blob: cfbaab1d9dacfb04d0bdc671c601ea419b04f1ac [file] [log] [blame]
package Bastille::API::AccountPermission;
use strict;
use Bastille::API;
use Bastille::API::HPSpecific;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
# &B_chmod ($mode, $file) sets the mode of $file to $mode. $mode must
# be stored in octal, so if you want to give mode 700 to /etc/aliases,
# you need to use:
# &B_chmod ( 0700 , "/etc/aliases");
# where the 0700 denotes "octal 7-0-0".
# &B_chmod ($mode_changes,$file) also respects the symbolic methods of
# changing file permissions, which are often what question authors are
# really seeking.
# &B_chmod ("u-s" , "/bin/mount")
# or
# &B_chmod ("go-rwx", "/bin/mount")
# &B_chmod respects GLOBAL_LOGONLY and uses
# &B_revert_log used to insert a shell command that will return
# the permissions to the pre-Bastille state.
# B_chmod allow for globbing now, as of 1.2.0. JJB
sub B_chmod($$) {
my ($new_perm,$file_expr)=@_;
my $old_perm;
my $old_perm_raw;
my $new_perm_formatted;
my $old_perm_formatted;
my $retval=1;
my $symbolic = 0;
my ($chmod_noun,$add_remove,$capability) = ();
# Handle symbolic possibilities too
if ($new_perm =~ /([ugo]+)([+-]{1})([rwxst]+)/) {
$symbolic = 1;
$chmod_noun = $1;
$add_remove = $2;
$capability = $3;
my $file;
my @files = glob ($file_expr);
foreach $file (@files) {
# Prepend global prefix, but save the original filename for B_backup_file
my $original_file=$file;
# Store the old permissions so that we can log them.
unless (stat $file) {
&B_log("ERROR","Couldn't stat $original_file from $old_perm to change permissions\n");
$old_perm= (($old_perm_raw/512) % 8) .
(($old_perm_raw/64) % 8) .
(($old_perm_raw/8) % 8) .
($old_perm_raw % 8);
# If we've gone symbolic, calculate the new permissions in octal.
if ($symbolic) {
# We calculate the new permissions by applying a bitmask to
# the current permissions, by OR-ing (for +) or XOR-ing (for -).
# We create this mask by first calculating a perm_mask that forms
# the right side of this, then multiplying it by 8 raised to the
# appropriate power to affect the correct digit of the octal mask.
# This means that we raise 8 to the power of 0,1,2, or 3, based on
# the noun of "other","group","user", or "suid/sgid/sticky".
# Actually, we handle multiple nouns by summing powers of 8.
# The only tough part is that we have to handle suid/sgid/sticky
# differently.
# We're going to calculate a mask to OR or XOR with the current
# file mode. This mask is $mask. We calculate this by calculating
# a sum of powers of 8, corresponding to user/group/other,
# multiplied with a $premask. The $premask is simply the
# corresponding bitwise expression of the rwx bits.
# To handle SUID, SGID or sticky in the simplest way possible, we
# simply add their values to the $mask first.
my $perm_mask = 00;
my $mask = 00;
# Check for SUID, SGID or sticky as these are exceptional.
if ($capability =~ /s/) {
if ($chmod_noun =~ /u/) {
$mask += 04000;
if ($chmod_noun =~ /g/) {
$mask += 02000;
if ($capability =~ /t/) {
$mask += 01000;
# Now handle the normal attributes
if ($capability =~ /[rwx]/) {
if ($capability =~ /r/) {
$perm_mask |= 04;
if ($capability =~ /w/) {
$perm_mask |= 02;
if ($capability =~ /x/) {
$perm_mask |= 01;
