsCollected = True
errorInfo += parsedfullsels + '\n'
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Parsed full SELs collection exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
if selsCollected:
sortedSELs = sortSELs(parsedfullsels)
with open(fileDir +os.sep+'parsedSELs.txt', 'w') as f:
for log in sortedSELs[0]:
esel = ""
parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]]['timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]]['timestamp']/1000)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if ('raweSEL' in parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]] and args.devdebug):
esel = parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]]['raweSEL']
del parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]]['raweSEL']
f.write(json.dumps(parsedfullsels[sortedSELs[1][str(log)]],sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
if(args.devdebug and esel != ""):
f.write(parseESEL(args, esel))
print("Parsed SELs collected and stored in " + fileDir + os.sep+ "parsedSELs.txt")
output['fileLoc'] = fileDir+os.sep+'parsedSELs.txt'
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to write fully parsed SELs to file system.")
errorInfo += "Error writing fully parsed SELs to the file. Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
output['errors'] = errorInfo
return output
def csdFullEnumeration(host, args, session, fileDir):
Collects a full enumeration of /xyz/openbmc_project/, retrying if necessary
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param fileDir: string representation of the path to use for putting files created
errorInfo = "===========BMC Full Enumeration =============\n"
bmcFullCollected = False
d = vars(args)
d['json'] = True
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Failed to set the json flag to False \n Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
print("Attempting to get a full BMC enumeration")
httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
for i in range(3):
bmcRes = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=180)
if bmcRes.status_code == 200:
bmcFullCollected = True
fullEnumeration = bmcRes.json()
errorInfo += bmcRes.text
errorInfo+=json.dumps( connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False) + '\n'
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
errorInfo += json.dumps(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False) + '\n'
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "RAW BMC data collection exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
if bmcFullCollected:
with open(fileDir +os.sep+'bmcFullRaw.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(fullEnumeration, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False) + '\n')
print("RAW BMC data collected and saved into " + fileDir + os.sep+ "bmcFullRaw.txt")
output['fileLoc'] = fileDir+os.sep+'bmcFullRaw.txt'
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to write RAW BMC data to file system.")
errorInfo += "Error writing RAW BMC data collection to the file. Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
output['errors'] = errorInfo
return output
def csdCollectAllDumps(host, args, session, fileDir):
Collects all of the bmc dump files and stores them in fileDir
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param fileDir: string representation of the path to use for putting files created
errorInfo = "===========BMC Dump Collection =============\n"
dumpListCollected = False
dumpList = {}
d = vars(args)
d['json'] = True
d['dumpSaveLoc'] = fileDir
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "Failed to set the json flag to True, or failed to set the dumpSave Location \n Exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
print('Collecting bmc dump files')
for i in range(3):
dumpResp = bmcDumpList(host, args, session)
if 'message' in dumpResp:
if 'ok' in dumpResp['message'].lower():
dumpList = dumpResp['data']
dumpListCollected = True
errorInfo += "Status was not OK when retrieving the list of dumps available. \n Response: \n{resp}\n".format(resp=dumpResp)
errorInfo += "Invalid response received from the BMC while retrieving the list of dumps available.\n {resp}\n".format(resp=dumpResp)
except Exception as e:
errorInfo += "BMC dump list exception: {eInfo}\n".format(eInfo=e)
if dumpListCollected:
output['fileList'] = []
for dump in dumpList:
if '/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/internal/manager' not in dump:
d['dumpNum'] = int(dump.strip().split('/')[-1])
print('retrieving dump file ' + str(d['dumpNum']))
filename = bmcDumpRetrieve(host, args, session).split('Saved as ')[-1]
except Exception as e:
print("Unable to collect dump: {dumpInfo}".format(dumpInfo=dump))
errorInfo += "Exception collecting a bmc dump {dumpInfo}\n {eInfo}\n".format(dumpInfo=dump, eInfo=e)
output['errors'] = errorInfo
return output
def collectServiceData(host, args, session):
Collects all data needed for service from the BMC
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the collectServiceData sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
global toolVersion
filelist = []
errorInfo = ""
#get current number of bmc dumps and create a new bmc dump
dumpInitdata = csdDumpInitiate(host, args, session)
dumpcount = dumpInitdata['dumpcount']
errorInfo += dumpInitdata['errors']
#create the directory to put files
args.silent = True
myDir = tempfile.gettempdir()+os.sep + host + "--" +"%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")
except Exception as e:
print('Unable to create the temporary directory for data collection. Ensure sufficient privileges to create temporary directory. Aborting.')
return("Python exception: {eInfo}".format(eInfo = e))
#Collect Inventory
inventoryData = csdInventory(host, args, session, myDir)
if 'fileLoc' in inventoryData:
errorInfo += inventoryData['errors']
#Read all the sensor and OCC status
sensorData = csdSensors(host,args,session,myDir)
if 'fileLoc' in sensorData:
errorInfo += sensorData['errors']
#Collect all of the LEDs status
ledStatus = csdLEDs(host, args, session, myDir)
if 'fileLoc' in ledStatus:
errorInfo += ledStatus['errors']
#Collect the bmc logs
selShort = csdSelShortList(host, args, session, myDir)
if 'fileLoc' in selShort:
errorInfo += selShort['errors']
parsedSELs = csdParsedSels(host, args, session, myDir)
if 'fileLoc' in parsedSELs:
errorInfo += parsedSELs['errors']
#collect RAW bmc enumeration
bmcRaw = csdFullEnumeration(host, args, session, myDir)
if 'fileLoc' in bmcRaw:
errorInfo += bmcRaw['errors']
#wait for new dump to finish being created
waitingForNewDump = True
count = 0;
print("Waiting for new BMC dump to finish being created.")
dumpList = bmcDumpList(host, args, session)['data']
if len(dumpList) > dumpcount:
waitingForNewDump = False
print("Timed out waiting for bmc to make a new dump file. Dump space may be full.")
count += 1
#collect all of the dump files
getBMCDumps = csdCollectAllDumps(host, args, session, myDir)
if 'fileList' in getBMCDumps:
filelist+= getBMCDumps['fileList']
errorInfo += getBMCDumps['errors']
#write the runtime errors to a file
with open(myDir +os.sep+'openbmctoolRuntimeErrors.txt', 'w') as f:
print("OpenBMC tool runtime errors collected and stored in " + myDir + os.sep+ "openbmctoolRuntimeErrors.txt")
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to write OpenBMC tool runtime errors to file system.")
