blob: b2bec31ab2fc85b5f84c54af129ba6a4df83997a [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
import itertools
import json
# The Python async server defaults to a 64K receive buffer, so we hardcode our
# maximum chunk size. It would be better if the client and server reported to
# each other what the maximum chunk sizes were, but that will slow down the
# connection setup with a round trip delay so I'd rather not do that unless it
# is necessary
def chunkify(msg, max_chunk):
if len(msg) < max_chunk - 1:
yield ''.join((msg, "\n"))
yield ''.join((json.dumps({
'chunk-stream': None
}), "\n"))
args = [iter(msg)] * (max_chunk - 1)
for m in map(''.join, itertools.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue='')):
yield ''.join(itertools.chain(m, "\n"))
yield "\n"
from .client import AsyncClient, Client
from .serv import AsyncServer, AsyncServerConnection