blob: b1368a3b2e0192335dc4c0ccc3d1835f312a99f2 [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian"
DESCRIPTION = "Provides a number of small utilities which are used \
primarily by the installation scripts of Debian packages, although \
you may use them directly. "
BUGTRACKER = ";dist=unstable"
SECTION = "base"
LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-only & SMAIL_GPL"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://debian/copyright;md5=4b667f30411d21bc8fd7db85d502a8e9"
SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=master \
SRCREV = "d886c15810b58e57411048f57d7fb941a6819987"
inherit autotools update-alternatives
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
# Disable po4a (translated manpages) sub-directory, as that requires po4a to build
do_configure:prepend() {
sed -i -e 's:po4a::g' ${S}/
do_install:append() {
if [ "${base_bindir}" != "${bindir}" ]; then
# Debian places some utils into ${base_bindir} as does busybox
install -d ${D}${base_bindir}
for app in run-parts; do
mv ${D}${bindir}/$app ${D}${base_bindir}/$app
mv ${D}${bindir}/which.debianutils ${D}${bindir}/which
# Note that we package the update-alternatives name.
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-run-parts"
FILES:${PN}-run-parts = "${base_bindir}/run-parts.debianutils"
RDEPENDS:${PN} += "${PN}-run-parts"
RDEPENDS:${PN}:class-native = ""
ALTERNATIVE:${PN} = "add-shell installkernel remove-shell savelog which"
ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY_${PN}-run-parts = "60"
ALTERNATIVE:${PN}-run-parts = "run-parts"
ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[add-shell] = "${sbindir}/add-shell"
ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[installkernel] = "${sbindir}/installkernel"
ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[remove-shell] = "${sbindir}/remove-shell"
ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[run-parts] = "${base_bindir}/run-parts"
ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[savelog] = "${bindir}/savelog"
ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[which] = "${bindir}/which"