# Now figure out which 3 bit octal digit we're affecting.
my $power = 0;
if ($chmod_noun =~ /u/) {
$mask += $perm_mask * 64;
if ($chmod_noun =~ /g/) {
$mask += $perm_mask * 8;
if ($chmod_noun =~ /o/) {
$mask += $perm_mask * 1;
# Now apply the mask to get the new permissions
if ($add_remove eq '+') {
$new_perm = $old_perm_raw | $mask;
elsif ($add_remove eq '-') {
$new_perm = $old_perm_raw & ( ~($mask) );
# formating for simple long octal output of the permissions in string form
$new_perm_formatted=sprintf "%5lo",$new_perm;
$old_perm_formatted=sprintf "%5lo",$old_perm_raw;
&B_log("ACTION","change permissions on $original_file from $old_perm_formatted to $new_perm_formatted\n");
&B_log("ACTION", "chmod $new_perm_formatted,\"$original_file\";\n");
# Change the permissions on the file
if ( -e $file ) {
unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
$retval=chmod $new_perm,$file;
# if the distribution is HP-UX then the modifications should
# also be made to the IPD (installed product database)
if(&GetDistro =~ "^HP-UX"){
# making changes revert-able
&B_revert_log(&getGlobal('BIN', "chmod") . " $old_perm $file\n");
unless ($retval) {
&B_log("ERROR","Couldn't change permissions on $original_file from $old_perm_formatted to $new_perm_formatted\n");
else {
&B_log("ERROR", "chmod: File $original_file doesn't exist!\n");
# &B_chmod_if_exists ($mode, $file) sets the mode of $file to $mode *if*
# $file exists. $mode must be stored in octal, so if you want to give
# mode 700 to /etc/aliases, you need to use:
# &B_chmod_if_exists ( 0700 , "/etc/aliases");
# where the 0700 denotes "octal 7-0-0".
# &B_chmod_if_exists respects GLOBAL_LOGONLY and uses
# &B_revert_log to reset the permissions of the file.
# B_chmod_if_exists allow for globbing now, as of 1.2.0. JJB
sub B_chmod_if_exists($$) {
my ($new_perm,$file_expr)=@_;
# If $file_expr has a glob character, pass it on (B_chmod won't complain
# about nonexistent files if given a glob pattern)
if ( $file_expr =~ /[\*\[\{]/ ) { # } just to match open brace for vi
&B_log("ACTION","Running chmod $new_perm $file_expr");
# otherwise, test for file existence
if ( -e $file_expr ) {
&B_log("ACTION","File exists, running chmod $new_perm $file_expr");
