blob: 5c27e02d30eeaee78fe781703e0431598853e50b [file] [log] [blame]
FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend:gbmc := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
SRC_URI:append:gbmc = " \
file://gbmc_bridge_config.json \
file://gbmc_bridge_access.json \
DEPENDS:append:gbmc = " jq-native"
ENTITY_MAPPING ?= "default"
# Replace a channel in config.json to add gbmcbr reporting
do_install:append:gbmc() {
overlapping="$(jq '."${GBMCBR_IPMI_CHANNEL}" | .is_valid and .name != "gbmcbr"' $config_json)"
if [ "$overlapping" != "false" ]; then
echo "gBMC channel config overlaps on ${GBMCBR_IPMI_CHANNEL}" >&2
cat $config_json
exit 1
jq --slurpfile brcfg ${WORKDIR}/gbmc_bridge_config.json \
'. + {"${GBMCBR_IPMI_CHANNEL}": $brcfg[0]}' $config_json >${WORKDIR}/tmp
mv ${WORKDIR}/tmp $config_json
overlapping="$(jq '."${GBMCBR_IPMI_CHANNEL}" | .access_mode and .access_mode != "always_available"' $access_json)"
if [ "$overlapping" != "false" ]; then
echo "gBMC channel access overlaps on ${GBMCBR_IPMI_CHANNEL}" >&2
cat $access_json
exit 1
jq --slurpfile brcfg ${WORKDIR}/gbmc_bridge_access.json \
'. + {"${GBMCBR_IPMI_CHANNEL}": $brcfg[0]}' $access_json >${WORKDIR}/tmp
mv ${WORKDIR}/tmp $access_json
# Set entity-map.json to empty json for gBMC by default.
# Each system will override it if needed.
if [[ "${ENTITY_MAPPING}" != "default" ]]; then
echo "[]" > ${D}${datadir}/ipmi-providers/entity-map.json
python do_gbmc_version () {
import json
if d.getVar('GBMC_VERSION') is None:
version = d.getVar('GBMC_VERSION').split('.')
major = min(int(version[0]), 0x7F) & 0x7F
minor = min(int(version[1]), 99)
minor = int(minor / 10) * 16 + minor % 10;
point = int(version[2])
subpoint = int(version[3])
dir = d.getVar('D') + d.getVar('datadir') + '/ipmi-providers'
path = os.path.join(dir, 'dev_id.json')
dev_id = {}
# Open existing dev_id and override the fields not needed for version.
with open(path, 'r') as f:
dev_id = json.load(f)
dev_id["firmware_revision"] = {
"major": major,
"minor": minor
dev_id["aux"] = subpoint << 16 | (0xFFFF & point)
with open(path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(dev_id, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
addtask gbmc_version after do_install before do_package