blob: e45ea9c4a6e87f74effaefcdabdd50d9bdac2b6d [file] [log] [blame]
# Firmware Image Package (FIP)
# It is a packaging format used by TF-A to package the
# firmware images in a single binary.
DESCRIPTION = "fiptool - Trusted Firmware tool for packaging"
LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause"
SRC_URI_TRUSTED_FIRMWARE_A ?= "git://;protocol=https"
SRC_URI = "${SRC_URI_TRUSTED_FIRMWARE_A};destsuffix=fiptool-${PV};branch=${SRCBRANCH}"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://docs/license.rst;md5=b2c740efedc159745b9b31f88ff03dde"
# Use fiptool from TF-A v2.10.0
SRCREV = "b6c0948400594e3cc4dbb5a4ef04b815d2675808"
SRCBRANCH = "master"
DEPENDS += "openssl-native"
inherit native
do_compile () {
# This is still needed to have the native fiptool executing properly by
# setting the RPATH
sed -i '/^LDOPTS/ s,$, \$\{BUILD_LDFLAGS},' ${S}/tools/fiptool/Makefile
sed -i '/^INCLUDE_PATHS/ s,$, \$\{BUILD_CFLAGS},' ${S}/tools/fiptool/Makefile
oe_runmake fiptool
do_install () {
install -D -p -m 0755 tools/fiptool/fiptool ${D}${bindir}/fiptool