#create the zip file
filename = myDir.split(tempfile.gettempdir()+os.sep)[-1] + "_" + toolVersion + ''
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(myDir+os.sep + filename, 'w')
for myfile in filelist:
zf.write(myfile, os.path.basename(myfile))
print("Zip file with all collected data created and stored in: {fileInfo}".format(fileInfo=myDir+os.sep+filename))
except Exception as e:
print("Failed to create zip file with collected information")
return "data collection finished"
def healthCheck(host, args, session):
runs a health check on the platform
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the bmc sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
#check fru status and get as json to easily work through
d = vars(args)
useJson = d['json']
d['json'] = True
d['verbose']= False
frus = json.loads(fruStatus(host, args, session))
hwStatus= "OK"
performanceStatus = "OK"
for key in frus:
if frus[key]["Functional"] == "No" and frus[key]["Present"] == "Yes":
hwStatus= "Degraded"
if("power_supply" in key or "powersupply" in key):
gpuCount =0
for comp in frus:
if "gv100card" in comp:
gpuCount +=1
if gpuCount > 4:
hwStatus = "Critical"
elif("fan" in key):
hwStatus = "Degraded"
performanceStatus = "Degraded"
if useJson:
output = {"Hardware Status": hwStatus, "Performance": performanceStatus}
output = json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
output = ("Hardware Status: " + hwStatus +
"\nPerformance: " +performanceStatus )
#SW407886: Clear the duplicate entries
#collect the dups
d['devdebug'] = False
sels = json.loads(selPrint(host, args, session))
logNums2Clr = []
oldestLogNum={"logNum": "bogus" ,"key" : ""}
count = 0
if sels['numAlerts'] > 0:
for key in sels:
if "numAlerts" in key:
if "slave@00:00/00:00:00:06/sbefifo1-dev0/occ1-dev0" in sels[key]['Message']:
count += 1
if count > 1:
#preserve first occurrence
if sels[key]['timestamp'] < sels[oldestLogNum['key']]['timestamp']:
oldestLogNum['logNum'] = sels[key]['logNum']
oldestLogNum['logNum'] = sels[key]['logNum']
except KeyError:
if(count >0):
#delete the dups
if count >1:
data = "{\"data\": [] }"
for logNum in logNums2Clr:
url = "https://"+ host+ "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/"+logNum+"/action/Delete"
try:, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
deleteFailed = True
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
deleteFailed = True
#End of defect resolve code
d['json'] = useJson
return output
def bmc(host, args, session):
handles various bmc level commands, currently bmc rebooting
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the bmc sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
if(args.type is not None):
return bmcReset(host, args, session)
return "Not implemented at this time"
def bmcReset(host, args, session):
controls resetting the bmc. warm reset reboots the bmc, cold reset removes the configuration and reboots.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the bmcReset sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
if checkFWactivation(host, args, session):
return ("BMC reset control disabled during firmware activation")
if(args.type == "warm"):
print("\nAttempting to reboot the BMC...:")
data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.Transition.Reboot"}'
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return res.text
elif(args.type =="cold"):
print("\nAttempting to reboot the BMC...:")
data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.Transition.Reboot"}'
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return res.text
return "invalid command"
def gardClear(host, args, session):
clears the gard records from the bmc
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the gardClear sub command
@param session: the active session to use
data = '{"data":[]}'
res =, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "Command not supported by this firmware version"
return res.text
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
def activateFWImage(host, args, session):
activates a firmware image on the bmc
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fwflash sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param fwID: the unique ID of the fw image to activate
fwID = args.imageID
#determine the existing versions
resp = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
existingSoftware = json.loads(resp.text)['data']
altVersionID = ''
versionType = ''
imageKey = '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'+fwID
if imageKey in existingSoftware:
versionType = existingSoftware[imageKey]['Purpose']
for key in existingSoftware:
if imageKey == key:
if 'Purpose' in existingSoftware[key]:
if versionType == existingSoftware[key]['Purpose']:
altVersionID = key.split('/')[-1]
url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/software/"+ fwID + "/attr/Priority"
url1="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/software/"+ altVersionID + "/attr/Priority"
data = "{\"data\": 0}"
data1 = "{\"data\": 1 }"
resp = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
resp1 = session.put(url1, headers=jsonHeader, data=data1, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if(not args.json):
if resp.status_code == 200 and resp1.status_code == 200:
return 'Firmware flash and activation completed. Please reboot the bmc and then boot the host OS for the changes to take effect. '
return "Firmware activation failed."
return resp.text + resp1.text
def activateStatus(host, args, session):
if checkFWactivation(host, args, session):
return("Firmware is currently being activated. Do not reboot the BMC or start the Host OS")
return("No firmware activations are pending")
def extractFWimage(path, imageType):
extracts the bmc image and returns information about the package
@param path: the path and file name of the firmware image
@param imageType: The type of image the user is trying to flash. Host or BMC
@return: the image id associated with the package. returns an empty string on error.
f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
tmpDir = tempfile.gettempdir()
newImageID = ""
if os.path.exists(path):
imageFile =,'r')
contents = imageFile.getmembers()
for tf in contents:
if 'MANIFEST' in
imageFile.extract(, path=tmpDir)
with open(tempfile.gettempdir() +os.sep+, 'r') as imageInfo:
for line in imageInfo:
if 'purpose' in line:
purpose = line.split('=')[1]
if imageType not in purpose.split('.')[-1]:
print('The specified image is not for ' + imageType)
print('Please try again with the image for ' + imageType)
return ""
if 'version' == line.split('=')[0]:
version = line.split('=')[1].strip().encode('utf-8')
m = hashlib.sha512()
newImageID = m.hexdigest()[:8]
os.remove(tempfile.gettempdir() +os.sep+
except OSError:
return newImageID
except tarfile.ExtractError as e:
print('Unable to extract information from the firmware file.')
print('Ensure you have write access to the directory: ' + tmpDir)
return newImageID
except tarfile.TarError as e:
print('This is not a valid firmware file.')
return newImageID
print("This is not a valid firmware file.")
return newImageID
print('The filename and path provided are not valid.')
return newImageID
def getAllFWImageIDs(fwInvDict):
gets a list of all the firmware image IDs
@param fwInvDict: the dictionary to search for FW image IDs
@return: list containing string representation of the found image ids
idList = []
for key in fwInvDict:
if 'Version' in fwInvDict[key]:
return idList
def fwFlash(host, args, session):
updates the bmc firmware and pnor firmware
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fwflash sub command
@param session: the active session to use
d = vars(args)
if(args.type == 'bmc'):
purp = 'BMC'
purp = 'Host'
#check power state of the machine. No concurrent FW updates allowed
d['powcmd'] = 'status'
powerstate = chassisPower(host, args, session)
if 'Chassis Power State: On' in powerstate:
return("Aborting firmware update. Host is powered on. Please turn off the host and try again.")
#determine the existing images on the bmc
resp = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
oldsoftware = json.loads(resp.text)['data']
#Extract the tar and get information from the manifest file
newversionID = extractFWimage(args.fileloc, purp)
if newversionID == "":
return "Unable to verify FW image."
#check if the new image is already on the bmc
if newversionID not in getAllFWImageIDs(oldsoftware):
#upload the file
httpHeader = {'Content-Type':'application/octet-stream'}
print("Uploading file to BMC")
resp =, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False)
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if resp.status_code != 200:
return "Failed to upload the file to the bmc"
print("Upload complete.")
