blob: 146acdfbfd46ab7eb71cc5dcf6a93c37d5545e15 [file] [log] [blame]
# Security scanning class
# Based in part on buildhistory.bbclass which was in turn based on
# testlab.bbclass and packagehistory.bbclass
# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Intel Corporation
# Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Koen Kooi <>
require conf/distro/include/
ISAFW_REPORTDIR ?= "${LOG_DIR}/isafw-report"
ISAFW_LOGDIR ?= "${LOG_DIR}/isafw-logs"
# First, code to handle scanning each recipe that goes into the build
do_analysesource[nostamp] = "1"
do_analysesource[cleandirs] = "${ISAFW_WORKDIR}"
python do_analysesource() {
from isafw import isafw
imageSecurityAnalyser = isafw_init(isafw, d)
if not d.getVar('SRC_URI', True):
# Recipe didn't fetch any sources, nothing to do here I assume?
recipe = isafw.ISA_package() = d.getVar('BPN', True)
recipe.version = d.getVar('PV', True)
recipe.version = recipe.version.split('+git', 1)[0]
for p in d.getVar('PACKAGES', True).split():
license = str(d.getVar('LICENSE_' + p, True))
if license == "None":
license = d.getVar('LICENSE', True)
license = license.replace("(", "")
license = license.replace(")", "")
licenses = license.split()
while '|' in licenses:
while '&' in licenses:
for l in licenses:
recipe.licenses.append(p + ":" + canonical_license(d, l))
aliases = d.getVar('DISTRO_PN_ALIAS', True)
if aliases:
recipe.aliases = aliases.split()
faliases = []
for a in recipe.aliases:
if (a != "OSPDT") and (not (a.startswith("upstream="))):
faliases.append(a.split('=', 1)[-1])
# remove possible duplicates in pkg names
faliases = list(set(faliases))
recipe.aliases = faliases
for patch in src_patches(d):
if (not recipe.patch_files) :
# Pass the recipe object to the security framework
bb.debug(1, '%s: analyse sources' % (d.getVar('PN', True)))
addtask do_analysesource before do_build
# This task intended to be called after default task to process reports
addhandler process_reports_handler
process_reports_handler[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildCompleted"
python process_reports_handler() {
from isafw import isafw
dd = d.createCopy()
target_sysroot = dd.expand("${STAGING_DIR}/${MACHINE}")
native_sysroot = dd.expand("${STAGING_DIR}/${BUILD_ARCH}")
staging_populate_sysroot_dir(target_sysroot, native_sysroot, True, dd)
dd.setVar("STAGING_DIR_NATIVE", native_sysroot)
savedenv = os.environ.copy()
os.environ["PATH"] = dd.getVar("PATH", True)
imageSecurityAnalyser = isafw_init(isafw, dd)
bb.debug(1, 'isafw: process reports')
os.environ["PATH"] = savedenv["PATH"]
do_build[depends] += "cve-update-db-native:do_populate_cve_db ca-certificates-native:do_populate_sysroot"
do_build[depends] += "python3-lxml-native:do_populate_sysroot"
# These tasks are intended to be called directly by the user (e.g. bitbake -c)
addtask do_analyse_sources after do_analysesource
do_analyse_sources[doc] = "Produce ISAFW reports based on given package without building it"
do_analyse_sources[nostamp] = "1"
do_analyse_sources() {
addtask do_analyse_sources_all after do_analysesource
do_analyse_sources_all[doc] = "Produce ISAFW reports for all packages in given target without building them"
do_analyse_sources_all[recrdeptask] = "do_analyse_sources_all do_analysesource"
do_analyse_sources_all[recideptask] = "do_${PR_ORIG_TASK}"
do_analyse_sources_all[nostamp] = "1"
do_analyse_sources_all() {
python() {
# We probably don't need to scan these
if'native', d) or \'nativesdk', d) or \'cross', d) or \'crosssdk', d) or \'cross-canadian', d) or \'packagegroup', d) or \'image', d):'do_analysesource', d)
fakeroot python do_analyse_image() {
from isafw import isafw
imageSecurityAnalyser = isafw_init(isafw, d)
# Directory where the image's entire contents can be examined
rootfsdir = d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS', True)
imagebasename = d.getVar('IMAGE_BASENAME', True)
kernelconf = d.getVar('STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR', True) + "/.config"
if os.path.exists(kernelconf):
kernel = isafw.ISA_kernel()
kernel.img_name = imagebasename
kernel.path_to_config = kernelconf
bb.debug(1, 'do kernel conf analysis on %s' % kernelconf)
bb.debug(1, 'Kernel configuration file is missing. Not performing analysis on %s' % kernelconf)
pkglist = manifest2pkglist(d)
imagebasename = d.getVar('IMAGE_BASENAME', True)
if (pkglist):
pkg_list = isafw.ISA_pkg_list()
pkg_list.img_name = imagebasename
pkg_list.path_to_list = pkglist
bb.debug(1, 'do pkg list analysis on %s' % pkglist)
fs = isafw.ISA_filesystem()
fs.img_name = imagebasename
fs.path_to_fs = rootfsdir
bb.debug(1, 'do image analysis on %s' % rootfsdir)
do_rootfs[depends] += "checksec-native:do_populate_sysroot ca-certificates-native:do_populate_sysroot"
do_rootfs[depends] += "prelink-native:do_populate_sysroot"
do_rootfs[depends] += "python3-lxml-native:do_populate_sysroot"
isafw_init[vardepsexclude] = "DATETIME"
def isafw_init(isafw, d):
import re, errno
isafw_config = isafw.ISA_config()
