blob: 47cfcf38a55c8fc6c769e6bb263f029e12eea4f8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Default console to use if there is only one host.
# TTYs that are reserved for non-console purposes.
# Calculate the TTY assignments for the hosts.
def fb_get_consoles(d):
hosts = len(d.getVar('OBMC_HOST_INSTANCES', True).split())
if hosts <= 1:
return d.getVar('OBMC_CONSOLE_HOST_TTY', True)
skipped = \
[ int(i) for i in d.getVar('OBMC_CONSOLE_TTY_SKIP', True).split() ]
consoles = \
[ f"ttyS{i}" for i in sorted(set(range(0,16)).difference(skipped)) ]
return " ".join(consoles[:hosts])
OBMC_CONSOLE_TTYS = "${@fb_get_consoles(d)}"