#verify bmc processed the image
software ={}
for i in range(0, 5):
resp = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
software = json.loads(resp.text)['data']
#check if bmc is done processing the new image
if (newversionID in getAllFWImageIDs(software)):
#activate the new image
print("Activating new image: "+newversionID)
url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/software/"+ newversionID + "/attr/RequestedActivation"
data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.RequestedActivations.Active"}'
resp = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
#wait for the activation to complete, timeout after ~1 hour
while i < 360:
url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/software/"+ newversionID
data = '{"data":"xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Activation.RequestedActivations.Active"}'
resp = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
fwInfo = json.loads(resp.text)['data']
if 'Activating' not in fwInfo['Activation'] and 'Activating' not in fwInfo['RequestedActivation']:
time.sleep(10) #check every 10 seconds
return "Firmware flash and activation completed. Please reboot the bmc and then boot the host OS for the changes to take effect. "
print("This image has been found on the bmc. Activating image: " + newversionID)
d['imageID'] = newversionID
return activateFWImage(host, args, session)
def getFWInventoryAttributes(rawFWInvItem, ID):
gets and lists all of the firmware in the system.
@return: returns a dictionary containing the image attributes
reqActivation = rawFWInvItem["RequestedActivation"].split('.')[-1]
pendingActivation = ""
if reqActivation == "None":
pendingActivation = "No"
pendingActivation = "Yes"
firmwareAttr = {ID: {
"Purpose": rawFWInvItem["Purpose"].split('.')[-1],
"Version": rawFWInvItem["Version"],
"RequestedActivation": pendingActivation,
"ID": ID}}
if "ExtendedVersion" in rawFWInvItem:
firmwareAttr[ID]['ExtendedVersion'] = rawFWInvItem['ExtendedVersion'].split(',')
firmwareAttr[ID]['ExtendedVersion'] = ""
return firmwareAttr
def parseFWdata(firmwareDict):
creates a dictionary with parsed firmware data
@return: returns a dictionary containing the image attributes
firmwareInfoDict = {"Functional": {}, "Activated":{}, "NeedsActivated":{}}
for key in firmwareDict['data']:
#check for valid endpoint
if "Purpose" in firmwareDict['data'][key]:
id = key.split('/')[-1]
if firmwareDict['data'][key]['Activation'].split('.')[-1] == "Active":
fwActivated = True
fwActivated = False
if 'Priority' in firmwareDict['data'][key]:
if firmwareDict['data'][key]['Priority'] == 0:
firmwareInfoDict['Functional'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
elif firmwareDict['data'][key]['Priority'] >= 0 and fwActivated:
firmwareInfoDict['Activated'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
firmwareInfoDict['NeedsActivated'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
firmwareInfoDict['NeedsActivated'].update(getFWInventoryAttributes(firmwareDict['data'][key], id))
emptySections = []
for key in firmwareInfoDict:
if len(firmwareInfoDict[key])<=0:
for key in emptySections:
del firmwareInfoDict[key]
return firmwareInfoDict
def displayFWInvenory(firmwareInfoDict, args):
gets and lists all of the firmware in the system.
@return: returns a string containing all of the firmware information
output = ""
if not args.json:
for key in firmwareInfoDict:
for subkey in firmwareInfoDict[key]:
firmwareInfoDict[key][subkey]['ExtendedVersion'] = str(firmwareInfoDict[key][subkey]['ExtendedVersion'])
if not args.verbose:
output = "---Running Images---\n"
colNames = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID"]
keylist = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID"]
output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Functional"])
if "Activated" in firmwareInfoDict:
output += "\n---Available Images---\n"
output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Activated"])
if "NeedsActivated" in firmwareInfoDict:
output += "\n---Needs Activated Images---\n"
output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["NeedsActivated"])
output = "---Running Images---\n"
colNames = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID", "Pending Activation", "Extended Version"]
keylist = ["Purpose", "Version", "ID", "RequestedActivation", "ExtendedVersion"]
output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Functional"])
if "Activated" in firmwareInfoDict:
output += "\n---Available Images---\n"
output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["Activated"])
if "NeedsActivated" in firmwareInfoDict:
output += "\n---Needs Activated Images---\n"
output += tableDisplay(keylist, colNames, firmwareInfoDict["NeedsActivated"])
return output
return str(json.dumps(firmwareInfoDict, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False))
def firmwareList(host, args, session):
gets and lists all of the firmware in the system.
@return: returns a string containing all of the firmware information
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
firmwareDict = json.loads(res.text)
#sort the received information
firmwareInfoDict = parseFWdata(firmwareDict)
#display the information
return displayFWInvenory(firmwareInfoDict, args)
def deleteFWVersion(host, args, session):
deletes a firmware version on the BMC
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the BMC
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the fwflash sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param fwID: the unique ID of the fw version to delete
fwID = args.versionID
print("Deleting version: "+fwID)
url="https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/software/"+ fwID + "/action/Delete"
data = "{\"data\": [] }"
res =, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
if res.status_code == 200:
return ('The firmware version has been deleted')
return ('Unable to delete the specified firmware version')
def restLogging(host, args, session):
Called by the logging function. Turns REST API logging on/off.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the logging sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
if(args.rest_logging == 'on'):
data = '{"data": 1}'
elif(args.rest_logging == 'off'):
data = '{"data": 0}'
return "Invalid logging rest_api command"
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
return res.text
def remoteLogging(host, args, session):
Called by the logging function. View config information for/disable remote logging (rsyslog).
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the logging sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
if(args.remote_logging == 'view'):
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
elif(args.remote_logging == 'disable'):
res = session.put(url + '/attr/Port', headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": 0}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
res = session.put(url + '/attr/Address', headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": ""}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return "Invalid logging remote_logging command"
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
return res.text
def remoteLoggingConfig(host, args, session):
Called by the logging function. Configures remote logging (rsyslog).
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the logging sub command
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
res = session.put(url + '/attr/Port', headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": args.port}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
res = session.put(url + '/attr/Address', headers=jsonHeader, json = {"data": args.address}, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
return res.text
def redfishSupportPresent(host, session):
url = "https://" + host + "/redfish/v1"
resp = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return False
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return False
if resp.status_code != 200:
return False
return True
def certificateUpdate(host, args, session):
Called by certificate management function. update server/client/authority certificates
certificate update server https -f cert.pem
certificate update authority ldap -f Root-CA.pem
certificate update client ldap -f cert.pem
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the certificate update sub command
@param session: the active session to use
httpHeader = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
data = open(args.fileloc, 'rb').read()
if redfishSupportPresent(host, session):
url = "";
if(args.type.lower() == 'server'):
url = "https://" + host + \
elif(args.type.lower() == 'client'):
url = "https://" + host + \
elif(args.type.lower() == 'authority'):
url = "https://" + host + \
return "Unsupported certificate type"
resp =, headers=httpHeader, data=data,
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/certs/" + \
args.type.lower() + "/" + args.service.lower()
resp = session.put(url, headers=httpHeader, data=data, verify=False)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if resp.status_code != 200:
return "Failed to update the certificate"
print("Update complete.")
def certificateDelete(host, args, session):
Called by certificate management function to delete certificate
certificate delete server https
certificate delete authority ldap
certificate delete client ldap
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the certificate delete sub command
@param session: the active session to use
if redfishSupportPresent(host, session):
return "Not supported, please use certificate replace instead";
httpHeader = {'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'}
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/certs/" + args.type.lower() + "/" + args.service.lower()
print("Deleting certificate url=" + url)
resp = session.delete(url, headers=httpHeader)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if resp.status_code != 200:
return "Failed to delete the certificate"
print("Delete complete.")
def enableLDAP(host, args, session):
Called by the ldap function. Configures LDAP.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output will
be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
scope = {
'sub' : 'xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create.SearchScope.sub',
'one' : '',
'base': 'xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create.SearchScope.base'
serverType = {
'ActiveDirectory' : 'xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create.Type.ActiveDirectory',
'OpenLDAP' : 'xyz.openbmc_project.User.Ldap.Create.Type.OpenLdap'
data = {"data": [args.uri, args.bindDN, args.baseDN, args.bindPassword, scope[args.scope], serverType[args.serverType]]}
res =, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def disableLDAP(host, args, session):
Called by the ldap function. Deletes the LDAP Configuration.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
data = {"data": []}
res =, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def enableDHCP(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Enables DHCP.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/"+args.Interface+\
data = "{\"data\": 1 }"
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 403:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")"+\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def disableDHCP(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Disables DHCP.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/"+args.Interface+\
data = "{\"data\": 0 }"
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 403:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")"+\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def getHostname(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Prints out the Hostname.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/config/attr/HostName"
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def setHostname(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Sets the Hostname.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/config/attr/HostName"
data = {"data": args.HostName}
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def getDomainName(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Prints out the DomainName.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/"+args.Interface+\
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")"+\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def setDomainName(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Sets the DomainName.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/"+args.Interface+\
data = {"data": args.DomainName.split(",")}
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 403:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")"+\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def getMACAddress(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Prints out the MACAddress.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/"+args.Interface+\
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")"+\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def setMACAddress(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Sets the MACAddress.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/"+args.Interface+\
data = {"data": args.MACAddress}
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 403:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")"+\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def getDefaultGateway(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Prints out the DefaultGateway.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/config/attr/DefaultGateway"
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "Failed to get Default Gateway info!!"
return res.text
def setDefaultGateway(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Sets the DefaultGateway.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/config/attr/DefaultGateway"
data = {"data": args.DefaultGW}
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 403:
return "Failed to set Default Gateway!!"
return res.text
def viewNWConfig(host, args, session):
Called by the ldap function. Prints out network configured properties
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
@return returns LDAP's configured properties.
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/enumerate"
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
except(requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "RequestException", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "LDAP server config has not been created"
return res.text
def getDNS(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Prints out DNS servers on the interface
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/" + args.Interface\
+ "/attr/Nameservers"
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")" + \
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def setDNS(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Sets DNS servers on the interface.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/" + args.Interface\
+ "/attr/Nameservers"
data = {"data": args.DNSServers.split(",")}
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 403:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")" +\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def getNTP(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Prints out NTP servers on the interface
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/" + args.Interface\
+ "/attr/NTPServers"
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")" + \
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def setNTP(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Sets NTP servers on the interface.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/" + args.Interface\
+ "/attr/NTPServers"
data = {"data": args.NTPServers.split(",")}
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 403:
return "The specified Interface"+"("+args.Interface+")" +\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def addIP(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Configures IP address on given interface
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/" + args.Interface\
+ "/action/IP"
protocol = {
'ipv4': 'xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol.IPv4',
'ipv6': 'xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol.IPv6'
data = {"data": [protocol[args.type], args.address, int(args.prefixLength),
res =, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "The specified Interface" + "(" + args.Interface + ")" +\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def getIP(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Prints out IP address of given interface
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://" + host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/" + args.Interface +\
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "The specified Interface" + "(" + args.Interface + ")" +\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def deleteIP(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Deletes the IP address from given Interface
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/" + args.Interface+\
data = {"data": []}
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "The specified Interface" + "(" + args.Interface + ")" +\
" doesn't exist"
objDict = json.loads(res.text)
if not objDict['data']:
return "No object found for given address on given Interface"
for obj in objDict['data']:
if args.address in objDict['data'][obj]['Address']:
url = "https://"+host+obj+"/action/delete"
res =, headers=jsonHeader, json=data,
verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
return "No object found for given address on given Interface"
def addVLAN(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Creates VLAN on given interface.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://" + host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/action/VLAN"
data = {"data": [args.Interface,args.Identifier]}
res =, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 400:
return "The specified Interface" + "(" + args.Interface + ")" +\
" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def deleteVLAN(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Creates VLAN on given interface.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://" + host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/"+args.Interface+"/action/delete"
data = {"data": []}
res =, headers=jsonHeader, json=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "The specified VLAN"+"("+args.Interface+"_"+args.Identifier\
+")" +" doesn't exist"
return res.text
def viewDHCPConfig(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Shows DHCP configured Properties.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def configureDHCP(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Configures/updates DHCP Properties.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
if(args.DNSEnabled == True):
data = '{"data": 1}'
data = '{"data": 0}'
res = session.put(url + '/attr/DNSEnabled', headers=jsonHeader,
data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
if(args.HostNameEnabled == True):
data = '{"data": 1}'
data = '{"data": 0}'
res = session.put(url + '/attr/HostNameEnabled', headers=jsonHeader,
data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
if(args.NTPEnabled == True):
data = '{"data": 1}'
data = '{"data": 0}'
res = session.put(url + '/attr/NTPEnabled', headers=jsonHeader,
data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
if(args.SendHostNameEnabled == True):
data = '{"data": 1}'
data = '{"data": 0}'
res = session.put(url + '/attr/SendHostNameEnabled', headers=jsonHeader,
data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def nwReset(host, args, session):
Called by the network function. Resets networks setting to factory defaults.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/network/action/Reset"
data = '{"data":[] }'
res =, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def createPrivilegeMapping(host, args, session):
Called by the ldap function. Creates the group and the privilege mapping.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
url = 'https://'+host+'/xyz/openbmc_project/user/ldap/action/Create'
data = {"data": [args.groupName,args.privilege]}
res =, headers=jsonHeader, json = data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def listPrivilegeMapping(host, args, session):
Called by the ldap function. Lists the group and the privilege mapping.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
url = 'https://'+host+'/xyz/openbmc_project/user/ldap/enumerate'
data = {"data": []}
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, json = data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def deletePrivilegeMapping(host, args, session):
Called by the ldap function. Deletes the mapping associated with the group.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
(ldapNameSpaceObjects) = listPrivilegeMapping(host, args, session)
ldapNameSpaceObjects = json.loads(ldapNameSpaceObjects)["data"]
path = ''
# not interested in the config objet
ldapNameSpaceObjects.pop('/xyz/openbmc_project/user/ldap/config', None)
# search for the object having the mapping for the given group
for key,value in ldapNameSpaceObjects.items():
if value['GroupName'] == args.groupName:
path = key
if path == '':
return "No privilege mapping found for this group."