# Override the builtin default in curl-native (used by cve-update-db-nativ)
# because that default is a path that may not be valid: when curl-native gets
# installed from sstate, we end up with the sysroot path as it was on the
# original build host, which is not necessarily the same path used now
# (see
# Can't use ${sysconfdir} here, it already includes ${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}
# when the current recipe is native.
isafw_config.cacert = d.expand('${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt')
isafw_config.machine = d.getVar('MACHINE', True)
isafw_config.timestamp = d.getVar('DATETIME', True)
isafw_config.reportdir = d.getVar('ISAFW_REPORTDIR', True) + "_" + isafw_config.timestamp
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(isafw_config.reportdir + "/test")):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(isafw_config.reportdir + "/test"))
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(isafw_config.reportdir):
else: raise
isafw_config.logdir = d.getVar('ISAFW_LOGDIR', True)
# Adding support for arm
# TODO: Add support for other platforms
isafw_config.arch = d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH', True)
if ( isafw_config.arch != "arm" ):
isafw_config.arch = "x86"
whitelist = d.getVar('ISAFW_PLUGINS_WHITELIST', True)
blacklist = d.getVar('ISAFW_PLUGINS_BLACKLIST', True)
if whitelist:
isafw_config.plugin_whitelist = re.split(r'[,\s]*', whitelist)
if blacklist:
isafw_config.plugin_blacklist = re.split(r'[,\s]*', blacklist)
la_image_whitelist = d.getVar('ISAFW_LA_PLUGIN_IMAGE_WHITELIST', True)
la_image_blacklist = d.getVar('ISAFW_LA_PLUGIN_IMAGE_BLACKLIST', True)
if la_image_whitelist:
isafw_config.la_plugin_image_whitelist = re.split(r'[,\s]*', la_image_whitelist)
if la_image_blacklist:
isafw_config.la_plugin_image_blacklist = re.split(r'[,\s]*', la_image_blacklist)
return isafw.ISA(isafw_config)
# based on toaster.bbclass _toaster_load_pkgdatafile function
def binary2source(dirpath, filepath):
import re
originPkg = ""
with open(os.path.join(dirpath, filepath), "r") as fin:
for line in fin:
kn, kv = line.strip().split(": ", 1)
m = re.match(r"^PKG_([^A-Z:]*)", kn)
if m:
originPkg = str(
except ValueError:
pass # ignore lines without valid key: value pairs:
if not originPkg:
originPkg = "UNKNOWN"
return originPkg
manifest2pkglist[vardepsexclude] = "DATETIME"
def manifest2pkglist(d):
import glob
manifest_file = d.getVar('IMAGE_MANIFEST', True)
imagebasename = d.getVar('IMAGE_BASENAME', True)
reportdir = d.getVar('ISAFW_REPORTDIR', True) + "_" + d.getVar('DATETIME', True)
pkgdata_dir = d.getVar("PKGDATA_DIR", True)
rr_dir = "%s/runtime-reverse/" % pkgdata_dir
pkglist = reportdir + "/pkglist"
with open(pkglist, 'a') as foutput:
foutput.write("Packages for image " + imagebasename + "\n")
with open(manifest_file, 'r') as finput:
for line in finput:
items = line.split()
if items and (len(items) >= 3):
pkgnames = map(os.path.basename, glob.glob(os.path.join(rr_dir, items[0])))
for pkgname in pkgnames:
originPkg = binary2source(rr_dir, pkgname)
version = items[2]
if not version:
version = "undetermined"
foutput.write(pkgname + " " + version + " " + originPkg + "\n")
except IOError:
bb.debug(1, 'isafw: manifest file not found. Skip pkg list analysis')
return "";
return pkglist
# NOTE: by the time IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND items are called, the image
# has been stripped of the package manager database (if runtime package management
# is not enabled, i.e. 'package-management' is not in IMAGE_FEATURES). If you
# do want to be using the package manager to operate on the image contents, you'll
# need to call your function from ROOTFS_POSTINSTALL_COMMAND or
# ROOTFS_POSTUNINSTALL_COMMAND instead - however if you do that you should then be
# aware that what you'll be looking at isn't exactly what you will see in the image
# at runtime (there will be other postprocessing functions called after yours).
# do_analyse_image does not need the package manager database. Making it
# a separate task instead of a IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND has several
# advantages:
# - all other image commands are guaranteed to have completed
# - it can run in parallel to other tasks which depend on the complete
# image, instead of blocking those other tasks
# - meta-swupd helper images do not need to be analysed and won't be
# because nothing depends on their "do_build" task, only on
# do_image_complete
python () {
if'image', d):'do_analyse_image', 'do_build', 'do_image_complete', d)
python isafwreport_handler () {
import shutil
logdir ='ISAFW_LOGDIR', True)
if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(logdir+"/test")):
addhandler isafwreport_handler
isafwreport_handler[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildStarted"