blob: 4855d6daf76703e046ea8e859ee19c49c4e4908e [file] [log] [blame]
# Checks related to the patch's signed-off-by lines
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import base
import parse_signed_off_by
import re
class PatchSignedOffBy(base.Base):
def setUpClassLocal(cls):
cls.newpatches = []
# get just those relevant patches: new software patches
for patch in cls.patchset:
if patch.path.endswith('.patch') and patch.is_added_file:
cls.mark = str(parse_signed_off_by.signed_off_by_mark).strip('"')
# match PatchSignedOffBy.mark with '+' preceding it
cls.prog = parse_signed_off_by.patch_signed_off_by
def setUp(self):
if self.unidiff_parse_error:
self.skip('Parse error %s' % self.unidiff_parse_error)
def test_signed_off_by_presence(self):
if not PatchSignedOffBy.newpatches:
self.skip("There are no new software patches, no reason to test %s presence" % PatchSignedOffBy.mark)
for newpatch in PatchSignedOffBy.newpatches:
payload = newpatch.__str__()
for line in payload.splitlines():
if self.patchmetadata_regex.match(line):
if PatchSignedOffBy.prog.search_string(payload):
else:'A patch file has been added, but does not have a Signed-off-by tag',
'Sign off the added patch file (%s)' % newpatch.path)