blob: dcf53d0cc68a219094b4f38fea098de41f6b5129 [file] [log] [blame]
# meta-tpm Maintainers File
# This file contains a list of recipe maintainers.
# Please submit any patches against recipes in meta to the
# Yocto mail list (
# If you have problems with or questions about a particular recipe, feel
# free to contact the maintainer directly (cc:ing the appropriate mailing list
# puts it in the archive and helps other people who might have the same
# questions in the future), but please try to do the following first:
# - look in the Yocto Project Bugzilla
# ( to see if a problem has
# already been reported
# The format is as a bitbake variable override for each recipe
# RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-<recipe name> = "Full Name <address@domain>"
# Please keep this list in alphabetical order.
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-aircrack-ng = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-pcr-extend = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-tpm-quote-tools = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-libtpm = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-trousers = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-swtpm = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-openssl-tpm-engine = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-tpm-tools = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-tpm2-abrmd = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-tpm2-totp = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-tpm2-tcti-uefi = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-tpm2-tss-engine = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-tpm2-pkcs11 = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-tpm2-tss = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-tpm2-tools = "Armin Kuster <>"
RECIPE_MAINTAINER_pn-ibmswtpm2 = "Armin Kuster <>"