# delete the object
url = 'https://'+host+path+'/action/delete'
data = {"data": []}
res =, headers=jsonHeader, json = data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def deleteAllPrivilegeMapping(host, args, session):
Called by the ldap function. Deletes all the privilege mapping and group defined.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
ldapNameSpaceObjects = listPrivilegeMapping(host, args, session)
ldapNameSpaceObjects = json.loads(ldapNameSpaceObjects)["data"]
path = ''
# Remove the config object.
ldapNameSpaceObjects.pop('/xyz/openbmc_project/user/ldap/config', None)
data = {"data": []}
# search for GroupName property and delete if it is available.
for path in ldapNameSpaceObjects.keys():
# delete the object
url = 'https://'+host+path+'/action/delete'
res =, headers=jsonHeader, json = data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return res.text
def viewLDAPConfig(host, args, session):
Called by the ldap function. Prints out LDAP's configured properties
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the ldap subcommand
args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@param session: the active session to use
@return returns LDAP's configured properties.
url = "https://"+host+"/xyz/openbmc_project/user/ldap/config"
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
except(requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "RequestException", err)
if res.status_code == 404:
return "LDAP server config has not been created"
return res.text
def str2bool(v):
if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'):
return True
elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'):
return False
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.')
def localUsers(host, args, session):
Enables and disables local BMC users.
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the logging sub command
@param session: the active session to use
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
usersDict = json.loads(res.text)
if not usersDict['data']:
return "No users found"
output = ""
for user in usersDict['data']:
# Skip LDAP and another non-local users
if 'UserEnabled' not in usersDict['data'][user]:
name = user.split('/')[-1]
url = "https://{hostname}{user}/attr/UserEnabled".format(hostname=host, user=user)
if args.local_users == "queryenabled":
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader,verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
result = json.loads(res.text)
output += ("User: {name} Enabled: {result}\n").format(name=name, result=result['data'])
elif args.local_users in ["enableall", "disableall"]:
action = ""
if args.local_users == "enableall":
data = '{"data": true}'
action = "Enabling"
data = '{"data": false}'
action = "Disabling"
output += "{action} {name}\n".format(action=action, name=name)
resp = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader, data=data, verify=False, timeout=baseTimeout)
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None)
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
return "Invalid local users argument"
return output
def setPassword(host, args, session):
Set local user password
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used by the logging sub
@param session: the active session to use
@param args.json: boolean, if this flag is set to true, the output
will be provided in json format for programmatic consumption
@return: Session object
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/user/" + args.user + \
res =, headers=jsonHeader,
json={"data": [args.password]}, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
except(requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "RequestException", err)
return res.text
def getThermalZones(host, args, session):
Get the available thermal control zones
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used to get the thermal
control zones
@param session: the active session to use
@return: Session object
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/control/thermal/enumerate"
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=30)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
except(requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "RequestException", err)
if (res.status_code == 404):
return "No thermal control zones found or system is in a" + \
" powered off state"
zonesDict = json.loads(res.text)
if not zonesDict['data']:
return "No thermal control zones found"
for zone in zonesDict['data']:
z = ",".join(str(zone.split('/')[-1]) for zone in zonesDict['data'])
return "Zones: [ " + z + " ]"
def getThermalMode(host, args, session):
Get thermal control mode
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used to get the thermal
control mode
@param session: the active session to use
@param the zone to get the mode on
@return: Session object
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/control/thermal/" + \
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=30)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
except(requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "RequestException", err)
if (res.status_code == 404):
return "Thermal control zone(" + + ") not found or" + \
" system is in a powered off state"
propsDict = json.loads(res.text)
if not propsDict['data']:
return "No thermal control properties found on zone(" + + ")"
curMode = "Current"
supModes = "Supported"
result = "\n"
for prop in propsDict['data']:
if (prop.casefold() == curMode.casefold()):
result += curMode + " Mode: " + propsDict['data'][curMode] + "\n"
if (prop.casefold() == supModes.casefold()):
s = ", ".join(str(sup) for sup in propsDict['data'][supModes])
result += supModes + " Modes: [ " + s + " ]\n"
return result
def setThermalMode(host, args, session):
Set thermal control mode
@param host: string, the hostname or IP address of the bmc
@param args: contains additional arguments used for setting the thermal
control mode
@param session: the active session to use
@param the zone to set the mode on
@param args.mode: the mode to enable
@return: Session object
url = "https://" + host + "/xyz/openbmc_project/control/thermal/" + \ + "/attr/Current"
# Check args.mode against supported modes using `getThermalMode` output
modes = getThermalMode(host, args, session)
modes = os.linesep.join([m for m in modes.splitlines() if m])
modes = modes.replace("\n", ";").strip()
modesDict = dict(m.split(': ') for m in modes.split(';'))
sModes = ''.join(s for s in modesDict['Supported Modes'] if s not in '[ ]')
if args.mode.casefold() not in \
(m.casefold() for m in sModes.split(',')) or not args.mode:
result = ("Unsupported mode('" + args.mode + "') given, " +
"select a supported mode: \n" +
getThermalMode(host, args, session))
return result
data = '{"data":"' + args.mode + '"}'
res = session.get(url, headers=jsonHeader, verify=False, timeout=30)
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
except(requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "RequestException", err)
if (data and res.status_code != 404):
res = session.put(url, headers=jsonHeader,
data=data, verify=False,
return(connectionErrHandler(args.json, "Timeout", None))
except(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "ConnectionError", err)
except(requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err:
return connectionErrHandler(args.json, "RequestException", err)
if res.status_code == 403:
return "The specified thermal control zone(" + + ")" + \
" does not exist"
return res.text
return "Setting thermal control mode(" + args.mode + ")" + \
" not supported or operation not available(system powered off?)"
