blob: ea8efb7c2ac06f336f2db7a476823397aed04f7e [file] [log] [blame]
# Checks related to the python code done with pylint
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import base
from data import PatchTestInput
import pylint.epylint as lint
class PyLint(base.Base):
pythonpatches = []
pylint_pretest = {}
pylint_test = {}
pylint_options = " -E --disable='E0611, E1101, F0401, E0602' --msg-template='L:{line} F:{module} I:{msg}'"
def setUpClassLocal(cls):
# get just those patches touching python files
cls.pythonpatches = []
for patch in cls.patchset:
if patch.path.endswith('.py'):
if not patch.is_removed_file:
def setUp(self):
if self.unidiff_parse_error:
self.skip('Python-unidiff parse error')
if not PatchTestInput.repo.canbemerged:
self.skip('Patch cannot be merged, no reason to execute the test method')
if not PyLint.pythonpatches:
self.skip('No python related patches, skipping test')
def pretest_pylint(self):
for pythonpatch in self.pythonpatches:
if pythonpatch.is_modified_file:
(pylint_stdout, pylint_stderr) = lint.py_run(command_options = pythonpatch.path + self.pylint_options, return_std=True)
for line in pylint_stdout.readlines():
if not '*' in line:
if line.strip():
self.pylint_pretest[line.strip().split(' ',1)[0]] = line.strip().split(' ',1)[1]
def test_pylint(self):
for pythonpatch in self.pythonpatches:
# a condition checking whether a file is renamed or not
# unidiff doesn't support this yet
if pythonpatch.target_file is not pythonpatch.path:
path = pythonpatch.target_file[2:]
path = pythonpatch.path
(pylint_stdout, pylint_stderr) = lint.py_run(command_options = path + self.pylint_options, return_std=True)
for line in pylint_stdout.readlines():
if not '*' in line:
if line.strip():
self.pylint_test[line.strip().split(' ',1)[0]] = line.strip().split(' ',1)[1]
for issue in self.pylint_test:
if self.pylint_test[issue] not in self.pylint_pretest.values():'Errors in your Python code were encountered',
'Correct the lines introduced by your patch',
data=[('Output', 'Please, fix the listed issues:'), ('', issue + ' ' + self.pylint_test[issue])])