blob: c9ba5948039d060d781db7f643cfb808e53a199e [file] [log] [blame]
# You should use perl-module-test-harness instead of this package,
# unless you specifically need a newer version than what is provided
# by perl in oe-core.
SUMMARY = "Test::Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics"
DESCRIPTION = "Although, for historical reasons, the Test::Harness \
distribution takes its name from this module it now exists only to provide \
TAP::Harness with an interface that is somewhat backwards compatible \
with Test::Harness 2.xx. If you're writing new code consider using \
TAP::Harness directly instead. \
Emulation is provided for runtests and execute_tests but the \
pluggable 'Straps' interface that previous versions of Test::Harness \
supported is not reproduced here. Straps is now available as a stand \
alone module: Test::Harness::Straps. \
See TAP::Parser, TAP::Harness for the main documentation for this \
SECTION = "libs"
LICENSE = "Artistic-1.0 | GPL-1.0+"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://README;beginline=29;endline=30;md5=b08db4360eec119e875dddd7cb8a5ddd"
SRC_URI = "${CPAN_MIRROR}/authors/id/L/LE/LEONT/Test-Harness-${PV}.tar.gz"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "c794906473f88d6b74194e2d56f16bd6"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "0fd90d4efea82d6e262e6933759e85d27cbcfa4091b14bf4042ae20bab528e53"
UPSTREAM_CHECK_REGEX = "Test\-Harness\-(?P<pver>(\d+\.\d+))(?!_\d+).tar"
S = "${WORKDIR}/Test-Harness-${PV}"
inherit cpan ptest-perl
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "\
perl-module-benchmark \
RPROVIDES_${PN} += "libapp-prove-perl \
libapp-prove-state-perl \
libapp-prove-state-result-perl \
libapp-prove-state-result-test-perl \
libtap-base-perl \
libtap-formatter-base-perl \
libtap-formatter-color-perl \
libtap-formatter-console-perl \
libtap-formatter-console-parallelsession-perl \
libtap-formatter-console-session-perl \
libtap-formatter-file-perl \
libtap-formatter-file-session-perl \
libtap-formatter-session-perl \
libtap-harness-perl \
libtap-harness-env-perl \
libtap-object-perl \
libtap-parser-perl \
libtap-parser-aggregator-perl \
libtap-parser-grammar-perl \
libtap-parser-iterator-perl \
libtap-parser-iterator-array-perl \
libtap-parser-iterator-process-perl \
libtap-parser-iterator-stream-perl \
libtap-parser-iteratorfactory-perl \
libtap-parser-multiplexer-perl \
libtap-parser-result-perl \
libtap-parsser-result-bailout-perl \
libtap-parser-result-comment-perl \
libtap-parser-result-plan-perl \
libtap-parser-result-pragma-perl \
libtap-parser-result-test-perl \
libtap-parser-result-unknown-perl \
libtap-parser-result-version-perl \
libtap-parser-result-yaml-perl \
libtap-parser-resultfactory-perl \
libtap-parser-scheduler-perl \
libtap-parser-scheduler-job-perl \
libtap-parser-scheduler-spinner-perl \
libtap-parser-source-perl \
libtap-parser-sourcehandler-perl \
libtap-parser-sourcehandler-executable-perl \
libtap-parser-sourcehandler-file-perl \
libtap-parser-sourcehandler-handle-perl \
libtap-parser-sourcehandler-perl-perl \
libtap-parser-sourcehandler-rawtap-perl \
libtap-parser-yamlish-reader-perl \
libtap-parser-yamlish-writer-perl \
do_install_prepend() {
# these tests are inappropriate on target
rm -rf ${B}/t/000-load.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/state.t
# these tests require "-T" (taint) option on command line
rm -rf ${B}/t/aggregator.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/bailout.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/base.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/callbacks.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/errors.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/nested.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/object.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/premature-bailout.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/results.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/streams.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/yamlish-output.t
rm -rf ${B}/t/compat/version.t
do_install_append() {
install -d ${D}/usr/local/bin
# do not clobber perl-misc /usr/bin/prove
install -m 0755 ${B}/bin/prove ${D}/usr/local/bin/
rm -rf ${D}${bindir}/prove
rm -rf ${D}${bindir}
FILES_${PN} += "/usr/local/bin/prove"