blob: 7d6ea81a2a5265bde52c5bedbef6bb290210111a [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Phosphor State Management"
DESCRIPTION = "Phosphor State Manager provides a set of system state \
management daemons. It is suitable for use on a wide variety of OpenBMC \
PR = "r1"
PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${S}/LICENSE;md5=e3fc50a88d0a364313df4b21ef20c29e"
${PN}-host \
${PN}-chassis \
${PN}-bmc \
${PN}-hypervisor \
${PN}-discover \
${PN}-host-check \
${PN}-reset-sensor-states \
${PN}-systemd-target-monitor \
${PN}-obmc-targets \
${PN}-scheduled-host-transition \
${PN}-chassis-check-power-status \
${PN}-secure-check \
SYSTEMD_PACKAGES = "${PN}-discover \
${PN}-reset-sensor-states \
${PN}-systemd-target-monitor \
# The host-check function will check if the host is running
# after a BMC reset.
# The reset-sensor-states function will reset the host
# sensors on a BMC reset or system power loss.
# Neither is required for host state function but are
# recommended to deal properly with these reset scenarios.
RRECOMMENDS:${PN}-host = "${PN}-host-check ${PN}-reset-sensor-states"
# The obmc-targets are the base targets required to boot a computer system
RRECOMMENDS:${PN}-host += "${PN}-obmc-targets"
inherit meson pkgconfig
inherit obmc-phosphor-dbus-service
inherit obmc-phosphor-systemd
DEPENDS += "sdbusplus"
DEPENDS += "sdeventplus"
DEPENDS += "phosphor-logging"
DEPENDS += "phosphor-dbus-interfaces"
DEPENDS += "libcereal"
DEPENDS += "nlohmann-json"
DEPENDS += "cli11"
DEPENDS += "libgpiod"
RDEPENDS:${PN}-chassis += "bash"
RDEPENDS:${PN}-host += "bash"
EXTRA_OEMESON:append = " -Dtests=disabled"
FILES:${PN}-host = "${bindir}/phosphor-host-state-manager"
FILES:${PN}-host += "${libexecdir}/host-reboot"
DBUS_SERVICE:${PN}-host += "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host@.service"
DBUS_SERVICE:${PN}-host += "phosphor-reboot-host@.service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-host += "phosphor-reset-host-reboot-attempts@.service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-host += "phosphor-clear-one-time@.service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-host += "phosphor-set-host-transition-to-running@.service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-host += "phosphor-set-host-transition-to-off@.service"
FILES:${PN}-chassis = "${bindir}/phosphor-chassis-state-manager"
DBUS_SERVICE:${PN}-chassis += "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis@.service"
FILES:${PN}-chassis += "${bindir}/obmcutil"
FILES:${PN}-bmc = "${bindir}/phosphor-bmc-state-manager"
FILES:${PN}-bmc += "${sysconfdir}/phosphor-systemd-target-monitor/phosphor-service-monitor-default.json"
DBUS_SERVICE:${PN}-bmc += "xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.service"
DBUS_SERVICE:${PN}-bmc += ""
FILES:${PN}-secure-check = "${bindir}/phosphor-secure-boot-check"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-secure-check += "phosphor-bmc-security-check.service"
FILES:${PN}-hypervisor = "${bindir}/phosphor-hypervisor-state-manager"
DBUS_SERVICE:${PN}-hypervisor += "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Hypervisor.service"
FILES:${PN}-discover = "${bindir}/phosphor-discover-system-state"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-discover += "phosphor-discover-system-state@.service"
FILES:${PN}-host-check = "${bindir}/phosphor-host-check"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-host-check += "phosphor-reset-host-running@.service"
FILES:${PN}-host-check = "${bindir}/phosphor-host-reset-recovery"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-host-check += "phosphor-reset-host-recovery@.service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-reset-sensor-states += "phosphor-reset-sensor-states@.service"
FILES:${PN}-systemd-target-monitor = " \
${bindir}/phosphor-systemd-target-monitor \
${sysconfdir}/phosphor-systemd-target-monitor/phosphor-target-monitor-default.json \
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-systemd-target-monitor += "phosphor-systemd-target-monitor.service"
FILES:${PN}-scheduled-host-transition = "${bindir}/phosphor-scheduled-host-transition"
DBUS_SERVICE:${PN}-scheduled-host-transition += "xyz.openbmc_project.State.ScheduledHostTransition@.service"
FILES:${PN}-chassis-check-power-status = "${bindir}/phosphor-chassis-check-power-status"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-chassis-check-power-status += "phosphor-chassis-check-power-status@.service"
# Chassis power synchronization targets
# - start-pre: Services to run before we start power on process
# - start: Services to run to do the chassis power on
# - on: Services to run once power is on
# - stop-pre,stop,off: Same as above but applied to powering off
# - reset-on: Services to check if chassis power is on after bmc reset
CHASSIS_SYNCH_TARGETS = "start-pre start on stop-pre stop off reset-on"
# Chassis action power targets
# - on: Services to run to power on the chassis
# - off: Services to run to power off the chassis
# - powered-off: Services to run once chassis power is off
# - reset: Services to check chassis power state and update chassis "on" target
# - hard-off: Services to force an immediate power off of the chassis
# - blackout: Target to enter when chassis experiences blackout
CHASSIS_ACTION_TARGETS = "poweron poweroff powered-off powerreset hard-poweroff blackout"
# Track all host synchronization point targets
# - start-pre: Services to run before we start host boot
# - starting: Services to run to do the host boot
# - started: Services to run once the host is booted
# - stop-pre,stopping,stopped: Same as above but applied to shutting down the host
# - reset-running: Services to check if host is running after bmc reset
HOST_SYNCH_TARGETS = "start-pre starting started stop-pre stopping stopped reset-running"