# &B_chown ($uid, $file) sets the owner of $file to $uid, like this:
# &B_chown ( 0 , "/etc/aliases");
# &B_chown respects $GLOBAL_LOGONLY and uses
# &B_revert_log to insert a shell command that will return
# the file/directory owner to the pre-Bastille state.
# Unlike Perl, we've broken the chown function into B_chown/B_chgrp to
# make error checking simpler.
# As of 1.2.0, this now supports file globbing. JJB
sub B_chown($$) {
my ($newown,$file_expr)=@_;
my $oldown;
my $oldgown;
my $retval=1;
my $file;
my @files = glob($file_expr);
foreach $file (@files) {
# Prepend prefix, but save original filename
my $original_file=$file;
$oldown=(stat $file)[4];
$oldgown=(stat $file)[5];
&B_log("ACTION","change ownership on $original_file from $oldown to $newown\n");
&B_log("ACTION","chown $newown,$oldgown,\"$original_file\";\n");
if ( -e $file ) {
unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
# changing the files owner using perl chown function
$retval = chown $newown,$oldgown,$file;
# if the distribution is HP-UX then the modifications should
# also be made to the IPD (installed product database)
if(&GetDistro =~ "^HP-UX"){
# making ownership change revert-able
&B_revert_log(&getGlobal('BIN', "chown") . " $oldown $file\n");
unless ($retval) {
&B_log("ERROR","Couldn't change ownership to $newown on file $original_file\n");
else {
&B_log("ERROR","chown: File $original_file doesn't exist!\n");
# &B_chown_link just like &B_chown but one exception:
# if the input file is a link it will not change the target's ownship, it only change the link itself's ownship
sub B_chown_link($$){
my ($newown,$file_expr)=@_;
my $chown = &getGlobal("BIN","chown");
my @files = glob($file_expr);
my $retval = 1;
foreach my $file (@files) {
# Prepend prefix, but save original filename
my $original_file=$file;
my $oldown=(stat $file)[4];
my $oldgown=(stat $file)[5];
&B_log("ACTION","change ownership on $original_file from $oldown to $newown\n");
&B_log("ACTION","chown -h $newown,\"$original_file\";\n");
if ( -e $file ) {
unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
`$chown -h $newown $file`;
$retval = ($? >> 8);
if($retval == 0 ){
# if the distribution is HP-UX then the modifications should
# also be made to the IPD (installed product database)
if(&GetDistro =~ "^HP-UX"){
# making ownership change revert-able
&B_revert_log("$chown -h $oldown $file\n");
unless ( ! $retval) {
&B_log("ERROR","Couldn't change ownership to $newown on file $original_file\n");
else {
&B_log("ERROR","chown: File $original_file doesn't exist!\n");
# &B_chgrp ($gid, $file) sets the group owner of $file to $gid, like this:
# &B_chgrp ( 0 , "/etc/aliases");
# &B_chgrp respects $GLOBAL_LOGONLY and uses
# &B_revert_log to insert a shell command that will return
# the file/directory group to the pre-Bastille state.
# Unlike Perl, we've broken the chown function into B_chown/B_chgrp to
# make error checking simpler.
# As of 1.2.0, this now supports file globbing. JJB
sub B_chgrp($$) {
my ($newgown,$file_expr)=@_;
my $oldown;
my $oldgown;
my $retval=1;
my $file;
my @files = glob($file_expr);
foreach $file (@files) {
# Prepend global prefix, but save original filename for &B_backup_file
my $original_file=$file;
$oldown=(stat $file)[4];
$oldgown=(stat $file)[5];
&B_log("ACTION", "Change group ownership on $original_file from $oldgown to $newgown\n");
&B_log("ACTION", "chown $oldown,$newgown,\"$original_file\";\n");
if ( -e $file ) {
unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
# changing the group for the file/directory
$retval = chown $oldown,$newgown,$file;
# if the distribution is HP-UX then the modifications should
# also be made to the IPD (installed product database)
if(&GetDistro =~ "^HP-UX"){
&B_revert_log(&getGlobal('BIN', "chgrp") . " $oldgown $file\n");
unless ($retval) {
&B_log("ERROR","Couldn't change ownership to $newgown on file $original_file\n");
else {
&B_log("ERROR","chgrp: File $original_file doesn't exist!\n");
# &B_chgrp_link just like &B_chgrp but one exception:
# if the input file is a link
# it will not change the target's ownship, it only change the link itself's ownship
sub B_chgrp_link($$) {
my ($newgown,$file_expr)=@_;
my $chgrp = &getGlobal("BIN","chgrp");
my @files = glob($file_expr);
my $retval=1;
foreach my $file (@files) {
# Prepend prefix, but save original filename
my $original_file=$file;
my $oldgown=(stat $file)[5];
&B_log("ACTION","change group ownership on $original_file from $oldgown to $newgown\n");
&B_log("ACTION","chgrp -h $newgown \"$original_file\";\n");
if ( -e $file ) {
unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
# do not follow link with option -h
`$chgrp -h $newgown $file`;
$retval = ($? >> 8);
if($retval == 0 ){
# if the distribution is HP-UX then the modifications should
# also be made to the IPD (installed product database)
if(&GetDistro =~ "^HP-UX"){
# making ownership change revert-able
&B_revert_log("$chgrp" . " -h $oldgown $file\n");
unless (! $retval) {
&B_log("ERROR","Couldn't change group ownership to $newgown on file $original_file\n");
else {
&B_log("ERROR","chgrp: File $original_file doesn't exist!\n");
