blob: 3549d7428d72073bed4116f43f158acc1ebf8c31 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
from oe.manifest import Manifest
import re
class PkgManifest(Manifest):
Returns a dictionary object with mip and mlp packages.
def _split_multilib(self, pkg_list):
pkgs = dict()
for pkg in pkg_list.split():
pkg_type = self.PKG_TYPE_MUST_INSTALL
ml_variants = self.d.getVar('MULTILIB_VARIANTS').split()
for ml_variant in ml_variants:
if pkg.startswith(ml_variant + '-'):
pkg_type = self.PKG_TYPE_MULTILIB
if not pkg_type in pkgs:
pkgs[pkg_type] = pkg
pkgs[pkg_type] += " " + pkg
return pkgs
def create_initial(self):
pkgs = dict()
with open(self.initial_manifest, "w+") as manifest:
for var in self.var_maps[self.manifest_type]:
if var in self.vars_to_split:
split_pkgs = self._split_multilib(self.d.getVar(var))
if split_pkgs is not None:
pkgs = dict(list(pkgs.items()) + list(split_pkgs.items()))
pkg_list = self.d.getVar(var)
if pkg_list is not None:
pkgs[self.var_maps[self.manifest_type][var]] = self.d.getVar(var)
for pkg_type in sorted(pkgs):
for pkg in sorted(pkgs[pkg_type].split()):
manifest.write("%s,%s\n" % (pkg_type, pkg))
def create_final(self):
def create_full(self, pm):
if not os.path.exists(self.initial_manifest):
initial_manifest = self.parse_initial_manifest()
pkgs_to_install = list()
for pkg_type in initial_manifest:
pkgs_to_install += initial_manifest[pkg_type]
if len(pkgs_to_install) == 0:
output = pm.dummy_install(pkgs_to_install)
with open(self.full_manifest, 'w+') as manifest:
pkg_re = re.compile('^Installing ([^ ]+) [^ ].*')
for line in set(output.split('\n')):
m = pkg_re.match(line)
if m:
manifest.write( + '\n')