# Track all host action targets
# - start: Will run startmin target, this target used for any additional
# services that user needs for an initial power on of host.
# For example, resetting the host reboot count could be put in
# this target so on any fresh power on, this count is reset.
# - startmin: Minimum services required to start the host. This target will
# be called by reboot and start target.
# - stop: Services to run to shutdown the host
# - quiesce: Target to enter on host boot failure
# - graceful-quiesce: Target to enter on host boot failure (allow host graceful shutdown)
# - shutdown: Tell host to shutdown, then stop system
# - reset: Services to check if host is running and update host "start" target
# - crash: Target to run when host crashes. it is very much similar to
# quiesce target but the only delta is that this target contains
# multiple services and one of them is the quiesce target.
# - timeout: Target to run when host watchdog times out
# - reboot: Reboot the host with a chassis power cycle included
# - warm-reboot: Reboot the host without a chassis power cycle.
# - force-warm-reboot: Reboot the host without a chassis power cycle and without
# notifying the host.
# - diagnostic-mode: This will be entered when the host is collecting diagnostic
# data for itself.
HOST_ACTION_TARGETS = "start startmin stop quiesce graceful-quiesce reset shutdown crash timeout "
HOST_ACTION_TARGETS += "reboot warm-reboot force-warm-reboot diagnostic-mode"
CHASSIS_SYNCH_FMT = "obmc-power-{0}"
CHASSIS_ACTION_FMT = "obmc-chassis-{0}"
HOST_SYNCH_FMT = "obmc-host-{0}"
HOST_ACTION_FMT = "obmc-host-{0}"
CHASSIS_LINK_SYNCH_FMT = "${CHASSIS_SYNCH_FMT}:obmc-power-{0}@{1}.target"
CHASSIS_LINK_ACTION_FMT = "${CHASSIS_ACTION_FMT}:obmc-chassis-{0}@{1}.target"
HOST_LINK_SYNCH_FMT = "${HOST_SYNCH_FMT}:obmc-host-{0}@{1}.target"
HOST_LINK_ACTION_FMT = "${HOST_ACTION_FMT}:obmc-host-{0}@{1}.target"
FAN_LINK_FMT = "{0}.target"
# Targets to be executed on checkstop and watchdog timeout
CRASH_TIMEOUT_TGTFMT = "obmc-host-{0}@{1}.target"
QUIESCE_INSTFMT = "obmc-host-quiesce@{1}.target"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-obmc-targets += " \ \ \ \ \
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-obmc-targets += "${@compose_list(d, 'CHASSIS_SYNCH_FMT', 'CHASSIS_SYNCH_TARGETS')}"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-obmc-targets += "${@compose_list(d, 'CHASSIS_ACTION_FMT', 'CHASSIS_ACTION_TARGETS')}"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-obmc-targets += "${@compose_list(d, 'HOST_SYNCH_FMT', 'HOST_SYNCH_TARGETS')}"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-obmc-targets += "${@compose_list(d, 'HOST_ACTION_FMT', 'HOST_ACTION_TARGETS')}"
SYSTEMD_LINK:${PN}-obmc-targets += "${@compose_list(d, 'HOST_LINK_SYNCH_FMT', 'HOST_SYNCH_TARGETS', 'OBMC_HOST_INSTANCES')}"
SYSTEMD_LINK:${PN}-obmc-targets += "${@compose_list(d, 'FAN_LINK_FMT', 'OBMC_CHASSIS_INSTANCES')}"
SYSTEMD_LINK:${PN}-obmc-targets += "${@compose_list(d, 'QUIESCE_FMT', 'HOST_ERROR_TARGETS', 'OBMC_HOST_INSTANCES')}"
SRC_URI += "git://;branch=master;protocol=https"
SRCREV = "128ea8e3f1c56af1f7aa615a6f3b94088c9ba978"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"