# B_userdel($user) removes $user from the system, chmoding her home
# directory to 000, root:root owned, and removes the user from all
# /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group lines.
# In the future, we may also choose to make a B_lock_account routine.
# This routine depends on B_remove_user_from_group.
sub B_userdel($) {
my $user_to_remove = $_[0];
if (&GetDistro =~ /^HP-UX/) {
return 0;
# Not yet suported on HP-UX, where we'd need to support
# the TCB files and such.
# First, let's chmod/chown/chgrp the user's home directory.
# Get the user's home directory from /etc/passwd
if (open PASSWD,&getGlobal('FILE','passwd')) {
my @lines=<PASSWD>;
close PASSWD;
# Get the home directory
my $user_line = grep '^\s*$user_to_remove\s*:',@lines;
my $home_directory = (split /\s*:\s*/,$user_line)[5];
# Chmod that home dir to 0000,owned by uid 0, gid 0.
if (&B_chmod_if_exists(0000,$home_directory)) {
else {
&B_log('ERROR',"B_userdel couldn't open the passwd file to remove a user.");
return 0;
# Next find out what groups the user is in, so we can call
# B_remove_user_from_group($user,$group)
# TODO: add this to the helper functions for the test suite.
my @groups = ();
# Parse /etc/group, looking for our user.
if (open GROUP,&getGlobal('FILE','group')) {
my @lines = <GROUP>;
close GROUP;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
# Parse the line -- first field is group, last is users in group.
if ($line =~ /([^\#^:]+):[^:]+:[^:]+:(.*)/) {
my $group = $1;
my $users_section = $2;
# Get the user list and check if our user is in it.
my @users = split /\s*,\s*/,$users_section;
foreach my $user (@users) {
if ($user_to_remove eq $user) {
push @groups,$group;
# Now remove the user from each of those groups.
foreach my $group (@groups) {
# Remove the user's /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow lines
# We should delete the user's group as well, if it's a single-user group.
if (open ETCGROUP,&getGlobal('FILE','group')) {
my @group_lines = <ETCGROUP>;
chomp @group_lines;
if (grep /^$user_to_remove\s*:[^:]*:[^:]*:\s*$/,@group_lines > 0) {
# B_groupdel($group) removes $group from /etc/group.
sub B_groupdel($) {
my $group = $_[0];
# First read /etc/group to make sure the group is in there.
if (open GROUP,&getGlobal('FILE','group')) {
my @lines=<GROUP>;
close GROUP;
# Delete the line in /etc/group if present
if (grep /^$group:/,@lines > 0) {
# The group is named in /etc/group
# B_remove_user_from_group($user,$group) removes $user from $group,
# by modifying $group's /etc/group line, pulling the user out. This
# uses B_chunk_replace thrice to replace these patterns:
# ":\s*$user\s*," --> ":"
# ",\s*$user" -> ""
sub B_remove_user_from_group($$) {
my ($user_to_remove,$group) = @_;
# We need to find the line from /etc/group that defines the group, parse
# it, and put it back together without this user.
# Open the group file
unless (open GROUP,&getGlobal('FILE','group')) {
&B_log('ERROR',"&B_remove_user_from_group couldn't read /etc/group to remove $user_to_remove from $group.\n");
return 0;
my @lines = <GROUP>;
close GROUP;
chomp @lines;
# Read through the lines to find the one we care about. We'll construct a
# replacement and then use B_replace_line to make the switch.
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*$group\s*:/) {
# Parse this line.
my @group_entries = split ':',$line;
my @users = split ',',($group_entries[3]);
# Now, recreate it.
my $first_user = 1;
my $group_line = $group_entries[0] . ':' . $group_entries[1] . ':' . $group_entries[2] . ':';
