blob: e0446da286b295800d1bd5dc53920ed550bd62a1 [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Meta-python ptest packagegroups"
inherit packagegroup
packagegroup-meta-python3 \
# Note that python3-cvxopt requires Fortran support. To enable this,
# add the following to your local.conf:
# FORTRAN:forcevariable = ",fortran"
RDEPENDS:packagegroup-meta-python3 = "\
${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "systemd", "python3-systemd", "", d)} \
${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "x11 systemd", "python3-blivetgui", "", d)} \
gyp \
${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "pam", "pamela", "", d)} \
pyrtm \
python3-absl \
python3-aenum \
python3-aiofiles \
python3-aiohttp \
python3-aiohttp-jinja2 \
python3-aiohue \
python3-aiosignal \
python3-alembic \
python3-ansi2html \
python3-ansicolors \
python3-appdirs \
python3-apply-defaults \
python3-argcomplete \
python3-argexec \
python3-argh \
python3-arpeggio \
python3-asciitree \
python3-aspectlib \
python3-astor \
python3-astroid \
python3-asttokens \
python3-async-timeout \
python3-asyncio-glib \
python3-attr \
python3-autobahn \
python3-automat \
python3-aws-iot-device-sdk-python \
python3-backcall \
python3-bandit \
python3-beautifulsoup4 \
python3-behave \
python3-betamax \
python3-bitarray \
python3-bitstring \
python3-bitstruct \
python3-blinker \
${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "systemd", "python3-blivet", "", d)} \
python3-booleanpy \
python3-cachecontrol \
python3-cached-property \
python3-cachetools \
python3-can \
python3-cantools \
python3-cassandra-driver \
python3-cbor2 \
python3-cerberus \
python3-chardet \
python3-charset-normalizer \
python3-cheetah \
python3-click \
python3-click-repl \
python3-click-spinner \
python3-cmd2 \
python3-colorama \
python3-coloredlogs \
python3-colorlog \
python3-colorzero \
python3-configargparse \
python3-configobj \
python3-configshell-fb \
python3-constantly \
python3-contextlib2 \
python3-coverage \
python3-cppy \
python3-crcmod \
python3-croniter \
python3-cson \
python3-custom-inherit \
${@bb.utils.contains_any('FORTRAN', [',fortran',',f77'], 'python3-cvxopt', '', d)} \
python3-cycler \
python3-cytoolz \
python3-dateparser \
python3-dateutil \
python3-dbus-next \
python3-dbussy \
python3-decorator \
python3-decouple \
python3-defusedxml \
python3-dill \
python3-diskcache \
python3-distro \
python3-django \
python3-django-south \
python3-djangorestframework \
python3-dnspython \
python3-docopt \
python3-docutils \
python3-dominate \
python3-dynamic-dispatch \
python3-ecdsa \
python3-editables \
python3-editor \
python3-email-validator \
python3-engineio \
python3-et-xmlfile \
python3-eth-abi \
python3-eth-account \
python3-eth-hash \
python3-eth-keyfile \
python3-eth-keys \
python3-eth-rlp \
python3-eth-typing \
python3-eth-utils \
python3-evdev \
python3-execnet \
python3-fann2 \
python3-fasteners \
python3-fastjsonschema \
python3-fastnumbers \
python3-fields \
python3-flask \
python3-flask-babel \
python3-flask-bootstrap \
python3-flask-jsonpify \
python3-flask-jwt \
python3-flask-login \
python3-flask-mail \
python3-flask-migrate \
python3-flask-nav \
python3-flask-pymongo \
python3-flask-restful \
python3-flask-sijax \
python3-flask-socketio \
python3-flask-sqlalchemy \
python3-flask-uploads \
python3-flask-user \
python3-flask-versioned \
python3-flask-wtf \
python3-flask-xstatic \
python3-future \
python3-frozenlist \
python3-gast \
python3-gcovr \
python3-geojson \
python3-geomet \
python3-gevent \
python3-gmpy2 \
python3-gmqtt \
python3-gnupg \
python3-google-api-python-client \
python3-gpiod \
python3-gpsd-py3 \
python3-graphviz \
python3-greenlet \
python3-greenstalk \
python3-grpcio \
python3-grpcio-tools \
python3-gsocketpool \
python3-gunicorn \
python3-h11 \
python3-h2 \
