blob: ad769de20593770830a8fcca134bef113df5c41e [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "create dependencies in makefiles"
DESCRIPTION = "The makedepend program reads each sourcefile in sequence \
and parses it like a C-preprocessor, processing \
all #include, #define, #undef, #ifdef, #ifndef, #endif, #if, #elif \
and #else directives so that it can correctly tell which #include, \
directives would be used in a compilation. Any #include, directives \
can reference files having other #include directives, and parsing will \
occur in these files as well."
DEPENDS = "xorgproto util-macros"
PE = "1"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=43a6eda34b48ee821b3b66f4f753ce4f"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "275f0d2b196bfdc740aab9f02bb48cb7a97e4dfea011a7b468ed5648d0019e54"