def createCommandParser():
creates the parser for the command line along with help for each command and subcommand
@return: returns the parser for the command line
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process arguments')
parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", help='A hostname or IP for the BMC')
parser.add_argument("-U", "--user", help='The username to login with')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("-A", "--askpw", action='store_true', help='prompt for password')
group.add_argument("-P", "--PW", help='Provide the password in-line')
group.add_argument("-E", "--PWenvvar", action='store_true', help='Get password from envvar OPENBMCTOOL_PASSWORD')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store_true', help='output json data only')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--policyTableLoc', help='The location of the policy table to parse alerts')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--CerFormat', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('-T', '--procTime', action='store_true', help= argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='store_true', help='Display the version number of the openbmctool')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
#fru command
parser_inv = subparsers.add_parser("fru", help='Work with platform inventory')
inv_subparser = parser_inv.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid inventory actions', help="valid inventory actions", dest='command')
inv_subparser.required = True
#fru print
inv_print = inv_subparser.add_parser("print", help="prints out a list of all FRUs")
#fru list [0....n]
inv_list = inv_subparser.add_parser("list", help="print out details on selected FRUs. Specifying no items will list the entire inventory")
inv_list.add_argument('items', nargs='?', help="print out details on selected FRUs. Specifying no items will list the entire inventory")
#fru status
inv_status = inv_subparser.add_parser("status", help="prints out the status of all FRUs")
inv_status.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output')
#sensors command
parser_sens = subparsers.add_parser("sensors", help="Work with platform sensors")
sens_subparser=parser_sens.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid sensor actions', help='valid sensor actions', dest='command')
sens_subparser.required = True
#sensor print
sens_print= sens_subparser.add_parser('print', help="prints out a list of all Sensors.")
#sensor list[0...n]
sens_list=sens_subparser.add_parser("list", help="Lists all Sensors in the platform. Specify a sensor for full details. ")
sens_list.add_argument("sensNum", nargs='?', help="The Sensor number to get full details on" )
#thermal control commands
parser_therm = subparsers.add_parser("thermal", help="Work with thermal control parameters")
therm_subparser=parser_therm.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='Thermal control actions to work with', help='Valid thermal control actions to work with', dest='command')
#thermal control zones
parser_thermZones = therm_subparser.add_parser("zones", help="Get a list of available thermal control zones")
#thermal control modes
parser_thermMode = therm_subparser.add_parser("modes", help="Work with thermal control modes")
thermMode_sub = parser_thermMode.add_subparsers(title='subactions', description='Work with thermal control modes', help="Work with thermal control modes")
#get thermal control mode
parser_getThermMode = thermMode_sub.add_parser("get", help="Get current and supported thermal control modes")
parser_getThermMode.add_argument('-z', '--zone', required=True, help='Thermal zone to work with')
#set thermal control mode
parser_setThermMode = thermMode_sub.add_parser("set", help="Set the thermal control mode")
parser_setThermMode.add_argument('-z', '--zone', required=True, help='Thermal zone to work with')
parser_setThermMode.add_argument('-m', '--mode', required=True, help='The supported thermal control mode')
#sel command
parser_sel = subparsers.add_parser("sel", help="Work with platform alerts")
sel_subparser = parser_sel.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid SEL actions', help = 'valid SEL actions', dest='command')
sel_subparser.required = True
#sel print
sel_print = sel_subparser.add_parser("print", help="prints out a list of all sels in a condensed list")
sel_print.add_argument('-d', '--devdebug', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
sel_print.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Changes the output to being very verbose")
sel_print.add_argument('-f', '--fileloc', help='Parse a file instead of the BMC output')
#sel list
sel_list = sel_subparser.add_parser("list", help="Lists all SELs in the platform. Specifying a specific number will pull all the details for that individual SEL")
sel_list.add_argument("selNum", nargs='?', type=int, help="The SEL entry to get details on")
sel_get = sel_subparser.add_parser("get", help="Gets the verbose details of a specified SEL entry")
sel_get.add_argument('selNum', type=int, help="the number of the SEL entry to get")
sel_clear = sel_subparser.add_parser("clear", help="Clears all entries from the SEL")
sel_setResolved = sel_subparser.add_parser("resolve", help="Sets the sel entry to resolved")
sel_setResolved.add_argument('-n', '--selNum', type=int, help="the number of the SEL entry to resolve")
sel_ResolveAll_sub = sel_setResolved.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
sel_ResolveAll = sel_ResolveAll_sub.add_parser('all', help='Resolve all SEL entries')
parser_chassis = subparsers.add_parser("chassis", help="Work with chassis power and status")
chas_sub = parser_chassis.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
parser_chassis.add_argument('status', action='store_true', help='Returns the current status of the platform')
parser_chasPower = chas_sub.add_parser("power", help="Turn the chassis on or off, check the power state")
parser_chasPower.add_argument('powcmd', choices=['on','softoff', 'hardoff', 'status'], help='The value for the power command. on, off, or status')
#control the chassis identify led
parser_chasIdent = chas_sub.add_parser("identify", help="Control the chassis identify led")
parser_chasIdent.add_argument('identcmd', choices=['on', 'off', 'status'], help='The control option for the led: on, off, blink, status')
#collect service data
parser_servData = subparsers.add_parser("collect_service_data", help="Collect all bmc data needed for service")
parser_servData.add_argument('-d', '--devdebug', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
#system quick health check
parser_healthChk = subparsers.add_parser("health_check", help="Work with platform sensors")
#work with bmc dumps
parser_bmcdump = subparsers.add_parser("dump", help="Work with bmc dump files")
bmcDump_sub = parser_bmcdump.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
bmcDump_sub.required = True
dump_Create = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('create', help="Create a bmc dump")
dump_list = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('list', help="list all bmc dump files")
parserdumpdelete = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('delete', help="Delete bmc dump files")
parserdumpdelete.add_argument("-n", "--dumpNum", nargs='*', type=int, help="The Dump entry to delete")
bmcDumpDelsub = parserdumpdelete.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
deleteAllDumps = bmcDumpDelsub.add_parser('all', help='Delete all bmc dump files')
parser_dumpretrieve = bmcDump_sub.add_parser('retrieve', help='Retrieve a dump file')
parser_dumpretrieve.add_argument("dumpNum", type=int, help="The Dump entry to delete")
parser_dumpretrieve.add_argument("-s", "--dumpSaveLoc", help="The location to save the bmc dump file")
#bmc command for reseting the bmc
parser_bmc = subparsers.add_parser('bmc', help="Work with the bmc")
bmc_sub = parser_bmc.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
parser_BMCReset = bmc_sub.add_parser('reset', help='Reset the bmc' )
parser_BMCReset.add_argument('type', choices=['warm','cold'], help="Warm: Reboot the BMC, Cold: CLEAR config and reboot bmc")
parser_bmc.add_argument('info', action='store_true', help="Displays information about the BMC hardware, including device revision, firmware revision, IPMI version supported, manufacturer ID, and information on additional device support.")
#add alias to the bmc command
parser_mc = subparsers.add_parser('mc', help="Work with the management controller")
mc_sub = parser_mc.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
parser_MCReset = mc_sub.add_parser('reset', help='Reset the bmc' )
parser_MCReset.add_argument('type', choices=['warm','cold'], help="Reboot the BMC")
#parser_MCReset.add_argument('cold', action='store_true', help="Reboot the BMC and CLEAR the configuration")
parser_mc.add_argument('info', action='store_true', help="Displays information about the BMC hardware, including device revision, firmware revision, IPMI version supported, manufacturer ID, and information on additional device support.")
