blob: ae1e9555233fca9e055655af2f1d340cfece0f11 [file] [log] [blame]
# This recipe append assumes that all YADRO branches follow the
# <type>/<product>/<description> convention, or are either
# "merge/upstream" or "master" e.g.:
# release/nicole/v1
# feature/vesnin/some-feature
# merge/upstream
# master
# Release branches (release/<machine>/vX) are expected to be forked off
# the master branch and may contain tags in the form
# <machine>-vX.Y[-rcZ|-dev*]. All release branches without machine tags,
# as well as any non-release branches produce 'Unofficial' builds.
# So do the release branches with -rc or -dev suffix in the latest tag.
python do_compile_prepend() {
print ("Preparing YADRO-specific version information")
version_id = d.getVar('VERSION_ID')
print ('Original VERSION_ID = %s' % version_id)
versionList = version_id.split('-')
branch_info = run_git(d, 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').split('/')
branch_type = branch_info[0]
if len(branch_info) > 1:
branch_product = branch_info[1]
branch_product = d.getVar('MACHINE', True).split('-')[0]
if len(branch_info) > 2:
# This is for <type>/<product>/<description> branches
# and <type>/<product>/<any>/<level>/<of>/<hierarchy> branches alike
branch_name = '-'.join(branch_info[2::])
# This is for "merge/upstream", "master" and any arbitrary branches
branch_name = '-'.join(branch_info)
print ('Branch type = %s' % branch_type)
print ('Branch product = %s' % branch_product)
print ('Branch name = %s' % branch_name)
# For <product>-vX.Y tags, simply strip off the '<product>-' part,
# then pretend it is a normal version tag
product_tagged = False
if branch_product == versionList[0]:
product_tagged = True
version = versionList[0] if len(versionList) > 0 else ''
if versionList[1][:2] == 'rc' or versionList[1] == 'dev': # Remove the '-rcX' and '-dev' parts
rcdev = versionList[1]
patch_level = versionList[1] if len(versionList) > 1 else 0
git_hash = versionList[2] if len(versionList) > 2 else 'nongit'
dirty = ('dirty' == versionList[3]) if len(versionList) > 3 else 0
# For release branches:
if 'release' == branch_type:
flag = ''
if not product_tagged:
# If there is no tag, take branch name for the major version
# and assume the minor version to be 0, patch level will
# represent the number of commits since branch creation
# (assuming that it branched off the master branch)
patch_level = run_git(d, 'rev-list --count origin/master..%s'
% '/'.join(branch_info))
# Prevent zero patch level. Zero patch level is an official release.
patch_level = str(int(patch_level) + 1)
version = branch_name.split('-')[0]
version += '.0'
# Any build from a release/<product>/* branch without a <product>-* tag
# is not an official release
release = 'Unofficial ' + branch_name
flag = '-unofficial'
# If there is a product tag, then it is used as the normal tag to
# designate the major and minor version, patch level is as usual
# the number of commits since the tag.
release = version
if (rcdev):
flag = '-' + rcdev
release += flag
# Official releases happen only exactly on tags, without extra
# commits. Release candidates and development releases are also
# not considered 'official'
if int(patch_level) or rcdev:
release = 'Unofficial ' + release
flag += '-unofficial'
version_id = version
version_id += 'r' + git_hash[1:7]
version_id += ('p' + patch_level) if int(patch_level) else ''
version_id += flag
version_id += '-dirty' if dirty else ''
name = 'YADRO %s BMC Firmware'
version_id += ("-" + branch_name) if (branch_name) else ''
release = version_id
name = 'YADRO %s BMC Development Firmware'
u_product = branch_product.upper()
d.setVar('VERSION_ID', version_id)
d.setVar('VERSION', version)
d.setVar('RELEASE', release)
d.setVar('PATCH_LEVEL', patch_level)
d.setVar('NAME', '%s' % (name % u_product))
d.setVar('PRETTY_NAME', '%s %s' % (name % u_product, release))
print ('%s VERSION_ID = %s' % (u_product, version_id))
print ('%s RELEASE = %s' % (u_product, release))
print ('%s PATCH_LEVEL = %s' % (u_product, patch_level))
python do_compile_append () {
with open(d.expand('${B}/issue'), 'w') as f:
f.write('%s %s @ \\l\n' % (name % u_product, release))
do_install_append () {
install -m 0644 issue ${D}${sysconfdir}/issue
install -m 0644 issue ${D}${sysconfdir}/
CONFFILES_${PN} += " ${sysconfdir}/issue ${sysconfdir}/"