python3-h5py \
python3-hatchling \
python3-haversine \
python3-hpack \
python3-html2text \
python3-html5lib \
python3-httplib2 \
python3-huey \
python3-humanfriendly \
python3-humanize \
python3-hyperframe \
python3-hyperlink \
python3-icu \
python3-idna \
python3-idna \
python3-idna-ssl \
python3-ifaddr \
python3-imageio \
python3-imgtool \
python3-incremental \
python3-inflection \
python3-inotify \
python3-intelhex \
python3-intervals \
python3-ipaddress \
python3-ipy \
python3-ipython \
python3-ipython-genutils \
python3-iso3166 \
python3-isodate \
python3-isort \
python3-itsdangerous \
python3-javaobj-py3 \
python3-jdatetime \
python3-jdcal \
python3-jedi \
python3-jmespath \
python3-joblib \
python3-jsmin \
python3-jsonpatch \
python3-jsonpath-rw \
python3-jsonpointer \
python3-jsonref \
python3-jsonschema \
python3-jstyleson \
python3-kconfiglib \
python3-keras-applications \
python3-keras-preprocessing \
${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "x11 opengl", "python3-kivy", "", d)} \
python3-kiwisolver \
python3-langtable \
python3-lazy-object-proxy \
python3-libconf \
python3-license-expression \
python3-ldap \
python3-lockfile \
python3-lorem \
python3-lrparsing \
python3-lru-dict \
python3-luma-core \
python3-luma-oled \
python3-lxml \
python3-lz4 \
python3-m2crypto \
python3-markupsafe \
python3-matplotlib \
python3-mccabe \
python3-meh \
python3-meld3 \
python3-mock \
python3-monotonic \
python3-mpmath \
python3-msgpack \
python3-msk \
python3-msm \
python3-multidict \
python3-mypy \
python3-mypy-extensions \
python3-natsort \
python3-netaddr \
python3-netifaces \
python3-networkx \
python3-nmap \
python3-nocasedict \
python3-nocaselist \
python3-ntplib \
python3-oauthlib \
python3-obd \
python3-openpyxl \
python3-ordered-set \
python3-padaos \
python3-padatious \
python3-paho-mqtt \
python3-pako \
python3-pandas \
python3-parallax \
python3-paramiko \
python3-parse \
python3-parse-type \
python3-parsimonious \
python3-parso \
python3-passlib \
python3-pastedeploy \
python3-pathspec \
python3-pathtools3 \
python3-pep8 \
python3-periphery \
python3-petact \
python3-pexpect \
python3-pickleshare \
python3-pid \
python3-pika \
python3-pillow \
python3-pint \
python3-pkcs11 \
python3-pkgconfig \
python3-pocketsphinx \
python3-polyline \
python3-portalocker \
python3-posix-ipc \
python3-prctl \
python3-precise-runner \
python3-prettytable \
python3-priority \
python3-process-tests \
python3-progress \
python3-prompt-toolkit \
python3-protobuf \
python3-ptyprocess \
python3-pulsectl \
python3-py-cpuinfo \
python3-py-ubjson \
python3-pyalsaaudio \
python3-pyasn1-modules \
python3-pyatspi \
python3-pyaudio \
python3-pybind11 \
python3-pybind11-json \
python3-pybluez \
python3-pychromecast \
python3-pycocotools \
python3-pycodestyle \
python3-pyconnman \
python3-pycurl \
python3-pydbus \
python3-pydicti \
python3-pyephem \
python3-pyexpect \
python3-pyfanotify \
python3-pyfirmata \
python3-pyflakes \
python3-pyhamcrest \
python3-pyiface \
python3-pyjks \
python3-pyjwt \
python3-pykickstart \
python3-pykwalify \
python3-pylint \
python3-pylyrics \
python3-pymetno \
python3-pymisp \
python3-pymongo \
python3-pymysql \
python3-pynacl \
python3-pynetlinux \
python3-pyparted \
python3-pyperclip \
python3-pyperf \
python3-pyrad \
python3-pyro4 \
python3-pyroute2 \
python3-pyrsistent \
python3-pyscaffold \
python3-pyserial \
python3-pysonos \
${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "systemd", "python3-pystemd", "", d)} \
python3-pytest-asyncio \
python3-pytest-benchmark \
python3-pytest-cache \
python3-pytest-forked \
python3-pytest-helpers-namespace \
python3-pytest-html \
python3-pytest-lazy-fixtures \
python3-pytest-metadata \
python3-pytest-tempdir \
python3-pytest-timeout \
python3-pytest-xdist \
python3-pythonping \
python3-python-vlc \
python3-pytoml \
python3-pytun \
python3-pyudev \
python3-pyusb \
python3-pywbem \
python3-pywbemtools \
python3-pyyaml \
python3-pyzmq \
python3-qrcode \
python3-raven \
python3-rdflib \
python3-redis \
python3-regex \
python3-requests-file \
python3-requests-ftp \
python3-requests-futures \
python3-requests-oauthlib \
python3-requests-toolbelt \
python3-rfc3339-validator \
python3-rfc3986-validator \
python3-rfc3987 \
python3-rlp \
python3-robotframework \
python3-robotframework-seriallibrary \
python3-rsa \
python3-ruamel-yaml \
python3-scrypt \
python3-sdnotify \
python3-semver \
python3-send2trash \
python3-sentry-sdk \
python3-serpent \
python3-service-identity \
python3-setuptools-declarative-requirements \
python3-sh \
python3-sijax \
python3-simpleeval \
python3-simplejson \
python3-slip-dbus \
python3-smbus \
python3-smbus2 \
python3-smpplib \
python3-snappy \
python3-socketio \
python3-soupsieve \
python3-speaklater \
python3-speedtest-cli \
python3-spidev \
python3-spidev \
python3-sqlalchemy \
python3-sqlparse \
python3-sqlsoup \
python3-stevedore \
python3-supervisor \
python3-sympy \
python3-tabulate \
python3-term \
python3-termcolor \
python3-textparser \
python3-texttable \
python3-thrift \
python3-tinyrecord \
python3-tornado \
python3-toolz \
python3-tqdm \
python3-trafaret \
python3-trafaret-config \
python3-traitlets \
python3-transitions \
python3-trustme \
python3-twine \
python3-twisted \
python3-twitter \
python3-twofish \
python3-txaio \
python3-txdbus \
python3-txws \
python3-typeguard \
python3-tzlocal \
python3-u-msgpack-python \
python3-ujson \
python3-unidiff \
python3-uritemplate \
python3-vcversioner \
python3-versioneer \
python3-versiontools \
python3-visitor \
python3-waitress \
python3-watchdog \
python3-watchdogdev \
python3-web3 \
python3-webcolors \
python3-webencodings \
python3-websocket-client \
python3-websockets \
python3-werkzeug \
python3-werkzeug \
python3-whoosh \
python3-wrapt \
python3-wtforms \
python3-xlrd \
python3-xlsxwriter \
python3-xmltodict \
python3-xmodem \
python3-xstatic \
python3-xstatic-font-awesome \
python3-xxhash \
python3-yamlloader \
python3-yappi \
python3-yarl \
python3-zopeinterface \
telepathy-python3 \
unattended-upgrades \
RDEPENDS:packagegroup-meta-python3-ptest = "\
python3-ansicolors-ptest \
python3-appdirs-ptest \
python3-betamax-ptest \
python3-blinker-ptest \
python3-cachetools-ptest \
python3-cbor2-ptest \
python3-click-ptest \
python3-dnspython-ptest \
python3-dominate-ptest \
python3-geojson-ptest \
python3-gunicorn-ptest \
python3-hexbytes \
python3-html2text-ptest \
python3-inflection-ptest \
python3-intervals-ptest \
python3-ipy-ptest \
python3-iso3166-ptest \
python3-jdcal-ptest \
python3-jinja2-ptest \
python3-jsmin-ptest \
python3-jsonpointer-ptest \
python3-license-expression-ptest \
python3-markupsafe-ptest \
python3-msgpack-ptest \
python3-multidict-ptest \
python3-ordered-set-ptest \
python3-parse-ptest \
python3-parse-type-ptest \
python3-pint-ptest \
python3-polyline-ptest \
python3-precise-runner-ptest \
python3-prettytable-ptest \
python3-ptyprocess-ptest \
python3-pyasn1-modules-ptest \
python3-pyroute2-ptest \
python3-pyserial-ptest \
python3-pytoml-ptest \
python3-pyzmq-ptest \
python3-requests-file-ptest \
python3-requests-toolbelt-ptest \
python3-scrypt-ptest \
python3-semver-ptest \
python3-serpent-ptest \
python3-simpleeval-ptest \
python3-smpplib-ptest \
python3-soupsieve-ptest \
python3-sqlparse-ptest \
python3-typeguard-ptest \
python3-ujson-ptest \
python3-u-msgpack-python-ptest \
python3-unidiff-ptest \
python3-uritemplate-ptest \
python3-webcolors-ptest \
python3-whoosh-ptest \
python3-wpa-supplicant \
python3-xlrd-ptest \
python3-xmltodict-ptest \
python3-xxhash-ptest \
python3-yappi-ptest \
python3-yarl-ptest \
python3-pyasn1-ptest \