# Add every user except the one we're removing.
foreach my $user (@users) {
# Remove whitespace.
$user =~ s/\s+//g;
if ($user ne $user_to_remove) {
# Add the user to the end of the line, prefacing
# it with a comma if it's not the first user.
if ($first_user) {
$group_line .= "$user";
$first_user = 0;
else {
$group_line .= ",$user";
# The line is now finished. Replace the original line.
$group_line .= "\n";
return 1;
# &B_check_owner_group($$$)
# Checks if the given file has the given owner and/or group.
# If the given owner is "", checks group only.
# If the given group is "", checks owner only.
# return values:
# 1: file has the given owner and/or group
# or file exists, and both the given owner and group are ""
# 0: file does not has the given owner or group
# or file does not exists
sub B_check_owner_group ($$$){
my ($fileName, $owner, $group) = @_;
if (-e $fileName) {
my @junk=stat ($fileName);
my $uid=$junk[4];
my $gid=$junk[5];
# Check file owner
if ($owner ne "") {
if (getpwnam($owner) != $uid) {
return 0;
# Check file group
if ($group ne "") {
if (getgrnam($group) != $gid) {
return 0;
return 1;
else {
# Something is wrong if the file not exist
return 0;
# this subroutine will test whether the given file is unowned
sub B_is_unowned_file($) {
my $file =$_;
my $uid = (stat($file))[4];
my $uname = (getpwuid($uid))[0];
if ( $uname =~ /.+/ ) {
return 1;
return 0;
# this subroutine will test whether the given file is ungrouped
sub B_is_ungrouped_file($){
my $file =$_;
my $gid = (stat($file))[5];
my $gname = (getgrgid($gid))[0];
if ( $gname =~ /.+/ ) {
return 1;
return 0;
# &B_check_permissions($$)
# Checks if the given file has the given permissions or stronger, where we
# define stronger as "less accessible." The file argument must be fully
# qualified, i.e. contain the absolute path.
# return values:
# 1: file has the given permissions or better
# 0: file does not have the given permsssions
# undef: file permissions cannot be determined
sub B_check_permissions ($$){
my ($fileName, $reqdPerms) = @_;
my $filePerms; # actual permissions
if (-e $fileName) {
if (stat($fileName)) {
$filePerms = (stat($fileName))[2] & 07777;
else {
&B_log ("ERROR", "Can't stat $fileName.\n");
return undef;
else {
# If the file does not exist, permissions are as good as they can get.
return 1;
# We can check whether the $filePerms are as strong by
# bitwise ANDing them with $reqdPerms and checking if the
# result is still equal to $filePerms. If it is, the
# $filePerms are strong enough.
if ( ($filePerms & $reqdPerms) == $filePerms ) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
# B_permission_test($user, $previlege,$file)
# $user can be
# "owner"
# "group"
# "other"
# $previlege can be:
# "r"
# "w"
# "x"
# "suid"
# "sgid"
# "sticky"
# if previlege is set to suid or sgid or sticky, then $user can be empty
# this sub routine test whether the $user has the specified previlige to $file
sub B_permission_test($$$){
my ($user, $previlege, $file) = @_;
if (-e $file ) {
my $mode = (stat($file))[2];
my $bitpos;
# bitmap is | suid sgid sticky | rwx | rwx | rwx
if ($previlege =~ /suid/ ) {
$bitpos = 11;
elsif ($previlege =~ /sgid/ ) {
$bitpos = 10;
elsif ($previlege =~ /sticky/ ) {
$bitpos = 9;
else {
if ( $user =~ /owner/) {
if ($previlege =~ /r/) {
$bitpos = 8;
elsif ($previlege =~ /w/) {
$bitpos =7;
elsif ($previlege =~ /x/) {
$bitpos =6;
else {
return 0;
elsif ( $user =~ /group/) {
if ($previlege =~ /r/) {
$bitpos =5;
elsif ($previlege =~ /w/) {
$bitpos =4;
elsif ($previlege =~ /x/) {
$bitpos =3;
else {
return 0;
elsif ( $user =~ /other/) {
if ($previlege =~ /r/) {
$bitpos =2;
elsif ($previlege =~ /w/) {
$bitpos =1;
elsif ($previlege =~ /x/) {
$bitpos =0;
else {
return 0;
else {
return 0;
$mode /= 2**$bitpos;
if ($mode % 2) {
return 1;
return 0;
# this subroutine will return a list of home directory
sub B_find_homes(){
# find loginable homes
my $logins = &getGlobal("BIN","logins");
my @lines = `$logins -ox`;
my @homes;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
chomp $line;
my @data = split /:/, $line;
if ($data[7] =~ /PS/ && $data[5] =~ /home/) {
push @homes, $data[5];
return @homes;
