blob: c94f98126b08289fd7f735040bdb4b2452be4b3f [file] [log] [blame]
# test case management tool - manual execution from testopia test cases
# Copyright (c) 2018, Intel Corporation.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
import argparse
import json
import os
import sys
import datetime
import re
from oeqa.core.runner import OETestResultJSONHelper
def load_json_file(file):
with open(file, "r") as f:
return json.load(f)
class ManualTestRunner(object):
def _get_testcases(self, file):
self.jdata = load_json_file(file)
self.test_module = self.jdata[0]['test']['@alias'].split('.', 2)[0]
def _get_input(self, config):
while True:
output = input('{} = '.format(config))
if re.match('^[a-z0-9-.]+$', output):
print('Only lowercase alphanumeric, hyphen and dot are allowed. Please try again')
return output
def _create_config(self):
from oeqa.utils.metadata import get_layers
from oeqa.utils.commands import get_bb_var
from resulttool.resultutils import store_map
layers = get_layers(get_bb_var('BBLAYERS'))
self.configuration = {}
self.configuration['LAYERS'] = layers
current_datetime =
self.starttime = current_datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
self.configuration['STARTTIME'] = self.starttime
self.configuration['TEST_TYPE'] = 'manual'
self.configuration['TEST_MODULE'] = self.test_module
extra_config = set(store_map['manual']) - set(self.configuration)
for config in sorted(extra_config):
print('This is configuration #%s. Please provide configuration value(use "None" if not applicable).' % config)
value_conf = self._get_input('Configuration Value')
self.configuration[config] = value_conf
def _create_result_id(self):
self.result_id = 'manual_%s_%s' % (self.test_module, self.starttime)
def _execute_test_steps(self, test):
test_result = {}
print('Executing test case: %s' % test['test']['@alias'])
print('You have total %s test steps to be executed.' % len(test['test']['execution']))
for step, _ in sorted(test['test']['execution'].items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0])):
print('Step %s: %s' % (step, test['test']['execution'][step]['action']))
expected_output = test['test']['execution'][step]['expected_results']
if expected_output:
print('Expected output: %s' % expected_output)
while True:
done = input('\nPlease provide test results: (P)assed/(F)ailed/(B)locked/(S)kipped? \n').lower()
result_types = {'p':'PASSED',
if done in result_types:
for r in result_types:
if done == r:
res = result_types[r]
if res == 'FAILED':
log_input = input('\nPlease enter the error and the description of the log: (Ex:log:211 Error Bitbake)\n')
test_result.update({test['test']['@alias']: {'status': '%s' % res, 'log': '%s' % log_input}})
test_result.update({test['test']['@alias']: {'status': '%s' % res}})
print('Invalid input!')
return test_result
def _create_write_dir(self):
basepath = os.environ['BUILDDIR']
self.write_dir = basepath + '/tmp/log/manual/'
def run_test(self, file):
test_results = {}
print('\nTotal number of test cases in this test suite: %s\n' % len(self.jdata))
for t in self.jdata:
test_result = self._execute_test_steps(t)
return self.configuration, self.result_id, self.write_dir, test_results
def manualexecution(args, logger):
testrunner = ManualTestRunner()
get_configuration, get_result_id, get_write_dir, get_test_results = testrunner.run_test(args.file)
resultjsonhelper = OETestResultJSONHelper()
resultjsonhelper.dump_testresult_file(get_write_dir, get_configuration, get_result_id, get_test_results)
return 0
def register_commands(subparsers):
"""Register subcommands from this plugin"""
parser_build = subparsers.add_parser('manualexecution', help='helper script for results populating during manual test execution.',
description='helper script for results populating during manual test execution. You can find manual test case JSON file in meta/lib/oeqa/manual/',
parser_build.add_argument('file', help='specify path to manual test case JSON file.Note: Please use \"\" to encapsulate the file path.')