#gard clear
parser_gc = subparsers.add_parser("gardclear", help="Used to clear gard records")
parser_fw = subparsers.add_parser("firmware", help="Work with the system firmware")
fwflash_subproc = parser_fw.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid firmware commands', help='sub-command help', dest='command')
fwflash_subproc.required = True
fwflash = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('flash', help="Flash the system firmware")
fwflash.add_argument('type', choices=['bmc', 'pnor'], help="image type to flash")
fwflash.add_argument('-f', '--fileloc', required=True, help="The absolute path to the firmware image")
fwActivate = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('activate', help="Activate existing image on the bmc")
fwActivate.add_argument('imageID', help="The image ID to activate from the firmware list. Ex: 63c95399")
fwActivateStatus = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('activation_status', help="Check Status of activations")
fwList = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('list', help="List all of the installed firmware")
fwList.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output')
fwprint = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('print', help="List all of the installed firmware")
fwprint.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output')
fwDelete = fwflash_subproc.add_parser('delete', help="Delete an existing firmware version")
fwDelete.add_argument('versionID', help="The version ID to delete from the firmware list. Ex: 63c95399")
parser_logging = subparsers.add_parser("logging", help="logging controls")
logging_sub = parser_logging.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
#turn rest api logging on/off
parser_rest_logging = logging_sub.add_parser("rest_api", help="turn rest api logging on/off")
parser_rest_logging.add_argument('rest_logging', choices=['on', 'off'], help='The control option for rest logging: on, off')
#remote logging
parser_remote_logging = logging_sub.add_parser("remote_logging", help="Remote logging (rsyslog) commands")
parser_remote_logging.add_argument('remote_logging', choices=['view', 'disable'], help='Remote logging (rsyslog) commands')
#configure remote logging
parser_remote_logging_config = logging_sub.add_parser("remote_logging_config", help="Configure remote logging (rsyslog)")
parser_remote_logging_config.add_argument("-a", "--address", required=True, help="Set IP address of rsyslog server")
parser_remote_logging_config.add_argument("-p", "--port", required=True, type=int, help="Set Port of rsyslog server")
#certificate management
parser_cert = subparsers.add_parser("certificate", help="Certificate management")
certMgmt_subproc = parser_cert.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid certificate commands', help='sub-command help', dest='command')
certUpdate = certMgmt_subproc.add_parser('update', help="Update the certificate")
certUpdate.add_argument('type', choices=['server', 'client', 'authority'], help="certificate type to update")
certUpdate.add_argument('service', choices=['https', 'ldap'], help="Service to update")
certUpdate.add_argument('-f', '--fileloc', required=True, help="The absolute path to the certificate file")
certDelete = certMgmt_subproc.add_parser('delete', help="Delete the certificate")
certDelete.add_argument('type', choices=['server', 'client', 'authority'], help="certificate type to delete")
certDelete.add_argument('service', choices=['https', 'ldap'], help="Service to delete the certificate")
# local users
parser_users = subparsers.add_parser("local_users", help="Work with local users")
parser_users.add_argument('local_users', choices=['disableall','enableall', 'queryenabled'], help="Disable, enable or query local user accounts")
parser_users.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output')
parser_ldap = subparsers.add_parser("ldap", help="LDAP controls")
ldap_sub = parser_ldap.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',help="sub-command help", dest='command')
#configure and enable LDAP
parser_ldap_config = ldap_sub.add_parser("enable", help="Configure and enables the LDAP")
parser_ldap_config.add_argument("-a", "--uri", required=True, help="Set LDAP server URI")
parser_ldap_config.add_argument("-B", "--bindDN", required=True, help="Set the bind DN of the LDAP server")
parser_ldap_config.add_argument("-b", "--baseDN", required=True, help="Set the base DN of the LDAP server")
parser_ldap_config.add_argument("-p", "--bindPassword", required=True, help="Set the bind password of the LDAP server")
parser_ldap_config.add_argument("-S", "--scope", choices=['sub','one', 'base'],
help='Specifies the search scope:subtree, one level or base object.')
parser_ldap_config.add_argument("-t", "--serverType", choices=['ActiveDirectory','OpenLDAP'],
help='Specifies the configured server is ActiveDirectory(AD) or OpenLdap')
# disable LDAP
parser_disable_ldap = ldap_sub.add_parser("disable", help="disables the LDAP")
# view-config
parser_ldap_config = \
ldap_sub.add_parser("view-config", help="prints out a list of all \
LDAPS's configured properties")
#create group privilege mapping
parser_ldap_mapper = ldap_sub.add_parser("privilege-mapper", help="LDAP group privilege controls")
parser_ldap_mapper_sub = parser_ldap_mapper.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', description='valid subcommands',
help="sub-command help", dest='command')
parser_ldap_mapper_create = parser_ldap_mapper_sub.add_parser("create", help="Create mapping of ldap group and privilege")
parser_ldap_mapper_create.add_argument("-g","--groupName",required=True,help="Group Name")
#list group privilege mapping
parser_ldap_mapper_list = parser_ldap_mapper_sub.add_parser("list",help="List privilege mapping")
#delete group privilege mapping
parser_ldap_mapper_delete = parser_ldap_mapper_sub.add_parser("delete",help="Delete privilege mapping")
parser_ldap_mapper_delete.add_argument("-g","--groupName",required=True,help="Group Name")
#deleteAll group privilege mapping
parser_ldap_mapper_delete = parser_ldap_mapper_sub.add_parser("purge",help="Delete All privilege mapping")
# set local user password
parser_set_password = subparsers.add_parser("set_password",
help="Set password of local user")
parser_set_password.add_argument( "-p", "--password", required=True,
help="Password of local user")
# network
parser_nw = subparsers.add_parser("network", help="network controls")
nw_sub = parser_nw.add_subparsers(title='subcommands',
description='valid subcommands',
help="sub-command help",
# enable DHCP
parser_enable_dhcp = nw_sub.add_parser("enableDHCP",
help="enables the DHCP on given "
parser_enable_dhcp.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# disable DHCP
parser_disable_dhcp = nw_sub.add_parser("disableDHCP",
help="disables the DHCP on given "
parser_disable_dhcp.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# get HostName
parser_gethostname = nw_sub.add_parser("getHostName",
help="prints out HostName")
# set HostName
parser_sethostname = nw_sub.add_parser("setHostName", help="sets HostName")
parser_sethostname.add_argument("-H", "--HostName", required=True,
help="A HostName for the BMC")
# get domainname
parser_getdomainname = nw_sub.add_parser("getDomainName",
help="prints out DomainName of "
"given Interface")
parser_getdomainname.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it "
"can be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# set domainname
parser_setdomainname = nw_sub.add_parser("setDomainName",
help="sets DomainName of given "
parser_setdomainname.add_argument("-D", "--DomainName", required=True,
help="Ex: DomainName=Domain1,Domain2,...")
parser_setdomainname.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it "
"can be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# get MACAddress
parser_getmacaddress = nw_sub.add_parser("getMACAddress",
help="prints out MACAddress the "
"given Interface")
parser_getmacaddress.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it "
"can be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# set MACAddress
parser_setmacaddress = nw_sub.add_parser("setMACAddress",
help="sets MACAddress")
parser_setmacaddress.add_argument("-MA", "--MACAddress", required=True,
help="A MACAddress for the given "
parser_setmacaddress.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# get DefaultGW
parser_getdefaultgw = nw_sub.add_parser("getDefaultGW",
help="prints out DefaultGateway "
"the BMC")
# set DefaultGW
parser_setdefaultgw = nw_sub.add_parser("setDefaultGW",
help="sets DefaultGW")
parser_setdefaultgw.add_argument("-GW", "--DefaultGW", required=True,
help="A DefaultGateway for the BMC")
# view network Config
parser_ldap_config = nw_sub.add_parser("view-config", help="prints out a "
"list of all network's configured "
# get DNS
parser_getDNS = nw_sub.add_parser("getDNS",
help="prints out DNS servers on the "
"given interface")
parser_getDNS.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# set DNS
parser_setDNS = nw_sub.add_parser("setDNS",
help="sets DNS servers on the given "
parser_setDNS.add_argument("-d", "--DNSServers", required=True,
help="Ex: DNSSERVERS=DNS1,DNS2,...")
parser_setDNS.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# get NTP
parser_getNTP = nw_sub.add_parser("getNTP",
help="prints out NTP servers on the "
"given interface")
parser_getNTP.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# set NTP
parser_setNTP = nw_sub.add_parser("setNTP",
help="sets NTP servers on the given "
parser_setNTP.add_argument("-N", "--NTPServers", required=True,
help="Ex: NTPSERVERS=NTP1,NTP2,...")
parser_setNTP.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# configure IP
parser_ip_config = nw_sub.add_parser("addIP", help="Sets IP address to"
"given interface")
parser_ip_config.add_argument("-a", "--address", required=True,
help="IP address of given interface")
parser_ip_config.add_argument("-gw", "--gateway", required=False, default='',
help="The gateway for given interface")
parser_ip_config.add_argument("-l", "--prefixLength", required=True,
help="The prefixLength of IP address")
parser_ip_config.add_argument("-p", "--type", choices=['ipv4', 'ipv6'],
help="The protocol type of the given"
"IP address")
parser_ip_config.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# getIP
parser_getIP = nw_sub.add_parser("getIP", help="prints out IP address"
"of given interface")
parser_getIP.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# rmIP
parser_rmIP = nw_sub.add_parser("rmIP", help="deletes IP address"
"of given interface")
parser_rmIP.add_argument("-a", "--address", required=True,
help="IP address to remove form given Interface")
parser_rmIP.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# add VLAN
parser_create_vlan = nw_sub.add_parser("addVLAN", help="enables VLAN "
"on given interface with given "
"VLAN Identifier")
parser_create_vlan.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
choices=['eth0', 'eth1'],
help="Name of the ethernet interface")
parser_create_vlan.add_argument("-n", "--Identifier", required=True,
help="VLAN Identifier")
# delete VLAN
parser_delete_vlan = nw_sub.add_parser("deleteVLAN", help="disables VLAN "
"on given interface with given "
"VLAN Identifier")
parser_delete_vlan.add_argument("-I", "--Interface", required=True,
help="Name of the ethernet interface(it can"
"be obtained by the "
"command:network view-config)"
"Ex: eth0 or eth1 or VLAN(VLAN=eth0_50 etc)")
# viewDHCPConfig
parser_viewDHCPConfig = nw_sub.add_parser("viewDHCPConfig",
help="Shows DHCP configured "
# configureDHCP
parser_configDHCP = nw_sub.add_parser("configureDHCP",
help="Configures/updates DHCP "
parser_configDHCP.add_argument("-d", "--DNSEnabled", type=str2bool,
required=True, help="Sets DNSEnabled property")
parser_configDHCP.add_argument("-n", "--HostNameEnabled", type=str2bool,
help="Sets HostNameEnabled property")
parser_configDHCP.add_argument("-t", "--NTPEnabled", type=str2bool,
help="Sets NTPEnabled property")
parser_configDHCP.add_argument("-s", "--SendHostNameEnabled", type=str2bool,
help="Sets SendHostNameEnabled property")
# network factory reset
parser_nw_reset = nw_sub.add_parser("nwReset",
help="Resets networks setting to "
"factory defaults. "
"note:Reset settings will be applied "
"after BMC reboot")
return parser
def main(argv=None):
main function for running the command line utility as a sub application
global toolVersion
toolVersion = "1.15"
parser = createCommandParser()
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
totTimeStart = int(round(time.time()*1000))
if(sys.version_info < (3,0)):
if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
if (args.version):
print("Version: "+ toolVersion)
if (hasattr(args, 'fileloc') and args.fileloc is not None and 'print' in args.command):
mysess = None
print(selPrint('N/A', args, mysess))
if(hasattr(args, 'host') and hasattr(args,'user')):
if (args.askpw):
pw = getpass.getpass()
elif(args.PW is not None):
pw = args.PW
pw = os.environ['OPENBMCTOOL_PASSWORD']
print("You must specify a password")
logintimeStart = int(round(time.time()*1000))
mysess = login(, args.user, pw, args.json)
if(sys.version_info < (3,0)):
if isinstance(mysess, basestring):
elif sys.version_info >= (3,0):
if isinstance(mysess, str):
logintimeStop = int(round(time.time()*1000))
commandTimeStart = int(round(time.time()*1000))
output = args.func(, args, mysess)
commandTimeStop = int(round(time.time()*1000))
if isinstance(output, dict):
print(json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False))
if (mysess is not None):
logout(, args.user, pw, mysess, args.json)
print("Total time: " + str(int(round(time.time()*1000))- totTimeStart))
print("loginTime: " + str(logintimeStop - logintimeStart))
print("command Time: " + str(commandTimeStop - commandTimeStart))
" OPENBMCTOOL_PASSWORD=secret # if using -E\n"
" [-h] -H HOST -U USER {-A | -P PW | -E} [-j]\n" +
"\t[-t POLICYTABLELOC] [-V]\n" +
"\t{fru,sensors,sel,chassis,collect_service_data, \
health_check,dump,bmc,mc,gardclear,firmware,logging}\n" +
"\t...\n" +
" error: the following arguments are required: -H/--host, -U/--user")
if __name__ == '__main__':
main function when called from the command line
import sys
isTTY = sys.stdout.isatty()
assert sys.version_info >= (2,7)