# B_is_executable($)
# This routine reports on whether a file is executable by the current
# process' effective UID.
# scalar return values:
# 0: file is not executable
# 1: file is executable
sub B_is_executable($)
my $name = shift;
my $executable = 0;
if (-x $name) {
$executable = 1;
return $executable;
# B_is_suid($)
# This routine reports on whether a file is Set-UID and owned by root.
# scalar return values:
# 0: file is not SUID root
# 1: file is SUID root
sub B_is_suid($)
my $name = shift;
my @FileStatus = stat($name);
my $IsSuid = 0;
if (-u $name) #Checks existence and suid
if($FileStatus[4] == 0) {
$IsSuid = 1;
return $IsSuid;
# B_is_sgid($)
# This routine reports on whether a file is SGID and group owned by
# group root (gid 0).
# scalar return values:
# 0: file is not SGID root
# 1: file is SGID root
sub B_is_sgid($)
my $name = shift;
my @FileStatus = stat($name);
my $IsSgid = 0;
if (-g $name) #checks existence and sgid
if($FileStatus[5] == 0) {
$IsSgid = 1;
return $IsSgid;
# B_get_user_list()
# This routine outputs a list of users on the system.
sub B_get_user_list()
my @users;
while(<PASSWD>) {
#Get the users
if (/^([^:]+):/)
push (@users,$1);
return @users;
# B_get_group_list()
# This routine outputs a list of groups on the system.
sub B_get_group_list()
my @groups;
while(my $group_line = <GROUP>) {
#Get the groups
if ($group_line =~ /^([^:]+):/)
push (@groups,$1);
return @groups;
# &B_remove_suid ($file) removes the suid bit from $file if it
# is set and the file exist. If you would like to remove the suid bit
# from /bin/ping then you need to use:
# &B_remove_suid("/bin/ping");
# &B_remove_suid respects GLOBAL_LOGONLY.
# &B_remove_suid uses &B_chmod to make the permission changes
# &B_remove_suid allows for globbing. tyler_e
sub B_remove_suid($) {
my $file_expr = $_[0];
&B_log("ACTION","Removing SUID bit from \"$file_expr\".");
unless ($GLOBAL_LOGONLY) {
my @files = glob($file_expr);
foreach my $file (@files) {
# check file existence
if(-e $file){
# stat current file to get raw permissions
my $old_perm_raw = (stat $file)[2];
# test to see if suidbit is set
my $suid_bit = (($old_perm_raw/2048) % 2);
if($suid_bit == 1){
# new permission without the suid bit
my $new_perm = ((($old_perm_raw/512) % 8 ) - 4) .
(($old_perm_raw/64) % 8 ) .
(($old_perm_raw/8) % 8 ) .
(($old_perm_raw) % 8 );
if(&B_chmod(oct($new_perm), $file)){
&B_log("ACTION","Removed SUID bit from \"$file\".");
else {
&B_log("ERROR","Could not remove SUID bit from \"$file\".");
} # No action if SUID bit is not set
}# No action if file does not exist
}# Repeat for each file in the file glob
} # unless Global_log