blob: 1a2d3309040192759959a19b20190bf77bc605bf [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Linux CAN network development utilities"
LICENSE = "GPLv2 & BSD-3-Clause"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://include/linux/can.h;endline=44;md5=a9e1169c6c9a114a61329e99f86fdd31"
DEPENDS = "libsocketcan"
SRC_URI = "git://${BPN}.git;protocol=git"
SRCREV = "3615bac17e539a06835dcb90855eae844ee18053"
PV = "2021.08.0"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit autotools pkgconfig update-alternatives
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-access ${PN}-isotp ${PN}-j1939 ${PN}-cantest ${PN}-slcan ${PN}-log"
FILES:${PN}-access = " \
${bindir}/cangw \
${bindir}/canlogserver \
${bindir}/bcmserver \
${bindir}/socketcand \
${bindir}/cannelloni \
FILES:${PN}-isotp = "${bindir}/isotp*"
FILES:${PN}-j1939 = " \
${bindir}/j* \
${bindir}/testj1939 \
FILES:${PN}-cantest = " \
${bindir}/canbusload \
${bindir}/can-calc-bit-timing \
${bindir}/canfdtest \
FILES:${PN}-slcan = "${bindir}/slcan*"
FILES:${PN}-log = "${bindir}/*log*"
ALTERNATIVE:${PN} = "candump cansend cansequence"
ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[candump] = "${bindir}/candump"
ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[cansend] = "${bindir}/cansend"
ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[cansequence] = "${bindir}/cansequence"
# busybox ip fails to configure can interfaces, so we need iproute2 to do so.
# See details in
RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "iproute2"